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FinovateAsia 2013 Best of Show Winners


FinovateAsia 2013 was quite a success. We just finished up the second annual FinovateAsia in Singapore. 

After the show, the audience selected their favorite of the 35 demo companies. The top four companies were named Best of Show, and took home a trophy.

The winners (in alphabetical order):


BehavioSec, for its behavioral biometrics-based authentication method 
Live blog post


IND Group, for its Essence mobile banking app, with detailed financial management tools
Live blog post


Kofax, for its omni-channel solution that accelerates and enhances the underwriting process
Live blog post


Yodlee, for the international debut of TANDEM, an app that helps groups manage and discuss shared finances
Live blog post

All of the demo videos will be posted on in a few weeks.

Many thanks to the great audience that participated in this year’s event. Also, thanks to the 34 innovative companies who demonstrated their newest tech from the FinovateAsia stage. Keep the tech coming!


Notes on methodology:  
1. Only audience members NOT associated with demoing companies were eligible to vote. Finovate employees did not vote.     
2. Attendees were encouraged to note their favorites during each day. At the end of the last demo, they chose their three favorites.    
3. The exact written instructions given to attendees: “Please rate (the companies) on the basis of demo quality and potential impact of the innovation demoed.”  
4. The four companies appearing on the highest percentage of submitted ballots were named Best of Show.  
5. Go here for a list of previous Best of Show winners.