FinovateEurope 2017 / Xignite

Presenter Profile:

How they describe themselves: Listed twice to the Forbes FinTech 50 and named “one of the coolest brands in banking,” Xignite provides real-time and reference stock market data, such as trade and quote history, via cloud-based APIs, making it easy for financial services companies to build and deploy websites and mobile applications. The Xignite Market Data Cloud, hosted by Amazon Web Services, helps financial services organizations reduce infrastructure costs, and innovate faster by centralizing and distributing market data from the public cloud instead of storing and maintaining the data locally. Xignite’s clients include financial services companies and leading fintech innovators.

How they describe their product/innovation. With the rising interest in passive investment strategies and the expansion of robo-advice, interest in ETFs, mutual funds and other fund instruments has never been stronger. Investors are demanding more access to quality fund data from their financial services applications. But integrating this type of information into investor solutions has not been easy due to market fragmentation and the lack of APIs. Until now! Xignite is announcing the most comprehensive global fund fundamental API available in the market, XigniteGlobalFundFundamentals. This new API provides coverage for close to 300,000 funds from 74 countries including ETFs, closed end funds, mutual funds, open ended funds, variable annuities, separate account/collective investment trusts and hedge funds. Included in the API are CloudAnalytics, built-in high-performance search and screening abilities running from the cloud which allow developers to deliver unique service and experience to their users.

Product distribution strategy: Direct to Business (B2B)


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