FinovateSpring 2009 / CalendarBudget

Presenter Profile:

How they describe themselves: CalendarBudget is a unique online personal finance organizer combined with a powerful planning tool. Easily embedded into and branded for an existing web site, CalendarBudget presents your financial data in an easy to use calendar interface. Your account balance is shown at the top of every day in the past, present and future. Your bills and spending are shown in the context of all other transactions. With CalendarBudget, planning for future purchases and avoiding surprises such as overdraft and bounced checks is easy. Category budgets, along with charts, reports and reminders make planning your future easy and even enjoyable.

What they think makes them better: CalendarBudget stands out for two reasons: the interface and planning your future. First, CalendarBudget’s main view is a calendar. Everyone already knows how to use a calendar. There’s no strange proprietary interface to learn how to use, so you are immediately comfortable and productive with the tool. Second, because we are a calendar, you can move forward into the future and see what your account balance is going to be like, according to your spending habits and plan. Where other tools simply analyze historical data, CalendarBudget helps you plan your future spending so you can live within your means.


Bus. Dev.: Robin Poulin, 905-434-4927, [email protected]
Sales: Gavin Bourne, 717-659-4851, [email protected]
Press: Kristen Keller, 609-644-4896, [email protected]

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