FinovateEurope 2013 / additiv

Presenter Profile:

How they describe themselves: additiv is a Swiss software company providing bank 2.0 solutions based on its superior platform. was awarded the Banking IT-Innovation Award 2012. It allows customers and banks to handle and manage banking business faster, easier and cheaper.

How they describe their product/innovation: With we solve two major issues in banking today:

  1. Costs! allows for a major step in the industrialisation of banks by automating the mid- and front-office processes. It enables a true end-to-end business process along the complete customer journey.
  2. Differentiation in the marketplace: allows for a highly improved customer experience along all touchpoints and is the basis for serious 2.0 banking.


Bus. Dev., Press & Sales: Michael Stemmle, CEO & Founder,, +41444056070

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