FinovateFall 2015 / Dyme

Presenter Profile:

How they describe themselves: helps turn spenders into savers using text messages. Budgets are like diets, they don’t work for most people. Dyme takes advantage of this short-term mentality, using in-the-moment text prompts to nudge users into saving or funding a goal a bit at a time, and then shows the results over time. A user then realizes that the path to savings and goal funding lies in small contributions. Dyme is designed for 18-40 year olds.

How they describe their product/innovation: Dyme is demoing its primary service, focusing on text message interactions with the user. These texts are designed to help the user make small in-the-moment contributions that nudge the user into saving towards long term goals and savings.

Product distribution strategy: Direct to Consumer (B2C), Direct to Business (B2B), through financial institutions


Bus. Dev., Press & Sales: Joseph Prather, Founder, [email protected]

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