Do the Best of Show winners of FinovateSpring 2017 represent our most diverse array of fintech innovations to date?
You be the judge. This year’s winners include four companies that made their Finovate debuts this year, as well as a pair of companies – Hedgeable and SaleMove – that are not only Finovate veterans, but also are previous Best of Show award winners. And when we focus on the technologies involved: artificial intelligence, automated financial advisory, OCR, machine learning, biometrics, and more, it is clear that the innovations we see on the Finovate stage are indicative of broader trends not just in fintech, but in the technology industry as a whole.
So here’s to the innovators of FinovateSpring: from those who leverage technology to solve fundamental problems in finance to others who take advantage of the “sharing economy” to introduce entirely new ways to do everything from buying a home to investing for retirement.
Alpharank for its APIs that enable FIs to turn their transaction data into predictive social graph data.
Capitali.se for its fully-automated portfolio management and trade execution technology that turns natural language into executable investment strategies.

Hedgeable AI Lab for its artificial intelligence platform, Katana, that leverages voice commands and chatbot technology to provide financial planning advice.

Microblink for its real-time, retail receipt scanner for mobile apps, turning the mobile camera into an accurate data catcher and replacing manual inputs.

Neener Analytics for its compliant social media analytics solutions that provide frictionless credit decisioning and individual risk outcome predictions.
SaleMove for its Engagement Platform and OmniBrowse solution that helps FIs meet or exceed the in-person customer experience online.
SpeechPro for its VoiceKey.FRAUD technology that uses voice biometrics to enable call centers to detect fraudsters.
Unison for its HomeBuyer and HomeOwner solutions that helps make homes more affordable and home equity easier and less expensive to access.
What a time we had this year in San Jose! Thanks to all our presenting companies, our sponsors and partners, our volunteers, temps, and presenter-acclaimed AV team, and of course, thanks to you, our attendees. We are already looking forward to our return to Silicon Valley next year for FinovateSpring 2018. So if we don’t see you this summer in London for FinDEVr or this fall in New York for our new, expanded FinovateFall conference, we hope we’ll see you again this time next year right here.
Notes on methodology:
1. Only audience members NOT associated with demoing companies were eligible to vote. Finovate employees did not vote.
2. Attendees were encouraged to note their favorites during each day. At the end of the last demo, they chose their three favorites.
3. The exact written instructions given to attendees: “Please rate (the companies) on the basis of demo quality and potential impact of the innovation demoed.”
4. The six companies appearing on the highest percentage of submitted ballots were named “Best of Show.”
5. Go here for a list of previous Best of Show winners through 2014. Best of Show winners from our 2015 and 2016 conferences are below: