Finovate Alumni News


  • P2Binvestor Scoops Up More Than $7 Million in New Funding.
  • Ahead of Anticipated IPO, ayondo Acquires TradeHero.

Around the web

  • IBM introduces blockchain-based KYC project with Singapore’s KYCK!
  • Cardlytics adds Peter Gleason as president of international operations.
  • Jordan Ahli Bank goes live with T24 core banking system from Temenos.
  • Let’s Talk Payments features Ripple and Plaid in roundup of “startups to support your startup.”
  • Ben Brandt of Retirement Starts Today Radio interviews ProActive Budget.
  • ProfitStars announces RemitPlus Express, a remittance solution.
  • InComm collaborates with CVV+ to reduce payment card fraud.
  • Student Loan Genius powers student-loan benefits for employees of Pinterest, Twilio and Spredfast.
  • Prosper names Chief Executive Officer David Kimball.

This post will be updated throughout the day as news and developments emerge. You can also follow all the alumni news headlines on the Finovate Twitter account.

Finovate Alumni News


  • DemystData Lands New $7 Million Round
  • FinovateEurope 2017 Application Deadline Has Arrived

Around the web

  • EyeVerify Update Improves Liveness Detection
  • TSYS renews card payment deal with Rabobank.
  • Student Loan Hero reviews FutureAdvisor.
  • InComm partners with Geoswift to facilitate cross-border payments for international students.
  • Misys to forsake initial public offering in 2016.
  • FICO introduces FICO Enterprise Security Score to indicate an organization’s vulnerability to cyberattack.
  • NuData Security announces partnership with Early Warning.
  • Zopa presents its 24-hour “Zopathon 16” for developers, designers, and “product people.”

This post will be updated throughout the day as news and developments emerge. You can also follow all the alumni news headlines on the Finovate Twitter account.

FinDEVr APIntelligence

FinDEVr Silicon ValleyFDNY17_EventLogo_v1(wdate) was a success! Tickets for upcoming FinDEVr London and FinDEVr New York are at their lowest prices now. Register today for London or New York to save your spot!


The latest from FinDEVr Silicon Valley presenters

  • BBVA chooses Amazon Web Services as its preferred cloud infrastructure services provider.
  • Extended partnership makes Yodlee’s data aggregation available via Backbase’s Open Banking Marketplace.
  • Hyperwallet announces support for real-time, push-to-card payments-solution,Visa Direct.
  • Full Envestnet | Yodlee Integration Give Advisers Big Picture View of Client Finances.
  • Modo to give the Bank of America access to its COIN Operated Digital Payments Hub.
  • Expensify launches direct integration with Zenefits.

Alumni updates

  • InComm launches new brand of solutions for cash-based consumers, VanillaDirect.
  • Temenos launches Digital Engagement modules to offer real-time customer marketing and engagement.
  • Bluefin Payment Systems launches cloud-based hosting option for its DecryptxPCI-validated P2PE product through Amazon Web Services.
  • Intuit expands partnership with PayPal to provide QuickBooks Online customers with a new way of accepting payments via PayPal.
  • Chain launches open-source edition of its distributed ledger, Chain Core Developer Edition.
  • Avoka earns a pair of “XCelent Awards” for service and breadth of functionality from Celent.
  • Trulioo announced that its GlobalGateway platform now reaches 60 countries.
  • On Deck Capital and Kabbage agree to disclose SMB loan pricing.

Stay current on daily news from the fintech developer community! Follow FinDEVr on Twitter.

Finovate Alumni News


  • H2 Ventures and KPMG Unveil 2016 Fintech 100

Around the web

  • Signifyd to power fraud protection for Magento Commerce platform’s online merchants.
  • InComm launches new brand of solutions for cash-based consumers, VanillaDirect.
  • Handpoint expands agreement with PaySafe to power EMV POS.
  • YoYo Wallet expands focus to U.K.’s high street retailers, with partnerships between Planet Organic, Fernandez & Wells and Hummus Bros.
  • Temenos launches Digital Engagement modules to offer real-time customer marketing and engagement.
  • TSYS signs payments agreement with Optal Financial Limited.
  • Bluefin Payment Systems launches cloud-based hosting option for its Decryptx PCI-validated P2PE product through Amazon Web Services.
  • Socure launches revamped Digital Identity Dashboard.
  • Civic expands focus from 2FA to Secure Private Login.
  • BBVA chooses Amazon Web Services as its preferred cloud infrastructure services provider.
  • FIS to provide reconciliation solution to U.K.-based Raphaels Bank to facilitate access to faster payments.
  • PayStand offers payment certification and notarization for its customers via the blockchain.
  • PrivatBank adds fund-transfer functionality via iMessage to its Privat24 mobile banking app.
  • ThetaRay unveils its analytic platform for fraud detection, THETA.

This post will be updated throughout the day as news and developments emerge. You can also follow all the alumni news headlines on the Finovate Twitter account.

FinDEVr APIntelligence

FinDEVrSV16-withdateOur FinDEVr New York developer showcase was a success! FinDEVr Silicon Valley will be held 18/19 October in Santa Clara. Early bird tickets expire soon so register today to save your spot!

The latest from FinDEVr New York 2016 presenters

  • PayPal Partners with Xero to Support B2B Invoice Payment

Alumni updates

  • London-based BACB to replace its legacy IT systems with CorporateSuite from Temenos.
  • Kontomatik announces expansion to Portugal, the ninth country where its API is available.
  • PrivatBank’s Partnership with InComm Initiates Launch of Prepaid Products in Ukraine
  • Ghana-based startup, Sovereign Bank, deploys T24 core-banking system from Temenos.
  • CenturyLink to host SatuitCRM and SatuitCRA software as part of new agreement.

Stay current on daily news from the fintech developer community! Follow FinDEVr on Twitter.

PrivatBank’s Partnership with InComm Initiates Launch of Prepaid Products in Ukraine

PrivatBank’s Partnership with InComm Initiates Launch of Prepaid Products in Ukraine

Screen Shot 2016-08-19 at 9.13.55 AM

PrivatBank and prepaid commerce company InComm partnered this week to launch prepaid products in Ukraine, where PrivatBank is headquartered.

The partnership will enable PrivatBank’s 25 million Ukrainian customers to purchase prepaid codes and top up their account with no additional fees. Clients can already use PrivatBank’s web interface, Privat24, to purchase prepaid codes. The 5.5 million clients who prefer the bank’s mobile interface will be able to purchase codes via the app later this month.

Currently, clients can use the account funds to add credit to video chat and voice-call applications. In a press release, the companies stated plans to expand the product line in the future, but did not indicate when.

At FinovateSpring 2014 PrivatBank launched an ATM that connects to Android phones via NFC, eliminating the need for buttons on the ATM itself. Founded in 1992, PrivatBank serves customers in Ukraine, Latvia, Portugal, Italy, Cyprus, and Georgia.

InComm SVP Thomas Cornelius presented at FinDEVr Silicon Valley 2014 where he showed how the company’s Cashtie API provides rails for cash payments. If you’re interested in seeing more developer tools, FinDEVr is coming to Santa Clara on the 18th/19th of October. Early bird tickets expire soon, so register today to save your spot.

Finovate Alumni News


  • PrivatBank’s Partnership with InComm Initiates Launch of Prepaid Products in Ukraine
  • Obloco Beta Tests Expense Reporting Solution with Washington Trust Bank
  • SocietyOne Has Facilitated $38 Million in Personal Loans in 2016
  • PayPal Partners with Xero to Support B2B Invoice Payment

Around the web

  • Boku partners with Google to enable carrier billing as payment option on Google Play in Lithuania.
  • Ghana-based startup, Sovereign Bank, deploys T24 core-banking system from Temenos.
  • CenturyLink to host SatuitCRM and SatuitCRA software as part of new agreement.
  • Risk Ident CEO Robert Valerio appointed to European Advisory Board of the Merchant Risk Council (MRC).
  • Fortune features PayPal, MasterCard, and IBM on its list of companies that will change the world.
  • Nikkei Asian Review looks at how Japanese banks will leverage Ripple.

This post will be updated throughout the day as news and developments emerge. You can also follow all the alumni news headlines on the Finovate Twitter account.

Fintech Trending: Alt-Lending Woes, Asia Grows and Everbank Exits

Fintech Trending: Alt-Lending Woes, Asia Grows and Everbank Exits

A look at the trending topics of the past two weeks.

Trending highest: No Lush Life for Alt Lenders

LushLIfe_Coltrane_albumcoverIf unanimously positive perceptions are the hallmark of a bubble, then rest assured that the alt-lending market has moved past that stage. For every headline-grabbing C-level departure at Lending Club (F09)—CEO Renaud Laplanche stepping down in June, CFO Carrie Dolan announcing her resignation in August—there are successes: Prosper (F09) revealed its plan to sell $5 billion in loans to a group of private investors over the next two years; small business lender OnDeck (F12) surpassed earnings expectations despite its second consecutive quarterly loss and reported year-over-year quarterly revenue gains, as well as a year-over-year increase in loans under management of 47%.

So if there’s no bubble in the alt-lending part of the fintech universe, should we fear a bust? Diverging fortunes among these companies is a good sign. The more the fates of alternative lenders are linked to the decisions of individual corporate leaders, their business plans, and their customers rather than investing trends among venture capitalists (or hedge funds in the case of alt lenders gone public), the better. Looking at the P2P lending market in the U.K., LendInvest CEO Christian Faes told Business Insider, “Over the next few years, the businesses that can prove they can make a profit will be the ones [still] around in another ten years, making a lasting impact on finance.” In other words, just like any other business.

For Lending Club, the challenge is diversifying away from “fickle funding sources.” In addition to Prosper’s $5 billion move, Social Finance went so far as to launch a hedge fund, the $15 million SoFi Credit Opportunities Fund, to purchase its loans as well as those of its competitors.

  • OnDeck Loan Originations (And Loan Loss Provisions) Soar –
  • OnDeck Defends Strategy After $17.9 Million Loss – American Banker
  • Online Lenders Have a Tough Job Ahead – Wall Street Journal
  • The U.K.’s historically low interest rate could benefit alternative lenders – Business Insider
  • Lending Club’s latest results tell us a lot about the online credit business model – FT Alphaville

Other trending topics

Fintech Advances in Asia
While investors have been bullish on the tech scene in Asia for some time, a slew of new reports appeared this month. TechCrunch recently reported that in 2015 and the first half of 2016, fintech accounted for 21% of all VC funding in Southeast Asia. In a recent blog post, Trulioo (F15) said that fintech startups in Asia garnered $4.5 billion in 2015, triple what European fintech firms received during the same period. Recent developments include:

It’s no coincidence that Finovate is returning to Asia now to bring the innovators together in one place. Join us November 8, 2017, in Hong Kong for FinovateAsia 2016 as we showcase the latest and greatest.

Blockchain Developer, UNICEF Wants YOU!
The United Nations Children’s Emergency Fund is looking for a developer interested in using blockchain technology to help “solve the problems of the developing world.” Interested parties can find out more about the position here. And if the combination of blockchain and the developing world sounds familiar, it may be because you’re thinking of recent Finovate Best of Show winner BanQu (F16) which has developed a blockchain-based identity platform that promotes financial inclusion and empowerment among the underbanked, including refugee populations.

Hello, It’s Me: Voice Auth Comes to Barclays
Barclays adds instant voice authentication for all 12 million retail customers, ending 30 years of maneuvering through tedious telephone prompts and redundant authentication questions. – Bank Innovations

Everbank’s Awesome Exit
1990s digital banking pioneer Everbank exits for $2.5 billion in sale to TIAA. After PayPal (F12), this is the most successful fintech company to come out of the original 1990s dot-com era. –

Mastercard on the Move
Early Warning’s clearXchange saw some growth as of late. Mastercard, which announced this week that its Mastercard Send U.S. debit cardholders can send and receive money through the clearXchange network. Fiserv (F16) will also become a distribution partner for clearXchange, leveraging the partnership to provide a turnkey solution for banks.

Speaking of Mastercard, the company is looking at the newly announced partnership between PayPal and Visa (FD14), with an eye toward striking a similar deal. Finextra talked with Mastercard CEO Singh Banga who said it will be “important for Mastercard to provide something in addition to what Visa’s offered” as Mastercard “doesn’t have as much to offer PayPal” as Visa did because it has fewer consumers.

Azimo Goes Social
London-based Azimo (F13) took a step toward facilitating P2P payments by launching money transfers via Facebook Messenger. Interestingly, the transfer is initiated within the Azimo app (via Facebook integration) and completed in Facebook Messenger.

Insurance for Everything
Insurance startup investors are betting big that the smartphone platform allows a new breed of insurance products to flourish, so-called insurance on demand. The classic example is an alert when arriving at the airport asking if you would like to buy travel insurance. But the bigger market automobile/motorcycle policies are offering coverage only when you are using the vehicle. Our Insurance for Everything example of the week? On-demand insurance for your drone courtesy of Verifly. – Techcrunch

Also keeping our eyes on …

  • On August 2, 2016, Bitcoin dropped 20% after $70M worth of bitcoin (around 12,000 BTC) was stolen from Bitfinex exchange. The company is now offering a reward of up to $3.6 million for the recovery of the digital currency. Bitfinex said it has taken “significant steps” to improve its security, and resumed trading on its platform on Thursday, August 10. – TechCrunch
  • The U.K.’s FCA has granted app-only bank Mondo a banking license, thereby joining the ranks of neobanks Atom Bank, Tandem, and Starling. – The Financial Times
  • “An Interview with the Inventor of the Credit Card Chip Reader” – The New Yorker
  • “The Dawn of the Virtual Assistant” – The New York Times

Parentheticals after a company name refer to the year of their most recent Finovate or FinDEVr conference appearance (F = Finovate, FD = FinDEVr).

FinDEVr APIntelligence

FinDEVrNY16-V2(wdate)We’re taking our FinDEVr developer showcase to New York on March 29 & 30, 2016. Register today.

Developer news

The latest from FinDEVr San Francisco 2015 presenters

  • eWeek quotes Arxan CMO Patrick Kehoe on the problem of app security on health and finance apps.
  • PayPal taps into Bitcoin by adding Wences Casares to its board.

Alumni Updates

  • InComm to launch digital open-loop prepaid products for distribution as part of incentive and loyalty programs.
  • Avoka featured in roundup of Australia fintech startups.

Stay current on daily news from the fintech developer community! Follow FinDEVr on Twitter.

Finovate Alumni News


  • Check out the latest “FinDEVr APIntelligence”
  • Narrative Science Introduces Narratives for Qlik
  • BlueVine Raises $40 Million in Round Led by Menlo Ventures”
  • Motif Investing Launches Recurring Transfers”
  • “Finovate’s European Alums Raised More than $350 Million in 2015″

Around the web

  • Insuritas to power insurance agency in two states for Sterling Federal Bank.
  • InComm to launch digital open-loop, prepaid products for distribution as part of incentive and loyalty programs.
  • Top U.S. bank to upgrade to Cachet Financial Solutions’ enhanced Select Business Merchant Capture solution.

This post will be updated throughout the day as news and developments emerge. You can also follow alumni news headlines on the Finovate Twitter account.

FinDEVr APIntelligence

FinDEVr2016-NY-(Stacked)V2Are you building new financial technology? Be sure to check out coverage from our recent developer conference in San Francisco. We’re taking the fintech developer tool showcase to New York on 29/30 March 2016. Stay tuned for details.

The latest from FinDEVr San Francisco 2015 presenters

  • Fortune: How Venmo plans to make money.
  • PayPal and Aramex partner to create, a one-stop cross-border marketplace.

Alumni updates

  • InComm acquires TibiDono, Austria-based marketing and gift card distribution company.

Stay current on daily news from the fintech developer community! Follow FinDEVr on Twitter.

Finovate Alumni News


  • Soundpays Appoints Steve Doswell as CEO”
  • Backbase’s 2015 Metrics Report Cites 35% YoY Revenue Growth”
  • FundAmerica Shares Growth Metrics, Plans for 2016″
  • LoanNow Secures $50 Million Credit Facility”

Around the web

  • Billhighway awarded National Best and Brightest Company to Work For for fourth year in a row.
  • CloudLock and Check Point Partner to attack hybrid cloud shadow IT and malware through detection, quarantine, and eradication.
  • InComm acquires TibiDono, Austria-based marketing and gift-card-distribution company.
  • Cachet Financial Solutions to power RDC solutions for Illinois-based Algonquin State Bank.
  • Roostify appoints Iyad Darcazallie CFO and COO, names Scott Stein VP of sales.
  • GMC Software named leader in Gartner Magic Quadrant for Customer Communications Management Software for third consecutive year.

This post will be updated throughout the day as news and developments emerge. You can also follow all the alumni news headlines on the Finovate Twitter account.