FinovateEurope 2018 / JuicyScore

Presenter Profile:

How they describe themselves: We are a team of Fintech and AI professionals focused on development risk analytics solutions for the financial industry. Our key product, JuicyScore, is a risk analytics platform built on the open API, with a proprietary online seamless identification solution providing a wide range of online predictors and benchmarks. Our international experience shows that online behaviour data along with anti-fraud markers are substantially improving risk assessment, reducing fraud losses and increasing approval rates. And we are proud to say that we have clients who are outperforming the market 2+ times.

How they describe their product/innovation: JuicyScore is the risk analytics platform built on the open API that creates substantial advantage to Financial Organizations:

  • online risk assessment and fraud prevention based on the proprietary machine learning solution
  • 200+ predictors available via API
  • 30+ key risk benchmarks
  • device identification based on 19 different seamless web identification approaches
  • no personal / contact data is used

Product distribution strategy: Direct to Business (B2B), through financial institutions, through other fintech companies and platforms, licensed


Bus. Dev.: Pavel Bolshakov, CEO,, Filipp Kondrashov,
Press: Tatiana Bezruchenko,
Sales: Pavel Bolshakov, CEO,, Alexander Akhlomov, CPO,

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