FinovateSpring 2014 / Visible Equity
Presenter Profile:
How they describe themselves: Visible Equity provides analytics software to financial institutions for use in warehousing disparate data, analyzing credit risk and lending opportunities, measuring expected losses, and testing for potential fair-lending discrimination.
How they describe their product/innovation: Fair Lending laws have been around for decades, but more sophisticated Fair Lending analysis has recently become a hot-button issue and point of emphasis from financial regulators.
Our product uses intuitive design and advanced statistical modeling to determine whether discrimination or “disparate impact” is potentially occurring in marketing activities, during the loan application process, with pricing and add-on products, and with charge-off and collection practices.
It is unlikely that a financial institution is ever knowingly discriminating, but now with the use of Fair Lending Analytics, institutions can mathematically prove they are compliant and treating all borrowers fairly.
Product Distribution Strategy: Direct to Business (B2B)
Bus. Dev.: David Gilbert, COO, [email protected], 888-409-1560
Press & Sales: Matthew Court, VP Sales & Marketing, [email protected],