FinovateFall 2012 / aSpark

Presenter Profile:

How they describe themselves: At aSpark, we are all about the “New Interaction Model” – how consumer led innovation and new technologies give enterprises new revenue sources and help them improve operational efficiency. We incubate ideas and create products and solutions for this New Interaction Model!

Our products include “Panorama” – a mobile portal for the post-PC era and aMAP – a mobility accelerator platform that is a Backend-as-a-Service for the enterprise. Our Smart Integration Model helps us work with clients throughout the lifecycle of the overall initiative – from incubation and strategy to management and testing. aSpark has about 15+ clients -including major global financial services firms.

How they describe their product/innovation: Stock Panorama brings what “matters” to an investor’s portfolio – combination of “relevant and key” market data, analyst sentiment and social intelligence to your mobile device. Today, you seek this information. Stock Panorama reduces the homework and brings it to you when it matters so that you are never surprised!

The app “follows” key events and information around these events for your stocks and integrates them into your personal calendar – so you can see what’s ahead for your investments. You get the right information anywhere, anytime. To find out more, visit


Bus. Dev.: Rena Nigam, EVP, [email protected], (917) 587-5055
Press: Anuj Baveja, Managing Director, RF Binder, [email protected], (212) 994-7552
Sales: Helen Forster, Client Services, [email protected], (917) 691-4591

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