FinovateEurope 2018 / iProov
Presenter Profile:
How they describe themselves: iProov is a rapidly expanding London-based business, whose mission is to authenticate online and mobile users in an extremely easy, highly secure and device independent way. iProov addresses the need by means of face verification, and its focus on effective spoof prevention as the core challenge for this technology has made it the market leader. Its uniquely effective liveness technology, coupled with its very high performance face matcher, are today used for authenticating users to their ID documents in a range of onboarding and KYC applications, and for online access control.
How they describe their product/innovation: iProov’s ID-Matcher authenticates online mobile users to their identity documents. It uses selfie face matching, protected by iProov’s unique anti-spoofing technology, to authenticate users against their photo ID image, read from their document by means like ReadID NFC contactless digital download. Until now such capabilities required an app to be installed on the mobile device. iProov is demonstrating ID-Matcher Instant, the world’s first app-less secure mobile onboarding solution, and a new patented capability to use a personal device as a separate authentication channel, for PSD2 SCA, ATM authentication or for physical access.
Product distribution strategy: Direct to Business (B2B), through financial institutions, through other fintech companies and platforms
Bus. Dev.: [email protected]
Press: Andrew Bud, CEO, [email protected]