FinovateEurope 2017 / ICAR

Presenter Profile:

How they describe themselves: ICAR has worldwide presence with more than 20M IDentity Validation per year. ICAR remains heavily invested in research with 45% of its human resources dedicated to R&D. Referenced by Gartner technology research, ICAR solutions are the only ones in the market with fully automated verification system, and have lead a breakthrough technology with the potential to change everyday use of identity validation. Our team is formed by committed and professional people motivated by challenges.

How they describe their product/innovation: ID_Mobile is based on our own fully-automatic technology, which validates costumer identity, and incorporates the necessary features to be the best easy-to-use online ID-verification tool. We make sure that it is a real user at the time of onboarding, validating the identity document, doing a biometric comparison of the photo in ID against the customer`s selfie, doing a liveness test (biometric), analyse the geolocalization and mobile security and checking dynamic information like the e-mail, phone number, and Social Networks. This is achieved without human intervention, ensuring full data privacy and security, with a maximum response time of only 21 seconds. We not only verify the identity document, but build the Digital Identity Profile.

Product distribution strategy: Direct to Business (B2B), through financial institutions, through other fintech companies and platforms


Bus. Dev. Press & Sales: Mariona Campmany, CMO, [email protected]

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