FinDEVr 2014: CrowdCurity Provides White-Hat Hackers to Stress Test Your Website’s Security

FinDEVr 2014: CrowdCurity Provides White-Hat Hackers to Stress Test Your Website’s Security

This post is part of our live coverage of FinDEVr San Francisco 2014.

CrowdCurity demonstrated its white hat hacker service to promote better, more secure apps.

How to Invite Hacker to Your Website
Too many websites are being exploited, and we need to rethink web security. The best way to stay secure and ahead of the bad guys is to invite good white-hat hackers to test your security. We have made it easy to connect businesses to a crowd of security researchers.
Presenter: Jacob Hansen, CEO
CrowdCurity is a web security marketplace. We connect businesses with security testers. We do bug bounty programs as-a-service. Bitcoin First.
Twitter: @crowdcurity

FinDEVr 2014: Trulioo Shows How its Global Gateway Provides Instant ID Verification

FinDEVr 2014: Trulioo Shows How its Global Gateway Provides Instant ID Verification

This post is part of our live coverage of FinDEVr San Francisco 2014.

Trulioo introduced its Global Gateway to speed ID verification.

Trulioo’s Global Gateway
Demonstrating how Trulioo’s Global Gateway verifies a consumer’s identity within a single, unique portal. We will input a person’s first name, last name, date of birth, and address to show how Trulioo verifies these attributes from our 130+ data sources.
Presenter: Anatoly Kvitnitsky, Director of Corporate Development
Trulioo is a global ID verification conpany focused on building trust online, best privacy practices, and financial inclusion. As the pioneer in cyber identity verification, Trulioo’s new Global Gateway product enables businesses to perform instant ID Verification for 3 billion people in over 30 countries.
Twitter: @trulioo

FinDEVr 2014: The TxPUSH Initiative Introduces the Evented Financial Web to Deliver Real-time Financial Transaction Data

FinDEVr 2014: The TxPUSH Initiative Introduces the Evented Financial Web to Deliver Real-time Financial Transaction Data

This post is part of our live coverage of FinDEVr San Francisco 2014.

The TxPUSH Initiative presented its technology for securing and improving the delivery of financial transaction data.

Aggregation 2.0 – TxPUSH and the Evented Financial Web
TxPUSH technology is focused on aligning app user experience and FinTech industry players around the Evented Financial Web. The TxPUSH technology will improve the security model of the existing account aggregation ecosystem and promote the delivery of real-time financial transaction data to account holders in the apps they choose.
Presenter: Nick Thomas, President & Co-Founder
TxPUSH is a global industry group tasked with overseeing the development of TxPUSH technology. The group is dedicated to making real-time financial account events available to any third party app while improving login credential security.

FinDEVr 2014: Knox Revolutionizes Payments with its New Approach to ACH

FinDEVr 2014: Knox Revolutionizes Payments with its New Approach to ACH

This post is part of our live coverage of FinDEVr San Francisco 2014.

Knox Payments demoed its technology that leverages ACH rails to make transactions cheaper for merchants.

ACH That Doesn’t Suck: No Account and Routing Numbers Needed
Developing ACH processing the traditional way is horrible. Your users don’t know their account and routing numbers and you don’t know if they actually have the money. Knox has solved these problems with the ease of just logging into your online banking, making ACH cheaper, safer, and easier.
Presenter: Tommy Nicholas, Co-Founder
Knox allows people to make ACH payments using only their online banking login information, providing the cheapest, safest, and easiest way to accept payments.
Twitter: @knoxpayments

FinDEVr 2014: Blockchain’s APIs Help Developers Build a Bitcoin Business in Minutes

FinDEVr 2014: Blockchain’s APIs Help Developers Build a Bitcoin Business in Minutes

This post is part of our live coverage of FinDEVr San Francisco 2014.

Blockchain introduces its widely-relied upon APIs to help developers build their own bitcoin-related apps.

Blockchain: The Core API for Bitcoin Development
Blockchain’s APIs power most of the Bitcoin companies in the ecosystem. Utilizing our APIs, you can start a Bitcoin business in minutes. From wallet creation to transaction verification, Blockchain’s APIs have you covered.
Presenting: Dan Held, Lead Product Manager
Blockchain is the world’s most popular web-based Bitcoin wallet and the most highly trafficked Bitcoin website. Blockchain is the de facto search engine for the Bitcoin economy. Blockchain has over 2 million wallets and our footprint continues to grow quickly.
Twitter: @blockchain

FinDEVr San Francisco 2014: Award Winners

FinDEVr San Francisco 2014: Award Winners

Q. What’s better than being one of the more than 400 industry professionals attending the very first FinDEVr conference this week?

A. Being one of the four companies to walk away with one of the very first FinDEVr awards, that’s what!

Four companies were selected as favorites by attendees here on Day 1 of FinDEVr San Francisco 2014. Attendees were challenged to choose between entertaining and informative presentations, exciting new technologies, and fascinating innovations that push the envelope of what is possible when commerce and science, technology and finance come together.

Remember that FinDEVr continues tomorrow on Wednesday with a full, multi-track day of workshops, presentations, and networking. We’ll build on the momentum from Day One to bring you the latest in SDKs and APIs, tools and platforms, that are already paving the way to the fintech innovations of tomorrow. Visit our registration page today to grab a spot.
So without further ado, here are the favorite first-day presentations in alphabetical order:

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Avoka for its engagement platform that enables omni-channel account opening in 60 seconds.

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BehavioSec for its mature identification system that uses behaviour analytics to provide real-time security.

PayPal & Braintree for its construction of new breeds of payment platforms, API standards, and identity systems.


Yodlee for its Interactive APIs that provide authorized access to real-time data for customer accounts.

Notes on methodology:  

1. Only audience members NOT associated with demoing companies were eligible to vote. Finovate employees did not vote.     
2. Attendees were encouraged to note their favorites. At the end of the last demo, they chose their three favorites.    
3. The exact written instructions given to attendees: “Please rate (the companies) on the basis of demo quality and potential impact of the innovation demoed.”  
4. The four companies appearing on the highest percentage of submitted ballots were awarded trophies.  

FinDEVr 2014: Concur Helps Developers Build for the Trillion-Dollar Business Travel Market

FinDEVr 2014: Concur Helps Developers Build for the Trillion-Dollar Business Travel Market

This post is part of our live coverage of FinDEVr San Francisco 2014.

Concur demonstrated how developers can use its technology to create new solutions for the business travel expenses market.

Numbers, They Don’t Lie …
Concur processes more than $55 billion dollars in annual T&E spend for its 25 million customers. In this presentation, Mithun Dhar will walk through and give us insight into this spend and tell developers why it’s a great opportunity to tap into this lucrative market.
Presenter: Mithun Dhar, Director, Evangelism & Strategic Marketing
Concur is a leading provider of integrated travel and expense management solutions trusted by over 25,000 clients around the globe, with over 25 million users. The Concur Platform allows developers to develop and market innovative solutions to the lucrative $1.12 trillion business travel market.
Twitter: @Concur

FinDEVr 2014: Paradigm4’s SciDB Helps Developers Answer Hard Questions with Fast Answers

FinDEVr 2014: Paradigm4’s SciDB Helps Developers Answer Hard Questions with Fast Answers

This post is part of our live coverage of FinDEVr San Francisco 2014.

Paradigm4 demonstrates how its SciDB makes it easier for builders to do big things with Big Data.

Crypto-Currency and Massive Network Analysis
We’ll begin with a graphical overview of a crypto-currency financial network, discuss the key issues and challenges around massive network analysis and then demonstrate our solution using SciDB via the RStudio user interface.
Presenter: Bryan Lewis, Chief Data Scientist
Paradigm4 develops and supports SciDB: the open source, analytic DBMS; programmable from R & Python. SciDB is designed from the ground up to support more facile data management for Big and Diverse Data, and to do faster and bigger math. Hard questions. Fast answers. Open source.
Twitter: @paradigm4

FinDEV 2014: ModoPayments Helps Builders Create Beautiful Buying Experiences

FinDEV 2014:  ModoPayments Helps Builders Create Beautiful Buying Experiences

This post is part of our live coverage of FinDEVr San Francisco 2014.

ModoPayments showed how beautiful apps lead to beautiful mobile buying experiences.

How to Find Money & Love with Mobile Apps (OK, maybe more money than love)

Learn about the best-kept-secret in mobile payments APIs: Modo. Modo will show you in 6 minutes or less how to build a beautiful buying experience that entices consumers to spend money, and make you money, through exceptional economics. This is all with the cunning use of the mobile app of your dreams. Your love mileage may vary.
Presenter: Bruce Parker, CEO & Founder
With Modo you can build beautiful buying experiences, with exceptional economics. Whether you are looking for more sales, transactions, or rockstar moments for your consumers, Modo can help. Using Modo’s handcrafted API, your mobile app gets to perform in-store purchases at tens of thousands of store locations. Modo powers the payments and you design the experience. Everyone is looking for something: personal, magical, and beautiful. So why not give it to them? Your app, plus our platform – more of what you want.
Twitter: @GETmodo

FinDEVr 2014: BehavioSec’s Real-Time Security Solution Leverage the Unique Way Users Interact with Devices

FinDEVr 2014: BehavioSec’s Real-Time Security Solution Leverage the Unique Way Users Interact with Devices

This post is part of our live coverage of FinDEVr San Francisco 2014.

BehavioSec demoed its behavioral biometric ID authentication system.

BehavioSec Offers the Most Mature ID System that Uses Behaviour Analytics

BehavioSec presents the latest in real-time security through the ability to monitor the way users interact with their device. By monitoring the environment and interactions such as typing rhythm or mouse patterns, our technology is able to recognize if someone other than the intended user is operating the device. If a security breach is detected, additional security measures can be carried out to prevent fraud and stop identity theft.
  • Robust proven technology with more than 10 million active users in 2014
  • Scalable with more than 500 million mobile transactions processed
  • High performance with more than 20 banks using the service
  • Available now for cloud or onsite deployment
Presenter: Neil Costigan, CEO & CTO and Josefine Ahl, Development Team Leader
Leaders in frictionless behavioral user verification & authentication, BehavioSec examines how you interact with a website or mobile device to provide a frictionless layer in web fraud prevention.
Twitter: @Behaviosec

FinDEVr 2014: CardFlight Brings Card-Present, POS Functionality to Mobile Apps

FinDEVr 2014: CardFlight Brings Card-Present, POS Functionality to Mobile Apps

This post is part of our live coverage of FinDEVr San Francisco 2014.

CardFlight showed developers how to add POS functionality into their mobile apps.

CardFlight SDK for Mobile Payments

The CardFlight SDK allows any mobile developer to build mobile point-of-sale functionality into his or her own mobile apps. CardFlight supplies three things:
  1. Encrypted mobile card readers that fit into the audio jack of any smartphone or tablet
  2. Easy-to-integrate software development kits for iOS and Android, complete with developer-friendly documentation and support
  3. A PCI level 1 compliant payment gateway that works with all major processors/merchant accounts.
This allows developers to easily process swiped credit card payments within their own apps without the complexity of typical payment integrations. By using the CardFlight SDK, developers can fully customize their user experience and keep control of their product, while being able to integrate payment data into their other back-end systems (CRM, inventory management, analytics, and reporting, etc.)
The CardFlight SDK and gateway is compatible with merchant accounts from leading processors, including Braintree, Chase Paymentech, Global Payments, First Data, Stripe, TSYS, and Vantiv.
Presenter: Elie Toubiana, VP Engineering & Derek Webster, CEO
CardFlight is a leading provider of mobile POS technology and tools that make it easy for anyone to accept swiped (card present) payments in any mobile app with virtually any merchant account. They offer both iOS/Android mobile payment applications and software development kids (SDKs) that can be incorporated into custom applications. CardFlight’s platform also includes encrypted card readers and a payment gateway that supports over 20 different processors to provide clients with complete mobile payments and mobile POS (mPOS) solutions. CardFlight won the Electronic Transactions Association’s 2014 Technology Innovation Award.
Twitter: @CardFlight

FinDEVr 2014: Intuit Shows How Developers Can Reach Small Business via its QuickBooks Online Platform

FinDEVr 2014: Intuit Shows How Developers Can Reach Small Business via its QuickBooks Online Platform

This post is part of our live coverage of FinDEVr San Francisco 2014.

Intuit Partner Platform encouraged developers to take advantage of its Intuit QuickBooks Online open platform.

The Small Business Opportunity
The importance of small business to the global economy can’t be denied. With 600 million small businesses worldwide, the opportunity to drive their success is huge. Reach millions of small businesses by developing for Intuit QuickBooks Online, an open platform for developers that taps into the power of QuickBooks and the cloud. With partners from Square to American Express to Vend, QuickBooks Online allows Intuit and its ecosystem to simplify the business of life for millions of small businesses.
Presenter: Avi Golan VP & GM, Intuit Partner Platform
The Intuit Partner Platform (IPP) is an open platform that enables developers to integrate with rich financial and transactional data through REST-based APIs and offers unparalleled reach to millions of small business through Intuit
Twitter: @ippdev