FinovateSpring 2009 / HomeATM

Presenter Profile:

How they describe themselves: HomeATM is a suite of payment solutions that uniquely offers home-based “card present” credit card and PIN debit transactions. HomeATM owns a global patent for secure real time money movement. Leveraging our end-to-end encrypted PCI certified solution, a merchant or remitter could move funds from their bank account or open loop/closed loop payment card in real time –literally seconds. Utilizing HomeATM’s solution with a bank issued card (PIN debit or credit) removes the KYC/AML obligations as our methodology leverages the issuing bank’s KYC/AML protocol. No other payment solution can do P2P, B2B, and Mobile with the speed, security and cost effectiveness as HomeATM and HomeATM Mobile. HomeATM is EMV ready.

What they think makes them better:

  • Hardware based End-to-End Encryption.
  • 100% acceptance with all bankcards.
  • Bank and Processor agnostic.
  • Issued Patent for PIN on the Web.
  • Mobile ready.
  • Processes card present credit card and PIN Debit
  • PCI certified device


Bus. Dev.: Mitchell Cobrin, COO, [email protected], 514-207-5000

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