Dynamics Demos Triple Interface Card

Thumbnail image for DynamicsLogo1.jpgNext, Dynamics introduced its Triple Interface card:

This card, which stems from its original suite of  products, is a technology-agnostic platform that enables consumers to use credit or rewards points as payment. The card includes both embeddable and contactless chips that allow for transactions to be executed with a tap, swipe, or EMV insert.
Product Launched: September 2012
HQ Location: Pittsburgh, PA
Company Founded: September 2007
Metrics: Over $40M raised, over 100 employees
Finovate demo videofinovate.com/fall12vid/ (demo video will be posted next week)
Introducing Jeff Mullen (CEO)

Finovate Alumni News– July 20, 2012

  • Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for Finovate-F-Logo.jpgDynamics certified as payment card production vendor on MasterCard network.
  • Lighter Capital hires BJ Lackland as new CEO.
  • Netbanker reports: BillGuard Puts Extra Effort into Contacting Customers.
  • Lazy Man and Money blog features SaveUp.
  • TechCrunch reports Credit Karma app becomes #1 Financial app in Apple App Store and #22 overall, only 1 day after debut.
  • TSYS signs 6 year agreement to provide BofA processing services for consumer credit card portfolios in the U.S.
This post will be updated throughout the day as news and developments emerge. You can also follow all the alumni news headlines on the Finovate Twitter account.

Dynamics Certified as Payment Card Production Vendor on MasterCard Network

Thumbnail image for DynamicsLogo1.jpg

Dynamics, creator of the next-generation payment card, announced today that it has been certified as a payment card production vendor on the MasterCard network.

This certification enables the next-generation MasterCard cardholders to be offered special spending, security, and personalization options:

“MasterCard cardholders, for example, could push a button that allows them to pay with loyalty points instead of their credit account. Buttons also could be used to require someone to enter a personal unlocking code to authorize a payment, adding another layer of security.”

In addition, the certification means that the Dynamics production facility meets MasterCard requirements.

To learn more about Dynamics, watch its FinovateSpring 2012 demo.

Dynamics Shows Off its ePlate Technology


Getting things started after lunch, Dynamics brought its ePlate card technology to the stage:
This new payment card allows consumers to choose between two different “experiences” using buttons on the front of the card that, when selected, rewrite the payments strip on the back of the card. 
Users can customize which experiences correlate to the buttons on the card by using the Dynamics mobile app or an online interface.
HQ Location: Pittsburgh, PA
Company Founded: September 2007
Product Launched: April 2012
Metrics: Dynamics has raised over $40 million and currently has over 100 employees
Introducing Jeff Mullen (CEO)



Finovate Alumni News– April 20, 2012

  • Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for Finovate-F-Logo.jpgDynamics launches ePlate card technology, allows users to choose payment rewards. Come see it demo live at FinovateSpring.
  • HelloWallet hires Michael Yoch, former NPR product lead & Trooper Sanders, former Michelle Obama advisor.
  • Klarna wins Billion Dollar Company award at GP Bullhound Digital Champions Nordic 2012.
  • Integration Developer News covers Ping Identity’s PingOne.
  • AOL Daily Finance discusses why they like Bazaarvoice.
  •  First quarter 2012 funding for Finovate alumni: $150 million raised.
This post will be updated throughout the day as news and developments emerge. You can also follow all the alumni news headlines on the Finovate Twitter account.

Dynamics Launches ePlate Card Technology, Allows Users to Choose Payment Rewards


Powered payments card company, Dynamics, showed off its newest innovation at DEMO yesterday.

The Pennsylvania-based company released a technology called ePlate. Its a new payment card that allows consumers to choose between two different “experiences” using buttons on the front of the card that, when selected, rewrite the payments strip on the back of the card. 

Thumbnail image for eplate2.jpg

Users can customize which experiences correlate to the buttons on the card by using the Dynamics mobile app (pictured below) or an online interface.

Thumbnail image for DynamicsExperienceMgr.jpg

There are currently 11 providers

      1. Upper Deck
      2. Dark Horse Comics
      3. Evil Genius Games
      4. Avenue Social Games
      5. Social Cubix Games
      6. Jersey Jack Pinball
      7. Toys for Tots
      8. Lemonade Day
      9. A sweepstakes application that allows users to compete for large prizes
      10. A Dynamics Credits application that allows users to earn credits for the ePlate platform
      11. A social network application that allows users to share their purchases with their social network friends 

In order to encourage the addition of more experiences, Dynamics introduced an SDK with an API that includes 4 developer tools:

1. Developers are given purchase data when customers use the brand’s experience application
2. Developers are given 25 basis points for every purchase made using their application
3. Developers can add a secondary transaction on top of any purchase. An example of this would be a charity that allows the customer to approve a $1 donation to their organization when they conduct a regular purchase.
4. Developers can give users a statement credit. An example of this would be a retailer that provides the consumer with a $10 statement credit when they spend $100 at the retail location.

In preparation for the launch, Dynamics redesigned its website and changed its domain name from poweredcards.com to Dynamicsinc.com.

To see Dynamics demo the ePlate live, come to FinovateSpring 2012 in San Francisco May 8 and 9.

Finovate Alumni News– March 23, 2012

  • Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for Finovate-F-Logo.jpgeMudhra partners with Monitise to help launch mobile payments service.
  • Credit Karma profiles SaveUp. Come see SaveUp at FinovateSpring in May.
  • David Stone, CashStar CEO, named business leader of the year.
  • VentureBeat explores PayPal Here’s packaging.
  • ChargeSmart blog looks at what’s behind Dynamics smart cards.
  • AcceptEmail and PostNL enter into a strategic partnership.
  • Meniga takes its PFM to Australia.
  • Lighter Capital makes borrowing even easier by launching Design-A-Loan.
This post will be updated throughout the day as news and developments emerge. You
can also follow all the alumni news headlines on the Finovate Twitter account.

Finovate Alumni News– March 21, 2012

  • Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for Finovate-F-Logo.jpgCashStar brings eGifting platform to the UK.
  • Service2Media signs AppCenter Partner agreement with HintTech.
  • Clairmail appoints former Apple executive, Mitch Stein as new Director of Innovation and Design.
  • Lazy Man and Money blog covers SigFig, calling it the best way to track your investments.
  • Wonga launches Easter Egg hunt on Facebook.
  • eToro’s OpenBook wins 2011 Superior Trading and Resource (STAR) Award.
  • WSJ’s MarketWatch suggests using HelloWallet to help employees build wealth.
  • Relevantly Speaking highlights Offermatic in a podcast.
  • NY Times Bucks blog describes the experience of using Citi’s rewards card powered by Dynamics.
  • Finextra looks at Mint, HelloWallet, and Lodo to consider benefits of implementing a PFM.
This post will be updated throughout the day as news and developments emerge. You
can also follow all the alumni news headlines on the Finovate Twitter account.

Finovate Best of Show Winners: 2007 to Present

Thumbnail image for BOSBadge.jpg

We recently looked back at Finovate’s Best of Show Awards archives and wanted to share the list of the 41 award-winning companies.

Here’s the Best of Show history that stretches back to 2007, the inception of Finovate:


Held October 2, 2007
Mint: Online PFM for individuals
Mortgagebot’s Mortgage Marvel: Mortgage marketplace
Prosper: P2P lending network

Held April 29, 2008
First ROI (now BancVue): Develops products and services for community financial institutions
Jwaala: Provides software solutions to help financial institutions compete
Zecco: Online stock and options trading
Zopa: P2P lending network
Held October 14, 2008
CheckFree: Online banking platform 
Credit Karma: Provides a free and easy way for consumers to understand, monitor and monetize their credit profile
Mint: Online PFM for individuals
Neosaej’s MoneyAisle: Platform where banks compete in live auctions for an individual consumer’s business 

Held April 28, 2009
BillShrink (now Truaxis): Provides a free cost-savings tool that saves consumers money on everyday bills
Prosper: P2P lending platform
Silver Tail Systems: Predictive analytics to prevent fraud abuse
SimpliFi: A web service that allows anyone to create and update their own financial plan
Held September 29, 2009
BancVue’s Kasasa: national checking/ savings account brand for community financial institutions
Credit.com: Provides free interactive tools, education, and unbiased comparisons of quality financial products and services
Digital Insight from Intuit: Provides on-demand banking services to help financial institutions serve clients
Silver Tail Systems: Provides online fraud detection platform 
Yodlee: Provides personalized financial solutions to financial institutions

Held May 11, 2010
Bobber Interactive: Money management platform for youth
Expensify: Online and mobile expense report platform
oFlows (Purchased by Andera in 2011): Multichannel paperless solutions for account openings
Wikinvest: A platform for investors to share trading tips
Thumbnail image for FinovateFall2010.jpg

Held October 4-5, 2010
Betterment: Investment account for savings management 
BillShrink (now Truaxis): Loyalty rewards provider
Bundle: Provides socially informed money management for individuals
Dynamics: Produces and manufactures intelligent powered cards
oFlows (Purchased by Andera in 2011): Multichannel paperless solutions for account openings
PayNearMe: Cash transaction network for the underbanked
SecureKey: Token-based authentication technology
Held February 1, 2011
eToro: Social investment network
Finantix: Provides sales and advice solutions for financial services 
Liqpay: Payments platform
Meniga: Online PFM for financial institutions
Held May 10-11, 2011
BancVue: Develops products and services for community financial institutions
BankOns: Mobile app offering consumers real-time savings at local merchants
Dwolla: Online, mobile, and social peer-to-peer payment platform
oFlows (Purchased by Andera in 2011): Multichannel paperless solutions for account openings
Mitek Systems: Provides apps for smartphones that allow users to deposit checks and pay bills via their devices’ cameras
PayNearMe: Cash transaction network for the underbanked
Wikinvest: A platform for investors to share trading tips
Thumbnail image for FinovateFall2011.jpg
Held September 20-21, 2011
BillGuard: People-powered antivirus for bills
Dynamics:  produces and manufactures intelligent powered cards
eToro: Social investment network
FamZoo: Online “virtual family Bank”
FeeFighters: Platform that simplifies the process of choosing a merchant account provider
LearnVest: Online PFM for women
Offermatic: Targeted online offers provider
oFlows (Purchased by Andera in 2011): Multichannel paperless solutions for account openings
Personal Capital: Online financial advisor helping people manage their investments
Thumbnail image for FinovateEurope2012Logo.jpg
Held February 2, 2011
Cardlytics: Transaction-based rewards
Dynamics: produces and manufactures intelligent powered cards
eToro: Social investment network
Nutmeg: Online investment manager that democratizes saving and investing

FinovateEurope 2012 Best of Show Winners Named

Ixaria CIO Tim Murfet & Marketing Dir Barbara Durand present at FinovateEurope 2012 

imageAt Tuesday’s second annual FinovateEurope, 35 companies laid it on the line within the grueling 7-minute demo format plus a day of networking in the old London fish market on the Thames.

For the first time ever, and much to our astonishment, every demo finished at or under the time limit. Thankfully, we never had to hear the bell signifying that time is up.

At the end of the last demo, eligible audience members (note 1) voted for their three favorite demos (note 2). All 35 companies received votes (employees of presenting companies cannot vote), but four stood out in the vote tally (alphabetic order):   

  • imageCardlytics (with Aimia) showed its in-statement ad platform and management tools (demo recap)
  • imageDynamics which launched its “chip and choice” card for
    the chip & pin world (demo recap)
  • imageeToro which launched its crowd-sourced “guru finder”
    to help locate traders to follow/copy (demo recap)
  • imageNutmeg launched an investment service focused around the needs
    of the everyday investor (demo recap)

FinovateEurope networking hall was wall-to-wall bankers at mid-dayDynamics and eToro are previous Best of Show winners. You can read our live blog posts on each demo now. And in two or three weeks we’ll have the full demos available at Finovate.com.

Thanks to everyone who attended and presented. We are truly humbled by the support from the European financial community, and we are already making plans for the 2013.


Notes on methodology:
1. Only audience members NOT associated with demoing companies were eligible to vote. Finovate employees did not vote.   
2. Attendees were encouraged to note their favorites as the day went on and choose three favorites only from the demos of that day. Ballots were turned in at the end of the last demo session each day. 
3. The exact written instructions given to attendees: “Please rate (the companies) on the basis of demo quality and potential impact of the innovation demoed. Note: Ballots with more than three companies circled will not be counted.” 
4. The four companies appearing on the highest percentage of submitted ballots were named Best of Show.

Dynamics Shows Off Smart Credit Card

Thumbnail image for DynamicsLogo9.11.jpg

In the last presentation before lunch, Dynamics demonstrated its secure, battery powered credit card:

Chip & Choice is intended for the EU and other markets that utilize EMV (~85% penetration in EU). The battery-powered card has multiple “chips” including a central processing chip and a secondary “EMV” chip. The applications are loaded in a central “chip.” Based on what button a user pressed on the card, the appropriate application is provided to the secondary “chip.” Thus, the POS reader believes the card is a single-application card when, in fact, the card is a multiple application card.”

Product Launched: Currently in trials

HQ Location: Pittsburgh, PA
Company Founded: 2007
Metrics: Over $40 million in funding raised, approximately 35 employees 
Website: poweredcards.com

Presenting Jeff Mullen (CEO)

Finovate Alumni News– January 27, 2012

  • Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for Finovate-F-Logo.jpgHelloWallet receives $12 million in funding.
  • MercuryNews reviews Jemstep’s online investment advisor.
  • CBS Money Watch hosts Jeff Mullen, CEO of Dynamics, to discuss the increased security of Card 2.0.
  • Know Your Mobile focuses on eToro’s mobile trading app for Android. Come see eToro at FinovateEurope Feb 7.
  • Finextra reports Bank of Georgia implements ProfitStars social media compliance tool.
This post will be updated throughout the day as news and developments emerge. You can also follow all the alumni news headlines on the Finovate Twitter account.