FinovateSpring 2009 / SimpliFi

Presenter Profile:

How they describe themselves: SimpliFi was founded with a simple mission: create a web service that would allow anyone to easily create and update their own financial plan. SimpliFi launched its first version four years ago, and since then has been working with credit unions to help their members improve their financial futures through planning. With the growth and explosion of interest in web-based personal finance services, the time is ripe to bring SimpliFi to the general public. The initial target market is the US, with Canada, Australia, and England next in line.

What they think makes them better: Unlike mass information sites or budgeting/PFM tools, SimpliFi actually provides personalized advice on what to do with your money! As an SEC-Registered Investment Advisor, SimpliFi provides unbiased advice on savings, spending, debt management, insurance and investments–no generic articles or blanket suggestions here. SimpliFi dynamically “grades” each plan, helping users assess risk and adjust their plan accordingly. Over time, SimpliFi monitors users’ progress towards goals and provides reminders for when action items are due. And SimpliFi only makes product recommendations that can help a user complete action steps–no random broadband or cell phone deals allowed.


Press: Korina Buhler, [email protected], 415-402-0230

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