FinovateEurope 2017 / Swaper

Presenter Profile:

How they describe themselves: Swaper is a marketplace where we offer customers from European economic area to invest in consumer loans, which are issued in Georgia and Poland. Swaper offers fixed interest rate for all investments- 12%, additionally for our loyal customers 14%. Company takes all the risk on itself, offering investors BuyBack guarantee for all loans, what means that in case if loan has not been repaid by borrower on term, investor still receives all invested amount and interest. In future we are planning to add more countries and more products (for example, long term loans) to be available for investments on Swaper.

How they describe their product/innovation: Swaper P2P Marketplace is developed together with investors by collecting their suggestions and feedback, what lead us to develop more sophisticated ways to make investments. It’s become easier and faster to deal with the investment world. We have made investments more accessible by moving investing to mobile devices with our new Mobile app. It gives investors ability to have online control over investments anywhere and anytime. Our “Portfolio Invest” feature gives possibility to invest just by one click. Thanks to the research of investors needs, we’ve launched the product that’s more contemporary and suitable for nowadays investor’s lifestyle.

Product distribution strategy: Direct to Consumer (B2C), Direct to Business (B2B)


Bus. Dev.: Iveta Brūvele, CEO,, +371 20229222
Press & Sales: Zane Sizova, Project Manager,, +371 26119522

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