PayPal and Cortera Take Charge in May’s Web Traffic

Each month we survey the Web-traffic performance of our alums, using data from Web-analytics company Compete to review the sites they operate. 

Out of 255 alumni, 62 (24%) had more than 10,000 unique U.S. visitors in May 2011 (see tables below). Of the 62 reviewed, 25 (40%) had fewer visitors than in the previous month and 28 (45%) saw a decline year-over-year.

Private Companies
The 44 private companies are as follows:

Notable successes:

  • Cortera saw the highest number of unique U.S. visitors in May, with almost 2 million hits.
  • HelloWallet experienced the greatest month-over-month growth, with more than four times as many visitors.
  • Betterment saw its traffic increase an impressive 38 times from May of last year.

Private Finovate Alumni With More Than 10,000 Unique Visitors in May 2011

Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for May2011PrivateWebTraffic.jpg

Source: retrieved June 29, 2011

Public Companies
The 18 public companies are as follows:

Notable successes:

  • PayPal experienced the highest number of U.S. visitors in May, with over 32 million visitors.
  • TransUnion Interactive saw the highest month-over-month growth with more than two times the number of visitors in May than in April.
  • Sybase 365 experienced the highest year-over-year growth, with its traffic up almost 80% from last year.

Public Finovate Alumni With More Than 10,000 Unique Visitors in May 2011 


Source: retrieved June 29, 2011



1. We reviewed 255 unique sites. Data was unavailable or irrelevant for 201 sites because: 

  • They had been acquired.
  • They were no longer available online.
  • They were not covered by Compete for various reasons (including some that were not U.S. domestic companies).
  • The number of unique visits was too small to be considered accurate.
  • They were subdomains of larger websites.

2. Numbers have been rounded to three significant digits.

3. The charts include companies that did not have measurable traffic in May 2011, indicated by “N/A.”

4. Compete draws its information from the online activity of a panel of more than 2 million U.S. Internet users. It is only an estimate of traffic, and may undercount at-work usage.

FinovateFall 2010 Demo Videos Now Available


We’re pleased to announce that the demo videos from FinovateFall 2010 are now available for free download (or immediate consumption) from the Finovate archives.

This fall’s NYC conference showcased 56 handpicked companies doing 7-minute demonstrations (no slides allowed) of their latest technology innovations to a sold-out audience of 650 financial & banking executives, venture capitalists, press, analysts and entrepreneurs.

Check out these cutting-edge ideas in financial, banking, payments, mobile, lending, investing and security technologies today for inspiration and your next edge on the competition! 

(P.S. If you’re interested in joining us at the next Finovate event, tickets are now on sale for FinovateEurope (Feb, 1, 2011 in London). It is going to be an amazing showcase of European and global fintech innovation!)


Eric Mattson is CEO of Online Financial Innovations, the parent company of NetBanker, Online Banking Report and the Finovate Conference Series. He can be reached at [email protected].

FinovateFall 2010 Demo Lineup Revealed


We’re very excited to reveal the 56 cutting-edge companies that have been selected to demo their latest technology innovations on October 4 and 5 in New York City at FinovateFall.

Over the show’s two days, attendees will get to watch the future of fintech and banktech unfold on stage via fast-paced demos (28 each day) from these innovators. And then have a chance to interact with top executives from each of the demo companies during intimate networking sessions.

Without further delay, here’s the list of companies we’re excited to showcase:

If you’re interested in attending the conference, registering now will save you $100 on your ticket via the early-bird discount and reserve your spot (space is limited and we’re expecting to sell out). We’ll see you in New York!


Eric Mattson is CEO of Online Financial Innovations, the parent company of NetBanker, Online Banking Report and the Finovate Conference Series. He can be reached at [email protected].

Jack Henry Unleashes 23 Mobile Banking Apps Into the iPhone App Store in April

imageWe’ve been closely tracking mobile apps. In the 21 months since Apple opened its App Store, 77 U.S. financial institution added apps, about four per month (see our latest report for more info).

Then last week, 18 new bank apps appeared. And they all shared a certain, shall we say utilitarian, look (see below). Turns out they are pushed out by Jack Henry for its NetTeller clients. While they won’t win any design awards, it’s good to be in the app store.

In total, Jack Henry now has 24 clients represented in the store. All but one, Ohio Valley Bank, were added in April (see table below).

We can now officially report there are more than 100 U.S. financial institution in the iTunes App Store. Just 10,000+ more to go.

Bank Service Name Date
Ohio Valley Bank 2 Feb 2010
Bank of Brookhaven goDough 2 April 2010
Valley View Bank Mobile Banking 2 April 2010
Ohio Valley Financial Group goMobile 5 April 2010
Alpine Bank Mobile Banking 16 April 2010
American National Bank of Texas Mobile Banking 16 April 2010
First Dakota National Bank eMobile Banking 16 April 2010
First Fidelity Bank Mobile Banking 16 April 2010
First National Bank of the Rockies FNBR Mobile 16 April 2010
First State Community Bank FSCB Mobile Banking 16 April 2010
Bank of Granite Granite Mobile Banking 16 April 2010
Institution for Savings goMobile Banking 16 April 2010
Lone Star National Bank LSNB Mobile 16 April 2010
Mascoma Savings Bank Mobile Banking 16 April 2010
Susquehanna Bank Mobile Banking 17 April 2010
Simmons First Bank Anywhere 17 April 2010
Northway Bank Mobile Banking 17 April 2010
State Bank of Lizton Mobile Banking 17 April 2010
Stonegate Bank Mobile Connect 17 April 2010
Texas Bank and Trust TBT gomobile 17 April 2010
The Bank of Elk River eMobile Banking 17 April 2010
Western National Bank Mobile Banking 17 April 2010
The Bank of Miami TBOM Mobile 17 April 2010
Pendleton Community Bank yourbank2go 17 April 2010
Westerly Community Credit Union WCCUmobile 21 April 2010

Source: (data drawn from iTunes), 22 April 2010

The two screenshots posted for Western National Bank’s iPhone app, powered by Jack Henry (26 April 2010)

image     image

Pitney Bowes Goes After Remote Deposit Capture Market with Email to Postage-Meter Clients

image Pitney Bowes (PB) hit me with a cross-sale message this morning, and surprisingly it was for a banking service, remote deposit capture (see email below). Because we already do ACH transactions through PB to load our postage meter, it’s something I would consider buying from them, especially since our business bank does not offer RDC.  

The service called Click Deposit (note 1) works with any bank or credit union checking account and is powered by Jack Henry ProfitStars. The cost runs $39.95 to $149.95 per month, depending on volume. You get up to 150 monthly scans at the lower level and 1,000 at the high end. Buyers must sign a nine-page contract (PitneyBowes_RDC_app.pdf), committing to the service, and leased scanner, for 36 months.

Because I don’t want to lock us in at $500/yr for three years, I think we’ll pass on this deal. Hopefully, we’ll be able to tap a lower-cost iPhone-based service in the near future, such as that offered by WV United FCU (see previous post).  

Email from Pitney Bowes (22 July 2009, 9:36 AM Pacific)


Landing page (link)


1. Although, Jack Henry announced the relationship in May (press release), I found no mention at the main Pitney Bowes site ( or the services site (, so this may be a marketing test.