FinovateEurope 2017 / Efigence
Presenter Profile:
How they describe themselves: Efigence is a technology company specializing in designing customer experience, delivering and implementing innovative technologies and providing consultancy in the field of innovation for banks and financial services. We build web and mobile internet banking platforms with friendly and always tailor-made UI/UX, a forecaster module, a payment and transactions automation module, a seamless journey integration package and semantic search. Efigence combines all these tools within one complete financial platform that supports our customers’ businesses, helps them stand out from the competition and increases customer satisfaction at the same time.
How they describe their product/innovation: Efi4 is a seamless digital banking experience to guide retail banking customers through the complexity of the banking world using a three-screen environment. It’s key usability concepts are to improve customer interaction with the banking environment and to generate revenue for the bank in terms of customer acquisition, upselling and maintenance. What distinguishes Efi4 is the combination of off-the-shelf technological solutions that have been developed by Efigence packaged with a user interface and user experience uniquely designed for each individual bank or financial institution. The benefits of this approach are reliability, affordability and fast implementation of technology, plus a unique look and feel to each application.
Product distribution strategy: Direct to Business (B2B), through financial institutions, through other fintech companies and platforms, licensed
Bus. Dev.: Andrzej Szewczyk, Managing Director,, +48 22 380 13 13
Press: Magdalena Buszek, PR Manager,, +48 22 380 13 13