FinovateFall 2013 / authenticID
Presenter Profile:
How they describe themselves: As our tagline states, authenticID is “True Identity Made Simple.” Our solutions work worldwide – and our pictureID solution is 100% accurate – a claim no other identity proofing solution can make. Traditional identity proofing companies’ solutions leave holes that allow ID fraudsters to easily penetrate their defenses, as reflected by the skyrocketing increase in new account and account takeover fraud in 2012. authenticID takes a novel approach by creating highly innovative solutions that are immune to commonly deployed fraud schemes.
How they describe their product/innovation: authenticID’s identity authentication solution, pictureID, annihilates ID fraud. It is the only system that’s invulnerable to fraud schemes. Our unique agreements allow pictureID to connect directly with document issuers in the US and Canada. This allows companies to go directly to the source for identity authentication. Unlike current identity proofing providers – we don’t “guess.” We provide absolute confirmation since document issuers records are unique to every citizen. There’s no way to trick pictureID – it returns a picture of the real consumer on file with the document issuer – with 100% accuracy.
Product Distribution Strategy: Direct to Business (B2B) & through other fintech companies and platforms
Bus. Dev.: Andrew Patrick, VP Bus. Dev., [email protected], 855-825-4343 x103
Press: Ria Romano, CEO RPR Public Relations
Sales: Courtney Lee, Sales Director, [email protected], 855-825-4343 x105