FinovateFall 2013 / Mitek

Presenter Profile:

How they describe themselves: Mitek (MITK) created the category of mobile imaging and continues to maximize value of the mobile channel for financial transactions. The company has a proven record of delivering a reliable, high quality experience in hundreds of millions of transactions, with millions of consumers at more than a 1,000 financial institutions. The banking suite of solutions support mobile transaction throughout the customer lifecycle and includes: Mobile Deposit®, Mobile Photo Bill Pay®, Mobile Photo Balance Transfer™, Mobile Photo Account Opening™, Mobile Photo Account Funding™, and Mobile Photo Document Capture™. Only Mitek provides touch-free, automatic image capture experience across all consumer use cases.

How they describe their product/innovation: Mitek’s new Mobile Photo Account Opening solution enables financial institutions to take advantage of mobile for customer acquisition by reducing the friction for users with mobile imaging. The engaging user experience attracts digital natives and mobile first then retains them throughout their financial life. The user simply takes photos of personal and financial documents instead of entering information on a device keypad. This greatly reduces the time and effort required by the user to open and fund an account on a mobile device.  Mitek’s Mobile Photo Account Opening provides flexible deployment options and seamlessly integrates with FIs existing account origination and identity verification providers.

Product Distribution Strategy: Direct to Business (B2B)


Bus. Dev.: Michael Nelson, VP Bus. Dev., [email protected]
Press: Ann Reichert, Director of Marketing, [email protected],
Sarah Schulz, MIX Public Relations, [email protected]
Sales: Keith Gray, VP Sales, [email protected]

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