FinovateAsia 2013 Best of Show: Yodlee

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Best of Show: Yodlee

Being able to put the “personal” in personal finance management may be the surest path to winning Best of Show at a Finovate event.

In New York, Yodlee introduced its “shared finances” PFM app, Tandem. Tandem’s use cases ranged from the woman able to co-manage the finances of a college age son (without dealing directly with “the ex”) to adult siblings collaborating via the app to help parents with their accounts. The technology impressed by showing attendees exactly how the mobile solution made managing money easier.

The international launch of Tandem in Singapore was equally adept at accentuating the personal. From the Indian ex-pat sending money to help pay for his parents’ new roof, to providing some not-too-tough love to a free-spending son newly at college, the Yodlee presentation succeeded in turning the abstraction of “financial circles” into something the average Mom, Dad, son or daughter can understand and appreciate.

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Why It Won:
  • Tandem showed how it can help individuals and families manage those personal relationships that are also financial relationships. As the market for PFM solutions becomes more competitive, Yodlee’s demo based on regionally-familiar use cases helped distinguished the international launch of this new entrant to the field.
Bottom Line:
  • Tandem is as attractive as any other personal finance management app on the market. But what helps to set the solution apart is its embrace of the “shared finances” concept. As Katy Gibson, VP of Applications, points out in our brief conversation below, managing shared finances “is something people all over the world have to do.” Tandem honors the privacy and sensitivity of those relationships while making it that much easier to negotiate them.
To see Yodlee’s Best of Show winning demo, click here.


Interview with Katy Gibson, Vice President of Applications
Finovate: Tandem earned Best of Show honors at FinovateFall, and was again a crowd-favorite at FinovateAsia, winning Best of Show in Singapore this year as part of the technology’s international launch. Different audiences, same positive reaction. Why so?
Katy Gibson: At its core, Tandem does something very simple – it makes it easier than ever to talk about and manage shared finances which is something people all over the world have to do. Financial relationships are different wherever you go, of course, but we’ve designed Tandem to be versatile and flexible so that it can accommodate international differences.
Finovate: The idea of financial circles within shared finances is what helps distinguish Tandem from other PFM solutions on the market. The idea of different circles hasn’t panned out in social media in general (compare the languishing Google+ to popular Facebook). Why do circles work so well when it comes to PFM and Tandem?
Gibson: Relationships to finances are very different than the general social relationships found in Facebook and Google+. When it comes to money, relationships are more private and more sensitive – and differ drastically between different people. Circles is the best convention to define those relationships. Separating relationships and their associated conversations and transactions into circles make them much easier to keep track of, maintain and define – especially when a large group of people is working on or talking about something at the same time.
Also, many of people’s financial relationships don’t overlap. So separate financial circles let you talk about and manage money very easily without sacrificing any privacy or security.
Finovate: What is the upside for banks and providers to make Yodlee’s Tandem available to their customers?
Gibson: It’s hard to pick just one!
Ultimately, because it’s to banks’ benefit to give their customers tools they love, that make their financial lives easier – which Tandem does in spades. Customers who feel supported by their bank stay loyal to their bank, so by offering a unique tool like Tandem, banks can keep their customers happy.
Also, the more customers use Tandem, the more insight banks gain into their financial habits and needs – who they manage their money with, how and why they’re spending money instead of just what they spend it on. So banks are able to present their customers with extraordinary relevant offerings across their entire range of products and solutions – which is great from a sales perspective, and once again increases loyalty by giving customers comprehensive, personalized support.
Finovate: What’s next from Yodlee? Can we expect further innovation within Tandem? What sort of functionality might be developed for the app over the next 3-6 months?
Gibson: We’re always innovating and looking for ways to make our products and services more powerful, and though we’re not ready to make any announcements at the moment, we look forward to surprising you with what’s next when we’re ready!

Finovate Alumni News– December 2, 2013

  • Finovate-F-Logo.jpgPlace2Give partners with GivingTuesday Canada to promote giving this holiday season.
  • PlayMoolah launches WhyMoolah in collaboration with DBS Bank.
  • FinanceIt welcomes Katie Robinson, VP of Strategic Innovation at FIS, and Mark Johnson, former vice chairman of CheckFree to its board.
  • In Xconomy post Yodlee CEO Anil Arora explains how financial apps will make people smarter & more open about money.
  • Temenos announces T24 implementations in three Ghanian FIs.
  • LICUOS featured in International Banker column on supply chain financial management.
  • Oanda announces first upgrade to its recently acquired social trading service, Currensee.
  • Mint, Manilla, Expensify, and SavedPlus listed among MyCurrencyTransfer’s “Top 10 Money-Saving Apps.”
This post will be updated throughout the day as news and developments emerge. You can also follow all the alumni news headlines on the Finovate Twitter account.

Group Banking Gets an App, A Look at Yodlee’s Tandem

image In the six years PM (post Mint), dozens of startups have launched with the goal of simplifying group finances. For the most part, they’ve started with two use cases:

1. Sharing rent and utilities among roommates
2. Splitting the bar/dinner tab among friends

Those are the significant financial problems faced by 24-year old founders living in the Bay Area or Brooklyn. But for the rest of the world, those are relatively small or non-existent issues. What we need are financial collaboration tools for adults.

But I’m happy to report there is finally an app for that. And it’s from a fintech company known for providing the PFM plumbing, not the fixtures, Yodlee. The company’s Tandem app made its debut in September at FinovateFall earning a Best of Show award. Tandem repeated with another Best of Show at its international debut last week at FinovateAsia (upper right).

imageTandem uses a four-layer "financial circles" approach inspired by Circles in Google Plus (see inset left):

  1. You
  2. Inner circle: Used to transact
      with family members 
  3. Friends: Used to share expenses
      with groups of friends 
  4. Advisors: Used to collaborate 
      with professional advisors  

The app allows the various circles to jointly manage financial issues, such as siblings chipping in to manage and elderly parent’s expenses. The brilliant thing Yodllee did, which is often overlooked, is to imagefocus on the communications about group finances. Compared to the relatively simple transaction, communicating is often far more time consuming, prone to error, not to mention creating ill will.

In its demo (right), Yodlee showed how siblings could communicate within Tandem about a suspicious charge on their mom’s account. Each person in this financial circle are depicted with thumbnails at the top. Each can communicate with the others using the text-message like interface (lower half of the screen).

Bottom line: There is still hard work required to make Tandem a reality. Yodlee is in discussions with a number of potential clients, but doesn’t expect it to be live much before mid-2014.

Even so, Tandem is the type of tangible improvement that PFM has long promised (note 1). I’d love to move beyond text messaging, and use Tandem to better sync financially with my son when he heads off to college next fall. 

But don’t take my word for it, here’s a final thought from USAA’s acclaimed innovator, Neff Hudson (Tweeted during FinovateFall, 10 Sep 2013)



FinovateFall 2013 Demo 
Check out Yodlee CEO Anil Agora and VP Katy Gibson show it off at FinovateFall (note, this is not an embed, click on the picture and you’ll go to the webpage where you can play it):



Post-show interview of Anil Agora, by Finovate’s David Penn:

clip_image002For some, PFM innovations are like hearing that the Dallas Cowboys have a new coach or the New York Yankees have a new pitcher. At the end of the day, they are still the Cowboys and the Yankees and you either love them or you don’t.

But you could almost hear the collective “yes!” when the Yodlee team presented the “shared finances” feature of their PFM app, TANDEM. Who knew the ability to manage finances for elderly parents or high school age children without having to talk with your ex-husband (or ex-wife, I assume) would be so popular?

Congratulations to Yodlee for helping make PFM new again. Here are a few thoughts on TANDEM from Yodlee President and CEO Anil Arora.

Q. Why did Yodlee win Best of Show?

Anil: We think Yodlee won Best of Show at FinovateFall with our Tandem app for two simple reasons: 1.) It’s truly unique, and 2.) Everyone in the audience could relate to it personally.

With nearly 70 presenters, it’s challenging to create something that is dramatically different. We saw a void (and opportunity) in the market to go beyond traditional money management conversations around budgeting and spending to create real dialogue and action around relationships. One of our favorite tweets recognized that “life is messy.” We are all complicated and social beings. So Tandem was designed to both embrace that and to help create some order and peace of mind around how we manage finances within the context of personal relationships (children, spouses, aging parents, teams, friends, roommates, etc.).

Our goal was to tell the Tandem story through real-world use-cases that everyone can understand. We used scenarios such as having a child in college who needs money for school purchases, communicating with siblings to help an aging parent manage bills and protect against fraud, and business partners working through the process of getting a business loan with their bank. These are just a few of hundreds of scenarios that we all face every
day where our new Yodlee Tandem mobile app could play a valued and proactive role in both the communication around finances and actual money movement. It’s safe, easy, and relevant to every day life.

Innovation is key to Yodlee’s DNA. We are passionate about creating a platform and an ecosystem that solves real problems, breaks down technical barriers, and moves industries forward. We hope our new Tandem app does all that!

Q. What would you like to add to what we’ve learned from your demo?

Anil: Telling a complete story in seven minutes is really tough. For example, we showed only a few use-cases for Tandem out of the hundreds that exist. When you’re excited and passionate about how an app can change lives, it’s hard to choose just two or three instances to show the crowd. We also would have loved to add more about the ease and power of how someone can actually set up a financial circle. It’s very easy and it’s very powerful.

The financial circles concept of communication within pre-determined social circles is really unique, and the ability to control the account-sharing access is paramount. This clearly distinguishes Tandem from other apps and services. We haven’t seen anything else in the market where you can securely interact with others around specific accounts and transactions with distinct parameters around what is shared and accessed, from specific (tagged) transactions to full account access with a trusted advisor. Tandem enables full control while empowering users to have a real dialogue around important financial matters in real-time.

Q. What can we look forward to over the next three to six months?

Anil: Since Finovate, we have received tremendous interest in the Tandem app. We’re really excited about seeing Yodlee Tandem live and in action providing value to millions of people around the world. We’re already getting substantial consumer feedback on both the concept and the user experience and that will increase exponentially when the app goes live.

We will provide Tandem to existing and new customers within both our financial institution business and also within our API business to consumer services companies, large and small. We believe this is a very useful and valuable app that will engage people in all-new ways around managing financial relationships and having productive conversations about a very sensitive topic: money.


1. We’ve tackled PFM numerous times over the years in our Online Banking Report. Most recently here (subscription). 

FinovateAsia 2013 Best of Show Winners


FinovateAsia 2013 was quite a success. We just finished up the second annual FinovateAsia in Singapore. 

After the show, the audience selected their favorite of the 35 demo companies. The top four companies were named Best of Show, and took home a trophy.

The winners (in alphabetical order):


BehavioSec, for its behavioral biometrics-based authentication method 
Live blog post


IND Group, for its Essence mobile banking app, with detailed financial management tools
Live blog post


Kofax, for its omni-channel solution that accelerates and enhances the underwriting process
Live blog post


Yodlee, for the international debut of TANDEM, an app that helps groups manage and discuss shared finances
Live blog post

All of the demo videos will be posted on in a few weeks.

Many thanks to the great audience that participated in this year’s event. Also, thanks to the 34 innovative companies who demonstrated their newest tech from the FinovateAsia stage. Keep the tech coming!


Notes on methodology:  
1. Only audience members NOT associated with demoing companies were eligible to vote. Finovate employees did not vote.     
2. Attendees were encouraged to note their favorites during each day. At the end of the last demo, they chose their three favorites.    
3. The exact written instructions given to attendees: “Please rate (the companies) on the basis of demo quality and potential impact of the innovation demoed.”  
4. The four companies appearing on the highest percentage of submitted ballots were named Best of Show.  
5. Go here for a list of previous Best of Show winners. 

Yodlee Launches Tandem App Internationally

This post is part of our live coverage of FinovateAsia 2013.

YodleeLogo2012.jpgNext, Yodlee took the stage to debut its Tandem app:

“Most people have multiple “shared finances” in their life. Spouses. Children. Elderly parents. Accountants. Advisors. Friends. So Yodlee is introducing Tandem – the first collaborative financial app that lets users securely establish and manage their social financial relationships. 
From tagging transactions, to sharing documents, to sending money, to collaborating with advisors and accountants, Tandem gives users the power to establish financial circles based on levels of trust and account sharing access. And Tandem gives financial institutions the ultimate mobile banking app.”

Presenting Katy Gibson (VP, Applications) and Melanie Flanigan (Head of Marketing)
Product Launch: November 2013 (international)
Metrics: Yodlee is a global financial leader with 600+ customers, 50M+ users, and more than 700 employees worldwide. From leading financial institutions to Fortune 500 consumer service companies to the coolest startups, Yodlee powers innovative digital services shaping the future of customer interactions. With 25%+ year over year revenue growth, Yodlee continues to expand in existing and new markets globally.
Product distribution strategy: Direct to Business (B2B), through financial institutions & through other fintech companies and platforms
HQ: Redwood City, CA, USA
Founded: February 1999
Twitter: @yodlee

FinovateAsia 2013 Demo Companies Bring Global Innovation to Singapore

FinovateAsia is typically our most globally diverse show, and this year is no different. Two weeks from now, we will showcase 37 demos from companies spanning the globe that are innovating in everything from remittance to small business tools to back office solutions and much more. 

Given that diversity, we thought it would be fun put together a map showing the geographic spread of the demoing companies that will take the stage (click the map to enlarge).


Here’s the breakdown of the number of companies from each region:

  • Asia: 12
  • Europe: 11
  • North America: 9
  • Africa: 1
  • Oceania: 2
  • Middle East: 2

To refresh your memory, the list of the companies that we’ve hand-picked to show off their new technology at the Max Atria @ Singapore Expo on November 14, include:

  • Advanced Merchant Payments
  • App Annie
  • Arkalogic
  • ArthaYantra
  • Backbase
  • BehavioSec
  • BlueKite
  • BRIDGEi2i
  • CustomerXPs Software
  • DragonWealth
  • GMC Software Technologies
  • i-exceed
  • IND Group
  • Intuition Intelligence
  • KlickEx
  • Kofax
  • LifePAD
  • Luminous
  • Mambu
  • Matchi
  • Mistral Mobile
  • Mobexo
  • Mobino
  • Pangea
  • Payoneer
  • Pixeliris
  • Red Zebra
  • SaaS Markets
  • Serverside
  • Smart Engine
  • Tootpay
  • TradeNet
  • TSYS
  • White Label Personal Clouds
  • Yodlee

To see live demos of the new technology, meet the entrepreneurs responsible, and network with others in the industry, get your ticket to FinovateAsia here. If you have questions about the show, check out who is attending or email

Showing Our Age: A Look at FinovateAsia 2013 Demo Company Launch Timeline

At Finovate, we’ve seen how great innovation comes from companies of all ages. All we have to do is look at the Best of Show winners from FinovateAsia 2012. The founding dates of the winners ranged from 1858 (NAB, the parent company of UBank) to 2012 (SocietyOne).

We don’t know who will win Best of Show at FinovateAsia in Singapore this year, but looking at the launch date of the 37 companies taking the stage November 14, we found a 28-year spread. 

Here they are in reverse chronological order with funding amounts, if disclosed:

2013- 2012
  • BlueKite: 2013
    Total Funding: $1.5 million Seed funding
  • KlickEx: 2011
    Total Funding: $1.3 million
  • Mambu: 2011
    Total Funding: $2 million Series A

2007 or earlier
  • Yodlee: 1999
    Total Funding: $124 million
  • BehavioSec: 1998
    Total Funding: $2 million (€1.5 million)
  • Kofax: 1985
    Public LON: KFX

To learn more about each of these companies, check them out here and come see their live demos in Singapore on November 14.


All numbers and funding information sourced from

What to Expect at FinovateAsia this November


You may have seen the list of FinovateAsia demoing companies we released a few weeks ago. Here are more details on the 32 companies demoing November 14 at the MAX Atria @ Singapore Expo. Get your ticket here to be part of the crowd.

Stay tuned for our Sneak Peek series next month featuring a behind-the-scenes look at each company and chance meet the innovators.


Advanced Merchant Payments’ innovative loan management solution enables banks to offer profitable, unsecured, short-term loans to small businesses

ArthaYantra provides personal financial advice online to everyone irrespective of what they earn

Backbase brings social media to the bank, and the bank to social media

BehavioSec has extended its award-winning BehavioMobile solutions to offer policy-based behaviour authentication


BellaDati is the agile business data analysis with human touch

BlueKite’s international bill payment service improves an immigrants’ ability to care for family back home

BRIDGEi2i is a trusted partner that enables organizations to achieve accelerated outcomes by embedding analytics in their DNA

CustomerXPs Software is a leading product company offering real-time, Enterprise Fraud Management & CEM products to banks globally

GMC Software Technology is a leading software developer of solutions that transform the customer experience

i-exceed has created a Unified Application Development Suite for smartphone, tablets, desktops and laptops across operating systems

IND Group is a leading innovator and developer of digital banking, PFM and payments technology

Intuition Intelligence delivers the right offer at the right moment to the right client via digital channels

KlickEx is a Global Clearing System for commercial and central banks. The Clearing System extends to Retail, as well

Kofax is a leading provider of smart process applications that simplify the business critical First Mile of information-intensive customer interaction

Luminous is a boutique innovation company that has become synonymous with innovative banking around the world

Mambu enables financial institutions to rapidly deliver state-of-the-art banking services through a cloud-first Software-as-a-Service solution

Matchi is a matchmaker for innovation

Mistral Mobile powers your mobile financial services to serve anyone

Mobexo is a scalable, value-added payment ecosystem that allows transactions to be executed between smartphones

Mobino enables mobile payments for 5 billion people, from any phone, no credit card required

Pangea Payments’ multiplatform solution will allow you to send money to anyone, from anywhere, at any time, using mobile and retail locations around the world

Red Zebra brings together consumers, banks and retailers, with targeted rewards based on spending patterns


SaaS Markets is the enterprise app store company for financial organizations looking to leverage cloud-based applications for their employees or customers

Serverside Group is the global technology leader in digital card designs and a provider of innovative artwork solutions that create meaningful results


SinoLending is the leading online lending platform in China

Smart Engine’s Multichannel Loyalty Platform benefits financial institutions, merchants, web shops and users

TIBCO Software creates real-time, event-enabled solutions for the 21st Century

Tootpay’s mobile payment solution works independently from network and operator. It is encrypted, using a standard mobile phone

TradeNet provides an equity trading customer channel for retail customers in emerging markets at $5 a month

TSYS focuses on people-centered payments

White Label Personal Clouds’ Website Welcomer eliminates username/passwords and enables seamless, private transfer of information between organisations


Yodlee is the platform for financial innovation, powering the world’s largest collection of transactional data
To learn more about FinovateAsia, visit the event page, check out the FAQ, or email

FinovateFall 2013 Best of Show Winners


In case you don’t follow our Finovate blog, I thought I should post the audience favorites from last week’s seventh annual Finovate in New York City. After an intense two days with 69 demos, the audience voted for their favorites. The top eight were named Best of Show (in alphabetical order):


  Interactions voice-based virtual assistant technology


LearnVest iPad app and Workplace Solutions Center


mBank & Accenture Bank 3.0 online platform

MitekLogo13.jpg Mitek Mobile Photo Account Opening solution

MoneyDesktopLogoNew.jpg  MoneyDesktop GuideMe solution

motiflogo.jpg Motif platform that lets you invest in ideas in one click

TipRanksLogo.jpg TipRanks cloud-based accountability engine for investors

YodleeLogo2012.jpg  Yodlee TANDEM system to help groups manage and discuss shared finances


Full-length video of every demo will be posted on in a few weeks.

A huge thank you to everyone who joined the audience and participated in our largest New York show so far. And, of course, thanks to the 69 innovative companies who took on the FinovateFall stage in front of a crowd of 1,100 audience members.


Notes on methodology:  
1. Only audience members NOT associated with demoing companies were eligible to vote. Finovate employees did not vote.     
2. Attendees were encouraged to note their favorites during each day. At the end of each day they chose their three favorites.    
3. The exact written instructions given to attendees: “Please rate (the companies) on the basis of demo quality and potential impact of the innovation demoed.”  
4. The eight companies appearing on the highest percentage of ballots were named Best of Show.  
5. Go here for a list of previous Best of Show winners.

FinovateFall 2013 in the Press


Affluent Strategies
Finovate Fall 2013 Best of Show Winners
by JP Nicols
All Marketing (in Hebrew)
הסטארט-אפ הישראלי, TipRanks, זוכה זה בפעם השנייה בכנס Finovate
by Shirley Asa
American Banker
Business Lender Finds Trove of Insights in Client CRM Data
by Penny Crosman
MoneyDesktop Launches Long-Term Goal Setting Tool
by Sean Sposito
PFM Apps Dominate FinovateFall Day One
by Mary Wisniewski
Reporter’s Picks: Three Top Apps at FinovateFall
by Sean Sposito
The Cutting Edge of Online Banking, as Practiced by a Polish Bank
by Mary Wisniewski
The Top 10 Tweets of Finovate
What Engagement Banking Needs Is Less Engagement
by Jeanine Skowronski
Backbase Blog
Backbase Unveils New Commercial Banking Portal Solution at FinovateFall 2013
by Prue Duggan
Bank Innovation
‘Electronic Checks’ Give Paper Payments New Life
by Philip Ryan
European Innovators Throw Down the Gauntlet: Where’s the Innovation, Americans?
by Philip Ryan
Finovate 2013: Our take on the Best of Show winners
by Steven Ramirez
Finovate Fall ’13: Numbrs, Pixeliris, Word Sentry, and Mitek Come on Strong
by Philip Ryan
Finovate Fall ’13: Strong Demos from Float Money, BizEquity, Zighra & SpearFysh
by Philip Ryan
Finovate Fall ’13: Strong Demos from Instabank, SavedPlus & TipRanks
by Phillip Ryan
Finovate Fall ’13: Think Finance, MBank Lead the Pack
by Philip Ryan
Bank Marketing Strategy
Ten Tips To Doing Finovate Like A Pro
by Jim Marous
Bank Systems & Technology and Wall Street & Technology
5 Game-Changing Financial IT Startups
by Becca Lipman
5 Ways Mobile Banking Is Evolving: Finovate
by Jonathan Camhi
Finovate Fall 2013: A Few FinTech Providers for Capital Markets
by Zarna Patel
Finovate 2013: We’re All Infected With Malware
by Becca Lipman
Making Personal Finance Social Spotlighted At Finovate
by Jonathan Camhi
Barlow Research Associates
Innovations that Improve Business Banking Workflow
by Donna Arce
BostInno, Streetwise Media
Franklin-Based Interactions Reinvents the Virtual Assistant Application, Wins Finovate’s Best in Show
by Andrew Amato
Crain’s New York Business 
Financial-technology startups roil banking’s status quo
by Judith Messina
Hottest tech sector is all about money
by Judith Messina
Credit Union Times
Mitek Debuts Mobile Photo Account Opening
by Robert McGarvey
5 Areas Of Innovation All Credit Unions Need To Monitor
by Scott Patterson
The Role Of Innovation In Today’s Credit Union
by David Mooney
CU Insight
Barclays Just Showed Up to the Party We’ve Been Hosting for a Year
Ron Daly
Discerning Technologist
Just In Time For Finovate: Adding More Fun (And More Focus) To Fintech Applications
Scores of fun at Finovate and Money2020
by CEB Icono
Yodlee launches financial relationships app
Finovate blog
FinovateFall 2013 Best of Show Winners
by Julie Schicktanz
4 New Online Money Management Tools Worth A Try
by Richard Eisenberg
Forrester blog
Highlights and Thoughts From Finovate Fall 2013
by Peter Wannemacher 
Finovate Fall 2013 – The Big Apple
by Scott Hodgins
Hotwire PR blog
Mobile, data and security are hot at FinovateFall
by Lindsay Goldwert
Huffington Post Tech
NextGen Investment Advisory Firms–Go Tech Or Go Home!
by April Rudin
Investment News
Start ups pitch automated advice at tech confab
by Trevor Hunnicutt
Javelin Strategy & Research Blog
FinovateFall 2013. Drinking from the Proverbial Firehose.
by Nick Holland
The Jerusalem Post
Tel Aviv-based start-up TipRanks takes top prize at Finovate
by Niv Elis
Reflections On Five Hundred Minutes of Fintech
by Bradley Leimer
Fintech Trends From The Innovators at FinovateFall
by Cassie Anderson
Mindful Insights blog
FinovateFall 2013 
The Modesto Bee
Modesto financial planners offer online tool for success
by Patty Guerra
My Bank Tracker
FlexScore Aims to Complement FICO Credit Scores
by Simon Zhen 
FutureAdvisor: Automated Investing With Tax Efficiency in Mind
by Simon Zhen 
Mitek to Simplify Account Opening on Mobile Devices
by Simon Zhen 
MoneyDesktop: Declutter and Visualize Your Financial Goals
by Simon Zhen 
SavedPlus Makes You Save Every Time You Spend
by Simon Zhen 
Yodlee’s New Mobile App Deals With Money Side of Relationships
by Simon Zhen 
The New Age Online
Finovate and the Rise of the African Entrepreneur
by Douglas White
Taking data analysis to a new plateau: Narrative Science raises $11.5M
by cale Guthrie Weissman 
Payments Source
E-Check Service Offers an Alternative to Online ACH Payments
by Austin Kilgore
PC World
New services tackle small business finance challenges
by Yardena Arar
Plus World (in Russian)
Инновация ТКС Банка представлена на
Payment Innovators Impress At FinovateFall 2013
by Dan Rosen
Silicon Hills
Akimbo and Toopher Pitching at Finovate in New York
by Laura Lorek
Snarketing 2.0
Finovate Fall 2013: Snarketing’s Best-In-Show Awards
by Ron Shevlin
What To Look For At Finovate Fall 2013
by Ron Shevlin
Mobile-First Banking App Numbrs Bags Further $3.8M For U.S. Launch
by Steve O’Hear
Upstart Business Journal
Bitcoin’s missing link sneaks into main event at Finovate
by Michael del Castillo
Financial gladiator battle ends with 8 startups standing tall
by Michael del Castillo
The Wall Street Journal

How to Get Investment Advice for Less Online

by Andrea Coombes

‘Stupid’ Banks Look for Innovation
by Michael Hickins
William Mills Agency blog and Beyond the Arc blog
Day 1: Live Blog, FinovateFall 2013 by William Mills III & Steven Ramirez
by Steven Ramirez and William Mills III
Day 2: Live Blog, FinovateFall 2013 by William Mills III & Steven Ramirez
by Steven Ramirez and William Mills III
Finovate 2013: Our take on the Best of Show winners
by Steven Ramirez
We’ll continue to add coverage throughout the next few weeks. If you have FinovateSpring press coverage you would like to add, please email the link to

Finovate Alumni News– September 13, 2013

  • FinovateLOGO.jpgTradeKing wins FINRA approval for acquisition of GAIN Securities.
  • Numbrs AG earns $3.8M in funding from parent Centralway.
  • Interactions, LearnVest, mBank & Accenture, Mitek, Money Desktop, Motif Investing, TipRanks, and Yodlee pick up Best of Show awards at FinovateFall 2013.
  • InComm, in partnership with CVS/pharmacy wins Best Third-Party Card Retailer Award.
  • Standard Distributing and Other Side Produce select eDeposit as their web and mobile payment solution.
  • Emida launches new smartphone POS app, available worldwide.
  • IDology launches ExpectID Global, an international expansion of its solution.
This post will be updated throughout the day as news and developments emerge. You can also follow all the alumni news headlines on the Finovate Twitter account.

FinovateFall 2013 Best of Show Winners


We just wrapped up FinovateFall 2013 in New York. After a successful two days filled to the brim with 69 live demos, the audience voted for their favorites. Ultimately, the top eight companies were named Best of Show, and took home a trophy.

The winners (in alphabetical order):


Interactions, for its voice-based virtual assistant technology



LearnVest, for its iPad app and Workplace Solutions Center


mBank & Accenture,  for their Bank 3.0 online platform


Mitek for its Mobile Photo Account Opening solution
MoneyDesktop, for its GuideMe solution


Motif for its platform that lets you invest in ideas in one click
TipRanks, cloud-based accountability engine for investors


Yodlee, for its debut of TANDEM that helps groups manage and discuss shared finances

All of the 69 demo videos will be posted on in a few weeks.

A huge thank you to everyone who joined the audience and participated in our largest New York show so far. And, of course, thanks to the 69 innovative companies who took on the FinovateFall stage in front of a crowd of 1,100+ audience members.


Notes on methodology:  
1. Only audience members NOT associated with demoing companies were eligible to vote. Finovate employees did not vote.     
2. Attendees were encouraged to note their favorites during each day. At the end of the last demo, they chose their three favorites.    
3. The exact written instructions given to attendees: “Please rate (the companies) on the basis of demo quality and potential impact of the innovation demoed.”  
4. The eight companies appearing on the highest percentage of submitted ballots were named Best of Show.  
5. Go here for a list of previous Best of Show winners.