FinovateSpring 2019 / Faraday

Presenter Profile:

How they describe themselves: Faraday helps B2C companies find, convert, engage, and retain more customers with real, actionable AI.

How they describe their product/innovation: Faraday is the end-to-end machine learning platform for the B2C tech stack.

The platform integrates with dozens of customer data sources, streamlines predictive modeling from data enrichment to model deployment, and delivers powerful predictive insights to hundreds of marketing and sales destinations.

With Faraday, you can reach lookalike audiences across your online and offline channels, prioritize and personalize lead engagement initiatives in real time, grow LTV with personalized recommendations, and proactively prevent churn.

Product distribution strategy: Direct to Business (B2B)


Bus. Dev.: Cory Albert, Financial Services Account Executive,
Riley Dickie, Financial Services Account Executive,
Press: Perry McDermott, Marketing Manager,

More Videos: FinovateSpring 2019