This post is part of our live coverage of FinovateFall 2014.
Our second presenter here in the afternoon session is BizEquity,demoing the New BizEquity One Valuation Cloud to help business owners and financial advisors discover the value of a business:
“The New BizEquity One:
1. Real time dynamic valuation updated daily
Real time dynamic valuation updated daily from our smart algorithm & multiple data sources for greater accuracy & client engagement rate.
2. Pre-valued valuations on 28 million businesses. Zillow-esque feature on the homepage.
Powerful search capability on 28 million businesses to get a sense of how the business is doing & what it is worth.
3. Intelligent Advisor
Useful advice and alerts about the business is streamed in real-time as user goes through the valuation process.
4. Updated dashboard with info graphic-like view of each business’ value & key performance indicators.
An easy bird’s eye view of business, simple to grasp for the average business owner.”
Presenting: Michael Carter (CEO) & Semyon Fishman (VP Engineering & Technology)
Product Launch: September 2014
Metrics: We have had more than 50,000 users come to use our system and have gone live with over twelve private label channel partners to date. With 60 patents filed and over 7 million invested into building the system, we have also recently been granted two seminal patents in the online business-valuation space.
Product distribution strategy: Direct to Consumer (B2C), Direct to Business (B2B), through financial institutions, through other fintech companies and platforms, licensed
HQ: Wayne, PA
Founded: May 2010
Twitter: @BizEquity