FinovateSpring 2013 / Yseop
Presenter Profile:
How they describe themselves: Yseop creates a new age where financial services delivered to customers are driven by artificial intelligence and human collaboration. Using a patented-technological solution based on artificial intelligence and natural language generation, Yseop boosts the productivity of business teams by automating best practices & delivering personalized expertise. Yseop is the first software that writes (and speaks) intelligent text, just like a human being, but at a speed of over a thousand pages per second. Yseop analyzes your financial and customer data, dialogs intelligently with the banker to help him or her analyze a customer’s situation and produces written conclusions. Yseop writes comments and personalized recommendations in natural language (English, Spanish, French, etc.). Yseop automates the production of personalized reports, executive summaries, prep-to-meeting materials, meeting summaries, online expert guidance and more.
How they describe their product/innovation: Yseop Financial represents the latest round of financial applications developed on Yseop’s technology. This suite of products covers the full range of possibilities offered by Yseop’s text-generating software, including a prep-to-meeting report, an automatically generated two-page financial executive summary based on the latest market data, and a personalized retirement planning application.
Bus. Dev. & Sales: Matthew Kropp, Director Sales, [email protected], 214-393-9719
Press: Elizabeth Farabee, VP Marketing, [email protected], +33-6-5904-3350