FinovateFall 2015 / Eco-Mail

Presenter Profile:

How they describe themselves: Eco-Mail helps enterprises eliminate paper mail, as both mailer and recipient. We provide an enterprise-ready platform that, with remarkable simplicity, transforms your physical mail processing into a secure, reliable digital system using proven exchange technology.

Think of us as “VISA for digital mail correspondence.” A powerful system, running reliably in the background, that’s incredibly flexible for your enterprise, virtually invisible to your consumers, and a massive driver of cost savings and revenue for your business.

How they describe their product/innovation: Our exchange platform has two products:

EMX Enterprise helps large businesses transform and distribute their physical mail in digital form. The Eco-Mail solution eliminates physical mail infrastructure driving tremendous savings and making your organization more digital, efficient, accountable, and customer responsive.

EMX Consumer efficiently delivers compelling personalized content at destinations consumers already know, use, and trust. Eco-Mail’s revolutionary solution doesn’t disrupt existing consumer relationships, we enhance them for mailers, distributors, consumers, and payment processors.

Product distribution strategy: Direct to Business (B2B), through financial institutions


Bus. Dev., Press & Sales: Roy Spinelli, Chief Revenue Officer, [email protected], (o) 203-487-4469, (m) 732-580-2130

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