FinovateSpring 2011 / Clovr Media

Presenter Profile:

How they describe themselves: Clovr Media delivers Loyalty 2.0 to the financial services and digital media ecosystems by bridging the gap between credit/debit card loyalty and interactive advertising . Clovr Media has built the first platform converting traditional banner, text, video, or mobile advertisements into Card Linked Offers (CLOs). Find out more at

How they describe their product/innovation: Clovr Media’s platform allows consumers to link offers (i.e. “Save 10% on next purchase” or “Save $5 the next time you shop”) directly to their existing payment cards, both credit and debit. Consumers receive the associated financial savings as a credit to their payment card account upon purchase of the promoted good or service with their registered payment card. Consumers register their cards through their financial institution (bank) relationship or on an independent basis the first time they link an offer through an advertisement. After a one time registration, they will be able to link offers they see in a variety of different digital environments including traditional online and mobile banner ads, offer destination sites, and e-mail subscriptions/notifications. An online user interface allows users to view the offers they have selected, browse additional offers, and customize their overall individual experience.


Bus. Dev., Sales: Doug Spear, EVP, [email protected], 401-864-5317
Press: Molly Galler, Account Executive, Racepoint Group, [email protected], 781-487-4611

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