FinovateSpring 2018 / NuData Security
Presenter Profile:
How they describe themselves: NuData Security is an award-winning passive biometrics and behavioral analytics company. We were born with the belief that customers deserve a seamless online experience that keeps them protected. Our technology identifies users based on their online interactions – behavior that can’t be replicated by a third party. We have proudly pioneered the field of passive behavioral biometrics and are tirelessly evolving to keep our clients away from growing online risks.
In 2017, Mastercard acquired NuData to integrate our intelligence into their robust suite of fraud management and security solutions in their drive to protect and innovate the digital space.
How they describe their product/innovation: Trusted users often get interjected on a new device, location or IP. NuData’s universal identity solution shifts the way the industry understands the concept of device identification technology. Instead of binding a single device to an FI account, this solution builds a signal that tracks the identity of not only one but many users. The data from multiple devices and each user’s inherent behavior and passive biometrics are tied back to one identifier that is allowed into the FI account.
Trusted identifiers that can include more than one individual help companies reduce unnecessary friction while providing a better customer experience.
Product distribution strategy: Direct to Business (B2B)
Bus. Dev. & Sales: Jules Campeau, Chief Bus. Dev. Officer, [email protected]
Press: Lisa Baergen, Marketing Director, [email protected] & PR contact: Lara Lackie, [email protected]