ReadyForZero, the startup that aims to get people out of debt faster, has helped users pay off $12.5 million of the $200 million in total debt under management. TechCrunch reported that frequent users are paying down their debt nearly twice as fast as infrequent users (see chart below).

To help expand these numbers, the startup recently launched a platform for financial partners to make personalized offers. Here’s how it works:
- Advertisers create customized offers based on the user’s financial situation, for example credit score, debt-load, payment history, etc.
- ReadyForZero analyzes the offer for the user
- If it results in real savings, ReadyForZero passes it to the user
- If the user wants it, ReadyForZero connects them to the advertiser
To learn more about ReadyForZero, watch its FinovateFall 2011 demo.