FinovateSpring 2013 / Curaxian
Presenter Profile:
How they describe themselves: Curaxian helps merchants and processors manage the economics of risk through solutions based on real-world experience. Key areas of focus include fraud risk management, authorization decline optimization, and interchange cost management. Our SaaS based analytics and reporting platform can be used by merchants to manage their own risk or can be used by processors/acquirers to manage risk of portfolio merchants. Processors or acquirers can also offer Curaxian Analytics to their merchants as a value-added white label reporting and analytics solution.
How they describe their product/innovation: Curaxian Analytics is a software service that helps merchants or processors quickly identify fraud attacks and build better rules that find the optimal balance between stopping fraud, protecting good orders, and minimizing manual review volume. It also helps merchants and processors reduce authorization declines and control interchange costs.
Bus. Dev., Press & Sales: Mitch Muroff, CEO, [email protected]