FinovateSpring 2018 / ProxToMe

Presenter Profile:

How they describe themselves: ProxToMe is defining a standard for proximity-based authentication to IoT devices. We secure user-to-machine interactions from man-in-the-middle attacks without sacrificing user experience. Within a mobile app, ProxToMe enables frictionless and secure access to ATMs, payment terminals, workstations, door locks, printing devices, connected medical devices, and other mission-critical IoT devices. We license the technology to HW vendors and brands.

How they describe their product/innovation: ProxToMe demonstrate how its new technology called ProxToMe Identity Assurance (IA) can make security stronger and also easier to use it for practical use cases in the Fintech world. ProxToMe IA is patented software that leverages Bluetooth and/or Near Field Communication with an identity assurance algorithm to ensure that the authenticating user’s smartphone is in front of a legit IoT device. Financial Institutions and Fintech companies can use ProxToMe IA to grant their mobile users secure and frictionless access to financial and retail touchpoints that require users’ physical presence as an additional authentication factor.

Product distribution strategy: Direct to Business (B2B), through financial institutions, through other fintech companies and platforms, licensed


Bus. Dev.: Carlo Capello, CEO,

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