Fintech Trending: Look Who’s Chasing Venmo, Student Loan Servicing Falls Short

Fintech Trending: Look Who’s Chasing Venmo, Student Loan Servicing Falls Short


A look at the trending topics of the past two weeks, co-authored by Finovate’s research analysts David Penn and Julie Schicktanz.


Venmo competition heats up
We’ve lately noticed more P2P payment app competitors trickle in. They have Braintree-owned Venmo’s (FD2016; F2013) millennial-focused social components stamped all over them:

  1. Founded by former N26 employees, Cookies launched this week to offer Germany-based users a free P2P payment solution. The simple UI has a messaging platform for senders and recipients to engage with, and it allows people to include emojis with their payments (Cookies calls them paymojis). Some paymojis have special powers, for example, a lightning bolt that allows users to send the money faster. Unlike Venmo (more like Square Cash), users do not maintain a balance on Cookies; instead, Cookies connects directly to a user’s bank account.
  2. Tilt originally began as a crowdfunding platform but launched P2P payments functionality this week. While the user interface is very Venmo-esque with emojis, gifs and a social feed, Tilt has a few differences. Aside from being based on a crowdfunding model where users pool money for weekend road trips and pizza nights, Tilt lists fundraising campaigns in its social feed and is available outside the U.S. Tilt has already launched in the U.K., Canada, and Australia.
  3. Our last Fintech Trending post described the growth of P2P payment service clearXchange, which scored Fiserv (F2016) as a distribution partner and added MasterCard Send debit cardholders to its client base. The Wall Street Journal reported this week that clearXchange is rebranding to Zelle in October to step up its competition with Venmo. While there is no word yet on UI and UX specifics such as emojis with special powers, gifs, and social feeds, there have been a few questions about the name Zelle, which Urban Dictionary defines as “a girl who is attractive and intelligent.”

New mobile payments methods are everywhere (and that’s not a good thing)

Last week, CVS joined a group of other retailers, banks, technology providers and payment services companies to launch its own mobile wallet. With the launch, the pharmacy intends to streamline the use of its rewards points with point-of-sale (POS) payments, but what it may actually be doing is adding yet another wet log to the slow-burning, mobile POS-payments fire.

The issue lies in part with low consumer interest and adoption; it’s still faster to swipe (or insert) your credit card than to take out and unlock your phone, open an app, and try to convince the cashier it is a legitimate way to pay. Also at fault is the large, fragmented number of suppliers. We’ve lost count, but here’s a partial list:

  • Apple Pay
  • Android Pay
  • Cake Pay
  • CVS Pay
  • Walmart Pay
  • MasterPass
  • Samsung Pay
  • Wells Fargo Wallet
  • Chase Pay
  • Starbucks
  • Capital One Wallet

Other news in the payments space

  • UnionPay’s mobile payments launched in Canada. The China-based payments network is the third largest in the world (following Visa and Mastercard). The launch enables Canadian cardholders to use UnionPay’s QuickPass EMV cards or app to pay at participating merchants.
  • Visa (FD2014; F2010) is in discussions with Nigerian banks to roll out mVisa, its QR code-based mobile payments service, by the end of this year. Consumers will be able to use their smartphone or feature phone to pay for goods with merchants, send domestic P2P payments, and access cash.
  • Apple expands carrier billing to Taiwan and Switzerland. The Taiwanese carrier is EasTone and while there’s no word yet on the carrier in Switzerland, it is expected to be Swisscom. This expands Apple’s carrier-billing partnerships, already operating in Germany and Russia, to four countries.

A big deal in ATMs gets a second look

Diebold (F2014) finalized its merger with German ATM maker Wincor Nixdorf last week, a deal that combined two of the largest three ATM companies. The deal closed for $1.8 billion and makes Diebold Nixdorf the world’s largest ATM company, claiming a third of the worldwide market.

Days after unveiling the newly formed entity, the ATM giant is facing an “in-depth merger investigation” from the U.K. Competition and Markets Authority. The agency said that it is concerned the deal will reduce the number of companies supplying ATMs in the U.K. The companies have until April 26, 2017, to “offer undertaking to address competition concerns.”

This further highlights the opportunity for disruption in the ATM space, a realm where companies such as Liqpay (F2013) have showed off solutions that allow cardholders to use their smartphones for a contact-less way to withdraw cash from ATMs.


Making Sense of Student Loan Debt—notwithstanding Bernie Sanders’ promises of free college tuition for all, the challenge of student loan debt isn’t going away anytime soon. Unfortunately, a recent report from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) suggests that loan servicers are a part of the problem, at least when it comes to income-driven repayment plans.

As reported in, much of the problem is bureaucratic, with “delays and rejections” that can expose student borrowers to greater interest, penalties, or even lost eligibility. “Student Loan servicers continue to fall short when it comes to helping borrowers address $1.3 trillion in student debt,” CFPB Director Richard Cordray said in a statement. “It’s time servicers focus more effectively on processing applications for income-driven repayment plans properly.”

And the CPFB is focused on more than just the student loan servicers. Wells Fargo was slapped with a $3.6 million fine this week for “illegal fees … and [depriving] others of critical information needed to effectively manage their student loan accounts,” according to Cordray. Wells Fargo said that it has already made changes to the processes criticized by the CPFB in its consent order.

It’s impossible to read about student loan debt in the headlines and not think of Student Loan Genius (F2016), which made its Finovate debut this spring. The company empowers employers to help millennial workers in particular pay off their student loan debts faster. This not only helps reduce what is often an onerous debt load (especially relative to the income of the average recent college graduate), but also enables young workers to start saving better.


Make Room for Dev—Google (FD2016 ; F2011) is the latest major technology company dedicating major square footage to support collaboration between “local and international developers and startups.” Writing in the Google Developers Blog, Global Lead Roy Glasberg revealed that more than 14,000 square feet at 301 Howard Street would be the home of a variety of dev-friendly events ranging from Google Developer Group meetings to Tech Talks. The new facility will also host Google’s equity-free, three-month accelerator for emerging market startups, LaunchPad Accelerator.

Earlier this summer, IBM (F2016) announced the opening of its developer space, Bluemix Garage, in New York City. The New York garage, IBM’s sixth, will be hosted by developer networking and education organization, Galvanize. In the U.K., Allied London announced a new fintech co-work space called “The Vault” that will occupy 20,000 square feet in Manchester’s business neighborhood. Meanwhile in Germany, ING-DiBa announced its sponsorship of the latest fintech hub in Frankfurt.

Meanwhile in Asia, PayPal (FD2014; F2012) announced this week the opening of an innovation lab in Singapore, its first such lab outside the U.S. The lab joins PayPal’s other Indo-Asia Pacific innovation lab in Chennai, India, and will be focused on improving productivity among SMEs in the food and beverage industry. We also learned this week that the Monetary Authority of Singapore is setting up a fintech innovation lab, Looking Glass @ MAS1 in that country.

  • “Google Developers to open a startup space in San Francisco” – Google Developers Blog
  • “IBM Opens Bluemix Garage in New York City” – Finovate
  • Allied London unveils fintech startup “Vault” in Manchester – Manchester Evening News
  • ING-DiBa backs new Frankfurt fintech hub – Finextra
  • PayPal opens Innovation Lab in Singapore for next generation fintech – Deal Street Asia
  • Singapore’s MAS gets in on the fintech innovation lab game – Tech in Asia
  • Fintech Groups Will Unite into Global Hubs – Fortune

Life in the blockchain

Swiss-based UBS announced a year ago its work on a virtual currency—Utility Settlement Coin—to facilitate faster transaction settlement. This week, UBS announced it has joined forces with Deutsche Bank, Santander, BNY Mellon, and ICAP to convince central banks to agree to a commercial launch by 2018. Competition for this digital currency include Citigroup’s Citicoin, Goldman Sachs’ SETLcoin, and a similar, yet-unnamed, offering from JPMorgan.

Finovate Alumni News– February 26, 2013

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  • TSYS reaches long-term deal with MLS Direct Network.
  • Ad Age takes a look at Bazaarvoice’s Media Labs project.
  • ProfitStars launches Gladiator Managed IT Services.
  • Expensify now available for BlackBerry 10 and the BlackBerry PlayBook.
  • Bank Innovation reports: New Banno President Charles E. Potts says Grip Will Triple User Base in 2013.
  • MyBankTracker lists Expensify as 1 of 3 finance apps that is way better than Mint.
  • ThreatMetrix introduces Behavioral Analysis in the ThreatMetrix Cybercrime Defender Platform.
  • Monitise triples value of payments and transfers over its technology platform from $10bn to $31bn.
  • features Liqpay in its review of the advantages and disadvantages of electronic money.
  • Coast Capital Savings Credit Union in Canada to deploy Temenos T24 core banking app.
  • Pockets United among the startups presenting at TechCrunch Mobile Barcelona this week.
  • Xconomy’s “Innovations in Financial Technology” features TradeKing.
This post will be updated throughout the day as news and developments emerge. You can also follow all the alumni news headlines on the Finovate Twitter account.

PrivatBank Empowers Cashless Transactions with Smartphones

This post is a part of our live coverage of FinovateEurope 2013.

Next up to the stage is PrivatBank:  
“Liqpay is the project of the Center of E-Business of Privatbank.  The Liqpay team specializes in innovative web and mobile services deployment such as Liqpay (, iPay (, and SiteHeart (site and a number of other projects.
We have developed smartphone applications that allow users to manage ATMs (cardless and contactless cash withdrawal) and payment apps for gas stations.”

Product Launched: October 2012

HQ Location: Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine
Company Founded: 2007
Metrics: Service is launched in 10,000 ATMs and in 1,500 gas stations in Ukraine.  The company has three employees.
Presenting Kristina Chaykovskaya (Vice President), Marla Gurina (Business Development Manager)

Finovate Best of Show Winners: 2007 to Present

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We recently looked back at Finovate’s Best of Show Awards archives and wanted to share the list of the 41 award-winning companies.

Here’s the Best of Show history that stretches back to 2007, the inception of Finovate:


Held October 2, 2007
Mint: Online PFM for individuals
Mortgagebot’s Mortgage Marvel: Mortgage marketplace
Prosper: P2P lending network

Held April 29, 2008
First ROI (now BancVue): Develops products and services for community financial institutions
Jwaala: Provides software solutions to help financial institutions compete
Zecco: Online stock and options trading
Zopa: P2P lending network
Held October 14, 2008
CheckFree: Online banking platform 
Credit Karma: Provides a free and easy way for consumers to understand, monitor and monetize their credit profile
Mint: Online PFM for individuals
Neosaej’s MoneyAisle: Platform where banks compete in live auctions for an individual consumer’s business 

Held April 28, 2009
BillShrink (now Truaxis): Provides a free cost-savings tool that saves consumers money on everyday bills
Prosper: P2P lending platform
Silver Tail Systems: Predictive analytics to prevent fraud abuse
SimpliFi: A web service that allows anyone to create and update their own financial plan
Held September 29, 2009
BancVue’s Kasasa: national checking/ savings account brand for community financial institutions Provides free interactive tools, education, and unbiased comparisons of quality financial products and services
Digital Insight from Intuit: Provides on-demand banking services to help financial institutions serve clients
Silver Tail Systems: Provides online fraud detection platform 
Yodlee: Provides personalized financial solutions to financial institutions

Held May 11, 2010
Bobber Interactive: Money management platform for youth
Expensify: Online and mobile expense report platform
oFlows (Purchased by Andera in 2011): Multichannel paperless solutions for account openings
Wikinvest: A platform for investors to share trading tips
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Held October 4-5, 2010
Betterment: Investment account for savings management 
BillShrink (now Truaxis): Loyalty rewards provider
Bundle: Provides socially informed money management for individuals
Dynamics: Produces and manufactures intelligent powered cards
oFlows (Purchased by Andera in 2011): Multichannel paperless solutions for account openings
PayNearMe: Cash transaction network for the underbanked
SecureKey: Token-based authentication technology
Held February 1, 2011
eToro: Social investment network
Finantix: Provides sales and advice solutions for financial services 
Liqpay: Payments platform
Meniga: Online PFM for financial institutions
Held May 10-11, 2011
BancVue: Develops products and services for community financial institutions
BankOns: Mobile app offering consumers real-time savings at local merchants
Dwolla: Online, mobile, and social peer-to-peer payment platform
oFlows (Purchased by Andera in 2011): Multichannel paperless solutions for account openings
Mitek Systems: Provides apps for smartphones that allow users to deposit checks and pay bills via their devices’ cameras
PayNearMe: Cash transaction network for the underbanked
Wikinvest: A platform for investors to share trading tips
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Held September 20-21, 2011
BillGuard: People-powered antivirus for bills
Dynamics:  produces and manufactures intelligent powered cards
eToro: Social investment network
FamZoo: Online “virtual family Bank”
FeeFighters: Platform that simplifies the process of choosing a merchant account provider
LearnVest: Online PFM for women
Offermatic: Targeted online offers provider
oFlows (Purchased by Andera in 2011): Multichannel paperless solutions for account openings
Personal Capital: Online financial advisor helping people manage their investments
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Held February 2, 2011
Cardlytics: Transaction-based rewards
Dynamics: produces and manufactures intelligent powered cards
eToro: Social investment network
Nutmeg: Online investment manager that democratizes saving and investing

FinovateEurope 2012 in the Press

Here’s a look at press coverage from FinovateEurope on Tuesday:
ABA Banking Journal
Innovative payment startups, 2012 Edition
ETRONIKA Creates Kinect-Based Security For Online Banking
by Greg Anderson
Backbase Blog
FinovateEurope 2012: a brief review 
by Jelmer de Jong


Bank Innovation
7 New Services Launched at FinovateEurope 2012
by Mary Wisniewski
Banking Technology 
Finovate Europe packs in the punters
Blick Log 
Finanzinnovationen von der Finovate
Finovate Europe points way to the future
by Neil Ainger
Another take on Finovate
by Gareth Lodge
FinovateEurope 2012: More Payments and Mobile, Less PFM
by Zilvinas Bareisis
Innovative Payments Startups, 2012 Edition
by Zilvinas Bareisis
Commercial Integrator
Etronika Unveils Improved Microsoft Kinect-Based Online Banking
by Rachel Cericola
Finance 2.0
Finovate 2012: Der erste Eindruck
by Boris Janek
Financial Services Club Blog
The best of innovation in finance: #Finovate Europe 2012
by Chris Skinner
Live at Finovate
by Pat Carroll
AcceptEmail’s Service Creates an Electronic Bill that Can Be Paid by Mobile
Actiance’s Socialite Engage Helps Advisors Manage Social Media
Aimia and Cardlytics Help Merchants Track Offers and Revenue
Backbase Improves Bank 2.0 Portal Manager
Business Centric Services Group Launches CreditHQ
Brokertainment’s StockBattle Lets Users Engage in Social Betting on Stocks
CurrencyFair Launches QuickTrade Feature
Dynamics Shows Off Smart Credit Card
eToro Introduces Guru Finder, Launches iPad App
ETRONIKA Revolutionizes How Users Interact with their Online Bank
Fenergo’s Deal Manager Helps with Client On-Boarding and Account Opening
Figlo Makes Financial Planning Accessible on Any Device
FinovateEurope 2012 Live Twitter Transcript
Finsphere’s Solutions Keep Online Banking Secure
Fiserv Introduces Mobiliti M-Cash
Handpoint Launches Secure Payment Solution for Tablets and Smartphones
Holvi Unveils Group Account Technology
IND Group’s Banking-Front Office Gamifies Personal Finance
InvestorBee From DCisions Helps Users Make Sound Investment Decisions
Ixaris Demonstrates Customizable Card Program in a Box
Kabbage’s ScoreKard Gives Online Merchants a Dashboard of Health
Liqpay’s Allows for Easy Online Payments
Luup’s Wallet System Facilitates the Internal Authorization Process
Meniga Upgrades PFM to Align with How People Think About their Money
miiCard Launches Open Beta of a Digital Passport for Online Identification
Mootwin Enables Users to Better Manage Mobile Ap
Nutmeg Offers a Tailored Investing and Saving Experience
PayPal Demonstrates Instant Account Creation
Ping Identity Shows How Financial Institutions Can Use Social Networking Logins
Sandstone Launches Mobile Banking App
Serverside’s Technology Creates Viral Marketing Through Facebook
Service2Media Enables Secure Mobile Payments
Striata Launches Paperless Adoption Technology
Tradeshift’s Instant Payments Gives Businesses a Faster Way to Receive Cash from Invoices
VALid from ValidSoft Uses Voice Authentication
Wipro Brings Customer Acquisition to the Tablet

ForresterLogo.jpgForrester Blogs

Finovate Europe 2012: Innovation In Digital Financial Services
by Benjamin Ensor
Finovate Europe: best of show winners
by Scott Thompson
Hotwire PR blog
Finovate Europe 2012 – the aftermath
by Ben L
I Programmer
Kinect The Ultimate Security Device
by Harry Fairhead
Inside Brunei fm
ETRONIKA Brings online banking to Gesture Control, But Why?
by Roshan Jerad Perera
miiCard Blog
Impact of Financial Services in 2012, from FinovateEurope
by Cassie Anderson
A Cookie for Your Thoughts
by Cassie Anderson
Mircea Mihaescu Blog
Finovate London– More Old News?
by Mircea Mihaescu
Money Marketing 
Ian McKenna: Technology the key to building scale
by Ian McKenna
Ian McKenna: The new wave of FS tech
by Ian McKenna
My Bank Tracker
Wave Your Arms in the Air: Etronika’s Gesture-Based Banking
by Willy Staley
Nutmeg Blog
Nutmeg wins ‘Best of Show’ at Finovate Europe
by Aisha, Jono and Nick
OCTO Talks!
Innovation dans les services financiers: Retour sur Finovate 2012
by Joseph Glorieux 
Partners in Prepaid
Finovate 2012: New Kids on the Block
by Duygu Tavan
Payment Observer 
Trends and Innovation in Finance: FinovateEurope 2012
by Martin Schuppelius
Kinect-Powered Online Banking Logs You In With Your Face And Voice
by Emma Hutchings
Slash Gear
ETRONIKA produce Kinect-based online banking
by Chris Burns
TechCrunch Europe
Lithuanian company develops Kinect-powered online banking system
by Mike Butcher
Financial Services and Data exhausts
by Yann
Kinect based online banking from Etronika a reality now
by Edwin Kee
Visible Banking
Cardlytics: Merchant Coupons within Online Banking [INTERVIEW]
by Christophe Langlois
Currency Fair: the P2P Marketplace to Exchange Currency on your Terms [INTERVIEW]
by Christophe Langlois
Etronika: Kinect Banking at the Branch, Minority Report Style [INTERVIEW]
by Christophe Langlois
etoro: Copy Trading, Gamification and Personal Branding [INTERVIEW]
by Christophe Langlois
Finovate Europe 2012 (Photos, Videos, Crowdsourced Blog Coverage)
by Christophe Langlois 
Holvi: One Stop Shop for Groups – Crowdfunding, Budgeting, Expensing
by Christophe Langlois
iBrokr’s StockBattle: the World’s First P2P Option Game [INTERVIEW]
by Christophe Langlois 
IND Group: Bringing Gamification into the Online Bank [INTERVIEW]
by Christophe Langlois
Kabbage: for SMEs, More Social Media Engagement = More Cash [INTERVIEW]
by Christophe Langlois
LiqPay’s Zip: a Payment Details Shortener ‘ Style’ [INTERVIEW]
by Christophe Langlois
Meniga’s CEO: PFM Fully Integrated to Online Banking [INTERVIEW]
by Christophe Langlois
Nutmeg: Providing Private Banking Services to the Masses [INTERVIEW]
by Christophe Langlois
Ping Identity: Tapping Social Media to Customize Customer Experience in Banking
by Christophe Langlois
Serverside Group: Customize your Card Design on Facebook [INTERVIEW]
by Christophe Langlois
Vision Research Lab
Finovate– look out for these companies
by Duygu Tavan
Finovate– Who to look out for
by Duygu Tavan
Finovate: Hot stuff from Finland – meet Holvi
by Duygu Tavan
Luup launches Mobile Travel Authorisation & Budget Management Service

Liqpay’s Allows for Easy Online Payments

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Afterwards, Liqpay debuted its new website:

“ allows recipients of a payment (companies and/or individuals) to shorten payment details transforming them into a short code. As a result, the short digital code is easy to dictate or pass to a payer over SMS or e-mail. has an API, which can be integrated to billing systems of other companies. For example, mobile operators, utility companies, banks, etc.
Privatbank (the largest bank in Ukraine) has already integrated the API into its online banking. Privatbank customers are able both to shorten payment details and use a short code to make a payment via online banking.”

Product Launched: February 2012

HQ Location: Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine
Company Founded: 2007
Metrics:  There are three employees working on the project – CEO & Founder, one developer, and a designer. 
Presenting Maria Gurina (Business Development Manager) & Kristina Chaykovska (Head of Electronic Business Center) 

eToro, Finantix, and Meniga Win Best of Show at FinovateEurope

Finovate_FEU_2011_BestofShow.pngIt was a fantastic day at the first FinovateEurope as 35 banking and financial technology companies debuted their latest innovations in front of a packed house. It was the first Finovate without at least one demo blowing up, though there were a couple close calls.

At the end of the day, attendees voted for their three favorite products. The four leading vote getters were named FinovateEurope “Best of Show” (see notes on methodology).
Every company that presented was named Best of Show by some portion of the audience. But the ones that ended on top today were as follows (in alphabetic order):

  • eToro launched OpenBook (CopyTrade & CopyTrader) which allows
    users to follow & copy trades of other users
  • Finantix introduced a suite of iPad applications for financial
    advisors to use in face-to-face client discussion
  • showed its new “$hop app” which allows a bank’s small business customers to easily set up a Facebook shop for ecommerce
  • Meniga 




    demoed its personal financial manager with an added gaming layer that combined humor with “social curiosity,” for example, to compare spending to peers

Congratulations! And thanks to everyone who presented, sponsored, attended and followed the @finovate tweets.


Notes on methodology:

1. Only audience members not associated with demoing companies were eligible to vote. Finovate employees did not vote.
2. Attendees were encouraged to note their favorites as the day went on. Ballots were turned in at the end of the last demo session. The exact written instructions given to attendees:
“Please rate (the companies) on the basis of demo quality and potential impact of the innovation they demoed. Note: Ballots with more than three companies circled will not be counted.”

Continue reading “eToro, Finantix, and Meniga Win Best of Show at FinovateEurope”

Last Chance for FinovateSpring Early-Bird Tickets — Only 2 Days Left to Save!

FinovateSpring 2010 LogoJust a quick reminder that the early-bird ticket prices for FinovateSpring 2010 (May 11, San Francisco) will expire at the end of March (less than 2 days from now). If you register by March 31, you’ll save $100 on your ticket and lock in your spot to see debuts and demos of dozens of new financial and banking technological innovations. 

We’ve handpicked an amazing list of companies to demo their latest including:

Tickets are selling well with hundreds of registered attendees from great organizations like: 

  • AARP
  • BNP Paribas
  • CBS
  • Experian
  • Google
  • Intuit
  • Kaiser Permanente
  • Mechanics Bank
  • Tower Group
  • USAA
  • Visa
  • Aite
  • Capital One
  • Celent
  • Filene
  • H&R Block
  • Jack Henry
  • Motley Fool
  • Target
  • PayPal
  • US Bank
  • Wells Fargo
  • Alliant Credit Union
  • Canaan Partners
  • Discover
  • Forrester Research
  • Highland Capital
  • Javelin Research
  • NY Times
  • TransUnion
  • Venrock
  • Wired Magazine

FinovateSpring is one of our twice-yearly showcases of the best new ideas in banking and financial technology. The show is built around a unique blend of fast-paced demos of actual technology (no slides!) and high-quality networking with an audience of senior FI executives, fintech entrepreneurs, VCs, press, industry analysts and bloggers. It’s an awesome environment to find your next competitive edge.

Don’t miss out on the early-bird price on your ticket to this great show. Register now!

P.S. Online Banking Report subscribers are entitled to an extra discount to our Finovate conferences. Email me to get it.

ericphoto.jpgEric Mattson is CEO of Online Financial Innovations, the parent company of NetBanker, Online Banking Report and the Finovate Conference Series. He can be reached at [email protected].

FinovateSpring 2010 Demo Companies Revealed


We’re very pleased to announce the lineup for the upcoming FinovateSpring 2010 conference. Taking place on Tuesday May 11 in San Francisco, the conference will showcase dozens of handpicked companies debuting and demoing their latest and greatest fintech innovations. The quality of the new ideas that will be demoed on stage is very high this year and we’re incredibly excited to showcase them to you.

The demoing companies selected (that we can reveal so far) are:

These companies will be showcased to an audience of senior financial/banking/credit union executives, influential press, industry analysts, venture capitalists, bloggers, tech companies and entrepreneurs.

A sampling of the great organizations already registered to attend includes: AARP, Aite, Alliant Credit Union, BNP Paribas, Capital One, Celent, Discover, Experian, Fidelity, Filene, Forrester Research, Google, Highland Capital, Intuit, Javelin Strategy, Jack Henry, Mechanics Bank, Motley Fool, NY Times, PayPal, Tower Group, USAA, US Bank, Venrock, Wells Fargo, and Wired Magazine.

We’d love to have you join us at the spring event and watch the future of finance/banking unfold onstage. If you register today you’ll save $100 via the early-bird ticket discount. Please note that the early-bird prices expire at the end of this month and space is limited so lock in your spot now!

ericphoto.jpgEric Mattson is CEO of Online Financial Innovations, the parent company of NetBanker, Online Banking Report and the Finovate Conference Series. He can be reached at [email protected].