FinovateEurope Sneak Peek: Moneyhub Enterprise

FinovateEurope Sneak Peek: Moneyhub Enterprise



A look at the companies demoing live at FinovateEurope on the 7 and 8 of February 2017 in London. Pick up your tickets today and save your spot.

Moneyhub Enterprise creates ready-to-use and customisable customer-centric, financial management technologies for businesses and their customers.


  • Offers AI-driven, proactive intelligent messaging helps consumers improve their financial management
  • Suggests user-centric savings, investment, and borrowing options
  • Abolishes unexpected overdraft fees

Why it’s great
Using machine-learning techniques, it alerts users before any fines are incurred and provides simple automated actions to take, heralding the death knell of penalty charges.


Dave Tonge, Chief Technology Officer
Tonge is an open source enthusiast leading an amazing team who thrives on creating software to solve real world problems in a user-centric manner.


Finovate Alumni News


  • Finovate Debuts: Moonraft Innovation Labs

Around the web

  • Huron Community Bank of Michigan to leverage Insuritas to launch insurance agency.
  • Experian partners with reporting and analytics platform dv01 to enable dv01 clients to access to richer borrower credit attributes.
  • FIS teams with Verifone to enable consumers to pay at the point of sale using loyalty points linked to a credit or debit card.
  • Business Insider names Gusto, App Annie, and BlueVine as 3 startups to bet your career on in 2017.
  • Token announces strategic partnership with VirtusaPolaris.
  • TransferTo to provide bridge linking between EcoCash and Mama Money mobile money services.

This post will be updated throughout the day as news and developments emerge. You can also follow all the alumni news headlines on the Finovate Twitter account.

MoneyHub Teams Up with Unbiased to Help People Manage their Finances

MoneyHub Teams Up with Unbiased to Help People Manage their Finances

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London-based PFM MoneyHub has partnered with U.K. financial and legal advice-website Unbiased to help financial advisers put their clients “at the center of their financial world.” MoneyHub is calling the partnership “invaluable and unique” because it offers users transparency into finances and helps them plan their financial future.

The new offering integrates Unbiased’s Find an Adviser search tool, which gives MoneyHub users access to the UK’s largest selection of regulated advisers. The tool also helps users determine which adviser is best for their needs. Adding an adviser through the tool facilitates information-sharing between the MoneyHub user and their adviser, who can view an aggregation of the user’s accounts.

Unbiased is offering readers a free trial of MoneyHub’s premium service for a limited time. The company’s CEO Karen Barrett said, “We see technology and financial advice becoming ever more closely intertwined. Rather than replacing face-to-face advice, technology will help to make it more cost-effective and customer-focused.” Barrett added, “This partnership represents a new chapter in the way people relate to their finances, by placing unbiased advisers at the heart of these innovations.”

At FinovateEurope 2015, MoneyHub’s CEO Toby Hughes and CTO Dave Tonge debuted its Ecosystem, an online platform where users aggregate their financial data and information, access financial advice, and connect to products and services from financial institutions. Founded in 2013, MoneyHub was acquired by MMI Holdings in 2014.

Finovate Alumni News


  • MoneyHub Teams Up with Unbiased to Help People Manage their Finances
  • Expensify Unveils ReceiptBurner and Price-to-Beat
  • Finovate Debuts: Walletron Helps Brands Build a Presence in Digital Wallets

Around the web

  • Concur to deploy SilverRail API to enable European travelers to search, plan, and schedule travel by rail.
  • CSI globalVCard moves global partnership-operations team to Dallas; Nan Dawson promoted to SVP of partnership operations.
  • Lending Club announces new Chief Capital Officer, Patrick Dunne.
  • CoinTelegraph names Braintree, Chain, and Ripple as three companies that will shape the future of money.
  • Sberbank Capitalizes On Pokémon Go Marketing Opportunity
  • Over the last year, 50 new customers added Guardian Analytics Wire to protect their customers from the Business Email Compromise scam.
  • Simple celebrates its 7th anniversary, now with 300,000 customers and a little over 300 staff.

This post will be updated throughout the day as news and developments emerge. You can also follow all the alumni news headlines on the Finovate Twitter account.

MoneyHub: From Award-winning Startup to Enterprise-based Solution

MoneyHub: From Award-winning Startup to Enterprise-based Solution


During a break in the action at FinovateEurope in February, I had the opportunity to sit down with MoneyHub CEO Toby Hughes and his team. MoneyHub was demoing later in the week, and we managed to catch up with him for a quick update.

According to Hughes, the PFM technology MoneyHub would demonstrate at FinovateEurope 2015 in London had been live for 18 months. The platform helps users with both short- and long-term budgeting and financial planning, and was tracking £ 3 billion in assets.

“The project started four years ago,” Hughes said. “It took two-and-a-half years to get the first prototype up and running.” The result was a Best of Show win for a financial management platform that impressed Finovate audiences by its ability to help users find and best deploy future savings toward goals both short- and long-term.


MoneyHub CEO Toby Hughes and CTO Dave Tonge demonstrated the MoneyHub ecosystem at FinovateEurope 2015.

Founded in 2011 and headquartered in Bristol, United Kingdom, MoneyHub provides a free version of its service (via its YourWealth solution), as well as advanced versions for professional advisory firms, accountants, mortgage professionals, financial advisers, and larger financial organizations that want to use the technology with their own clients. As Hughes describes it, the goal is to put the customer “in the middle of their financial world and let it revolve around them.” He sees strength in not only in centralizing access to all financial data but also in providing financial professionals and their customers with tools to better see and understand the data itself. “Bring all the data into one place. Visualize it, manipulate it, and make choices,” Hughes says.

A year later, the company was back, this time introducing two new features—Choices and Insights—which help customers manage their finances around “non-financial” themes. Hughes also showed how product providers can use the technology to position their products in such a way as to be featured in part of the customer’s life plan.

The goal-planning module above is part of MoneyHub’s Choices feature. The module is a simplification of a feature called Scenarios which, with its complex financial modeling, was admittedly best reserved for advanced users and financial planners. With Choices, users are able to see graphically and in advance how spending decisions impact preset goals ranging from saving for a holiday to planning for an early retirement. The drag-and-drop interface makes it easy for users to view multiple financial scenarios quickly.

Insights (below) is another new feature on the platform. Insights is also accessible via the Dashboard and provides for interactive sharing between the customer and the financial professional he or she is working with. Insights also features an Interactive News Feed that is driven by the client’s finances and investments. Changes to stocks owned, the arrival of an expected mid-year bonus at work, additional income from rental property ownership, and so on, are all displayed on the client’s dashboard.


MoneyHub’s platform is designed to promote engagement: an interface that relies on simplification, visualization, and “non-financial” themes and goals that clients are comfortable with, and a seamless engagement mechanism through the Insights feature that ensures financial professionals are in tune with their clients’ dynamic financial world. “Our goal is to enable customers and organizations to work together more efficiently and effectively,” Hughes said. “And to enable individuals to answer the question, ‘Will I have enough?'”

Winning Best of Show (as YourWealth) in its first Finovate was big, but the news got even bigger when the company announced shortly afterward that it had been acquired while in the middle of its Series A round of funding. The acquirer, Momentum UK, was a division of MMI Holdings, a major financial services group based in South Africa.

The immediate result was “much more infrastructure and much more funding,” Hughes said. MoneyHub opened up a 120+ person facility in Bristol in February to help the company accommodate the changes. “We’ve gone from a startup-grade organization to an enterprise-based solution,” he explained, and said that the company was planning to “scale aggressively over the summer” in the U.K. market. This plus what Hughes called a “huge” new upgrade of the platform before the end of the year.

Currently the platform is available as a free service, a MoneyHub Premium service that pulls data from your linked accounts automatically for £9.99 a year, and MoneyHub Connect, the service for financial professionals to use with their clients.

Writing in Money Marketing, Ian McKenna included MoneyHub among those innovations that were “directly relevant to the way that consumers are likely to manage their money in the future.” And as far as MoneyHub is concerned, that future is already here.

Finovate Alumni News


  • MoneyHub: From Award-winning Startup to Enterprise-based Solution

Around the Web

  • Lending Club highlighted in FT Journal feature on “trickle-down innovation” in fintech.
  • Columbus Business First talks about Klarna CEO Brian Billingsley’s appearance on Jim Cramer’s Mad Money TV program.
  • Inman features Silanis Technology in a column on the growing use of e-signatures in mortgage lending.
  • Fort Community CU upgrades its Malauzai Software mobile SmartApp to support local rewards program.
  • Cinfed Federal CU hires Insuritas to launch its turnkey insurance agency solution.
  • FundAmerica launches its Invest Now button to provide compliant, friction-free capital-raising for crowdfunding platforms.
  • QuantConnect to offer its algorithmic trading platform via Tradier’s API.
  • Zooz and PayItSimple participate in Visa Europe Collab’s “100-Day Innovation Sprint.”
  • RealEstateTechNews takes a look at Realty Mogul and the launch of its new commercial real estate lending division.
  • Bank of the West redesigns, launches online banking service but on the Corillian Online platform from Fiserv.

This post will be updated throughout the day as news and developments emerge. You can also follow all the alumni news headlines on the Finovate Twitter account.

MoneyHub Demonstrates its PFM Ecosystem

MoneyHub_logo_high-res.jpgThis post is part of our live coverage of FinovateEurope 2015.

MoneyHub is up next, offering a personal finance management solution that puts users in the center of their financial universe.

The MoneyHub ecosystem is a place where users can aggregate their own data and information, access financial advice, and connect with financial institutions and other services.

The MoneyHub ecosystem puts the user at the center of their financial universe, helping them make better choices for their financial future and manage their relationships with financial institutions more effectively.

Presenters: CEO Toby Hughes and CTO Dave Tonge
Product launch: Q2 2015
Product distribution strategy: Direct to Consumer (B2C), Direct to Business (B2B), through financial institutions, through other fintech companies and platforms; licensed
HQ: Bristol, United Kingdom
Metrics: MoneyHub is a Bristol-based company in a phase of rapid growth. We currently have 40 employees and will be expanding further throughout 2015. MoneyHug currently tracks more than £3 billion (pounds) in consumer assets daily.
Twitter: @moneyhubapp

FinovateEurope 2015 Sneak Peek: Part 7


FinovateEurope is less than a week away, and we’ve already surpassed last year’s record-breaking attendance. Soon, we’ll be sitting inOld Billingsgate Market Hall in London, enjoying tea while enjoying the first day of live demos at FinovateEurope.

Want to be a part of the largest FinovateEurope crowd ever? Get your ticket soon before it’s sold out.


In this final post of our Sneak Peek series, we’re featuring Aire, Akamai Technologies, LifePay, MoneyHub, mydesq, Onlinepay.comSedicii, and Taulia. You can see all the posts here:


Aire is an alternate credit score for people. Our mission is to help thin-file customers who qualify for essential financial products via this new score.


    • Rescore credit rejections to lend to 15%+ more customers
    • Improve overall cost of acquisition
    • Minimal change to existing risk profile

Why it’s great
Aire can help turn a No to a Yes.



Aneesh Varma, Co-founder
Varma is a serial entrepreneur with a prior startup in enterprise retail tech, he started off in consumer finance at JPMorgan. He’s an engineer with a background in predictive algorithms quantitative finance.



Jon Bundy, Co-founder
With 14 years across financial technology, Bundy has been building risk and data products with an additional expertise in fraud detection and AML as well. He was previously at RBS, Searchspace and Symbian.



Akamai Technologies is a leading provider of cloud security services, helping banks provide secure, high-performing user experiences on any device, anywhere.


    • Focus on the source of the request
    • Determine the extent to which that source has sent malicious requests in the past
    • Make predictions regarding how much that source can be trusted in the future

Why it’s great
The Akamai Client Reputation service provides financial institutions the ability to forecast intent and protect applications against web attacks.


Ory Segal, Director of Threat Research


Nick Coleman (pictured), Web Security Specialist




LifePay is an mPOS EMV chip-and-pin solution, allowing SMEs to accept payments by plastic cards via smartphones, and get LifePay Stand and overall sales analytics.


    • LifePay-mPOS chip & pin is a start-point of LifePay ecosystem
    • LifePay offers the LifePay Stand solution with a portable printer and cashbox as a next-gen cash register.
    • Merchant’s portal

Why it’s great
LifePay – inspiring Asia


MoneyHub puts the user at the center of their financial universe and helps them visualize their future. MoneyHub’s Ecosystem will empower people to connect, share data and collaborate with their financial advisers and institutions like never before.

Why it’s great
Your customers are already using MoneyHub, why not see how you can use it with them?



Toby Hughes, CEO MoneyHub
Hughes, Founder and CEO of MoneyHub, is an entrepreneur with more than 10 years of digital marketing and technological innovation experience in financial services.



Dave Tonge, CTO
Tonge, CTO at MoneyHub, has a strong technical skill-set and entrepreneurial instincts. Dave specializes in innovative business strategy and agile software architecture.



mydesq is an iPad-based workbench which combines products, clients, accounts and analytics providing wealth managers the information advantage to work smarter.


    • Work from anywhere, anytime
    • Simplify work
    • Increase Sales & Service

Why it’s great
It revolutionizes and simplifies the way wealth managers work.


Milan Vora, CEO & Founder

OnlinepayLogo2.jpg is a mobile wallet for students. Share, buy and top up!


    • Share your money with your friends
    • Make purchases directly from your mobile phone
    • Top up your gaming accounts  

Why it’s great is a mobile wallet, designed for fun and sharing money, convenient mobile shopping and top up of gaming and trading accounts.



Vladimir Kovalevskiy, Director
Kovalevskiy has in-depth experience in the payment and e-commerce fields in Russia and abroad, including projects related to mobile payments.



Anfisa Chernaya, Marketing Manager
Chernaya is working in marketing field for last 5 years.



Sedicii eliminates the exposure (storage and transmission) of private data required to authenticate.


    • Sedicii Payments Card Authentication
    • Sedicii Mobile Authentication
    • Sedicii Contact Centre Authentication

Why it’s great
It is innovative technology for more secure authentication and identity verification.



Rob Leslie, CEO
Leslie’s track record includes part of the original management team to establish/grow Dell Japan to $300M TO in 4 years. Leslie also co-founded PTS Japan, sold in 2000, having achieved $33M valuation in 5 years.



Richard Coady, Commercial Director
Coady has held senior positions with BT, WBT Systems, Prometric. He will work towards the implementation of the International Sales strategy for the Sedicii portfolio of authentication applications.



Taulia transforms supply chains, enabling organizations to create a healthy relationship between suppliers and buyers.


    • Sets up a SaaS network between a buyer and all its suppliers with eInvoicing
    • Uses network to offer all suppliers an opportunity to get paid early using third-party finance
    • Preserves buyer capital

Why it’s great
Taulia solves the buyer/supplier payment dilemma.



Matthew Stammers, European Marketing Director
Member of the European management team with responsibility for launching Taulia in Europe. Previously worked for Bottomline Technologies and Capita and holds a Henley MBA.


Christophe Juvanon, European Solutions Consulting Director
Key member of Taulia’s European team responsible for understanding customer’s requirements and solution fit. Previously employed by OpenText and DHL. Holds a post-grad degree from Napier University.


That concludes our Sneak Peek series. You can catch all 70+ companies as they demo live at FinovateEurope on February 10 and 11. Pick up your ticket here.

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