FinovateSpring 2009 / Home-Account

Presenter Profile:

How they describe themselves: Home-Account is an intelligent web-based mortgage buying subscription service helping America’s 75 million homeowners take control of their largest asset and use it to insure their financial security. The service grades and analyzes the homeowner and their mortgage, presents scenarios to improve their mortgage and then pinpoints the best realistic mortgage option in the market.

What they think makes them better: Home-Account provides “always on” information on the best mortgage for you, as well as your credit score and overall financial health for a minimal fee. The web-based services grade and analyze the homeowner and his/her mortgage and presents scenarios to improve their financial situation’s impact on their mortgage. The product pinpoints the best and most realistic mortgage options that each consumer qualifies for and recommends which mortgage is best. Ongoing Home-Account membership is easy. You enter your profile, answer a questionnaire and respond to ongoing personalized alerts, which include specific suggestions for best lenders and rates to finance with.


Bus. Dev. & Sales: Mark H. Goldstein, CEO, [email protected], 888-439-0222
Press: Brooke Hammerling, Brew Media Relations, [email protected], 212-677-4835

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