FinovateSpring 2014 / Encap Security
Presenter Profile:
How they describe themselves: Encap Security is the only in-app banking-grade authentication solution that creates an omnichannel experience for financial institutions and customers alike. We offer Smarter Authentication – a truly user-friendly, seamless, and scalable way to create the same experience for the customer regardless of how they are currently interacting with their financial institution. Smarter Authentication combines uncompromising speed, security, and simplicity to boost the adoption of financial services and applications, allowing for the application of security to previously unexplored areas of the customer experience.
How they describe their product/innovation: In the wake of Target and other large retail breaches, Encap has the first solution that can be used to combat CNP fraud – the way most compromised cards are used. Encap is demoing our authentication solution with an emphasis on the importance of thinking outside of the traditional “authentication box.” Because Smarter Authentication is complex, secure, and provides a simple and seamless user experience, it is ideally suited to address not only mobile and online banking transactions, but also CNP transaction approval.
Product Distribution Strategy: Direct to Business (B2B), through financial institutions, through other fintech companies and platforms
Bus. Dev. & Sales: Adam Dolby, VP US Bus. Dev., [email protected],
Press: Candice Eng, PR+Brand+Social, INK, [email protected], 512-382-8989