TradeRiver Finance’s Cross-Border Trade Platform Allows Buyers to Pay Suppliers in Local Currency

TradeRiverLogo.jpgThis post is part of our live coverage of FinovateEurope 2015.

TradeRiver Finance showed its platform for global trade:

The TradeRiver platform provides a business-funding and transaction-execution solution, which completely changes the nature and operation of cross-border trade finance.

TradeRiver provides the online tool and the finance for trade buyers of goods and services to pay their global suppliers in cash and in local currency at any point in their supply chain using a facility much like an online credit card.

Presenters: COO Toby Lanyon and Business Development Executive Mike Mumford
Product launch: September 2011
Metrics: £2.8M equity, 6 employees, revenues £2.2M to date, £45M loans advanced, 130 registered users
Product distribution strategy: Direct to Business (B2B), licensed
HQ: London, United Kingdom
Founded: April 2010
Twitter: @Trade_River

eRipple Demonstrates its Mobile Mentor Matching Tool

eRipple_logo_high-res.jpgThis post is part of our live coverage of FinovateEurope 2015.

eRipple is next, presenting its mentoring technology that levearges the LinkedIn API to help corporates, startups and individuals find and connect with the talent they seek.

We provide our solution because we care about the ambitious succeeding! From extensive research into connecting time-poor experts with the information-hungry ambitious who are looking to grow, we have discovered a completely new way to connect. eRipple is a mobile mentor-matching tool that uses smart and learned algorithms, diary management, and messaging to completely revolutionize internal communication and talent relationships.

Exploiting the wealth of knowledge and expertise data available on LinkedIn and extensive psychometric profiling, we use the LinkedIn API to create a plugin to a new world of qualified connections between experts and those looking to grow.

Presenters: Founder Duncan Peters and Finance Director Paul Mann
Product launch: November 2014
Product distribution strategy: Direct to Consumer (B2C), Direct to Business (B2B), licensed
Metrics: To date the company has been funded by its founders and recently taken on 50,000 pounds as a pre-seed friends-and-family round to deliver on customer campaigns. We always aim to bring together the most driven and talented people, expertise, and company backgrounds. We have technical mindshare on algorithms and psychology from our fantastic board of advisors from Meniga, Orange, Facebook, MarkIt and other top-five banks. Our development team is led by our Founder, Duncan Peters.
Twitter: @RippleApp

AppSensorFS from Intelligent Environments Neutralizes Security Threats in Real-time

IntelligentEnvironments-logo_high-res.jpgThis post is part of our live coverage of FinovateEurope 2015.

Next to the stage is mobile and online security solution provider, Intelligent Environmentsdemonstrating AppSensorFS.

AppSensorFS is a software capability built into Interact, our multichannel banking platform, which enables the business application to detect and neutralize a security threat in real-time. It makes the application attack-aware. AppSensorFS deploys sensors within the application to detect potential threats. At its core is an expert system that makes real-time decisions to direct appropriate defense responses. AppSensorFS is a next-generation security solution with features specifically designed for Financial Services end-user applications. The framework extends to both web browser and mobile app-based solutions.

Presenters: CTO Clayton Locke; Product Development Lead Alan Brown; and Senior Software Architect Paul Spiller
Product launch: February 2015
Product distribution strategy: Direct to Business (B2B), through other fintech companies and platforms, licensed
HQ: Kingston-upon-Thames, London, United Kingdom
Metrics: 130 employees
Twitter: @IntelEnviro

StreetShares Platform Connects Small Business Owners with Retail and Institutional Investors

StreetShares_logo_high-res.jpgThis is post is part of our live coverage of FinovateEurope 2015.

Our first presenter of the day is social lender StreetShares, bringing business owners together with retail and institutional investors based on shared affinities. According to the company:

The StreetShares marketplace uses social affinities and online auction technology to provide small business borrowers with loans at lower rates, and provide investors with higher returns. StreetShares blends the social loyalty and trust of affinity groups with traditional bank underwriting. It provides small business owners with the opportunity to pitch their loan requests to retail and institutional investors at no cost or obligation.

StreetShares investors then compete to fund the loans through a StreetShares auction, where the lowest rates charged to borrowers win. Through a StreetShares auction, borrowers get funded at competitive rates and investors get returns they’re looking for. Everyone wins.

Presenters: Co-founders CEO Mark Rockefeller and COO Mickey Konson
Product launch: July 2014
Product distribution strategy: Direct to Consumer (B2C); Direct to Business (B2B)
HQ: Reston, VA, USA
Metrics: Raised $1.2 million seed round; 12 full-time employees
Twitter: @StreetShares

FinovateEurope 2015: London Calling!

We’re feeling at the “top of the dial” here on rehearsal day of FinovateEurope 2015, the first Finovate conference of the year. With 1,200 fintech execs from around the world converging on Old Billingsgate Market Hall tomorrow (10 Feb), those looking forward to two days of the latest in financial technology innovation have reason to smile.

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Here are a few last-minute items for both those who will be joining us live in London as well as those who will be following along—and chiming in—via our live blog at and our Twitter feed at @Finovate.
FinovateEurope 2015 mobile and web app
Once again we’ll be using the Bizzabo social networking app to help attendees reach out and connect with each other, as well as our presenters and sponsors, and partners. The app makes it easy to learn about the presenting companies, follow along with the conference agenda, and network with your fellow attendees.
Registered attendees simply need to download the Bizzabo app (iOS version here, Android version here). Bizzabo is also available for your desktop here. Once you’ve downloaded the app, install it, and search for “Finovate,” choose “Join” and you’ll be connected to the event.

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If you aren’t able to join us in London, then tracking the action via our Twitter feed is easily the next best thing to being here. Check us out @Finovate and be sure to tag your thoughts, insights, clever gestures and wise remarks “#Finovate.”
For more information about FinovateEurope 2015, check out our preview page here. You’ll find the event schedule, agenda, the notes on the venue, a list of presenters, sponsors, partners, and much more.
If you have any questions about the conference, visit our FAQ page or send us an email at [email protected].

FinovateEurope Lands in London Tuesday


We are excited to be in London again for the fifth annual FinovateEurope 2015. The event begins at 8:00 AM Tuesday, 11 February, at Old Billingsgate Market Hall and continues through 5:00 PM Wednesday, 12 February. If you still don’t have your ticket, pick one up today, because they’re almost gone.


Here are a few last-minute reminders:

We’ll showcase 70+ presenters over the course of the two-day show. Be sure to check them out beforehand to get a head start on networking opportunities.
Also, our Sneak Peek blog series provides more detail on select presenters.

On Tuesday, registration opens at 8:00 AM with continental breakfast served until opening remarks at 8:45 followed by the first demo at 9:00.
Here is the detailed agenda:


We’re returning to the beautiful Old Billingsgate Market Hall, situated alongside the River Thames.
Mobile networking app

If you’re a registered attendee, download the mobile app to view the agenda, presenters, fellow attendees, and more:

Once you’ve downloaded it, search Finovate and select Join.

Have more questions? Check out our FAQ or email [email protected].

FinovateEurope 2015: Come for the Demos, Stay for the Networking

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We got the word on Monday: FinovateEurope 2015 will be the largest Finovate conference in Europe to date.

This is a great way to start the year. And we’re hoping you’ll join us in London on February 10 and 11 to enjoy our first event of 2015. We’re headed toward a sold-out show, so get your tickets before they’re gone. 

Live demos are Finovate’s stock-in-trade. But the high-quality networking opportunities are not to be overlooked. And with 500 minutes of demos and an equal amount of time dedicated to high-quality networking, we think we’ve got the balance just right.
Here’s a look at the kind of folks you’ll be rubbing elbows with at FinovateEurope 2015 this year.
FinovateEurope tends to have a particularly international flavor. And this year’s conference is no exception. Below is a map that shows where each of our 70 presenters is headquartered (click to enlarge). 
Find out more about this year’s presenting companies here, or check out our Sneak Peek Preview series below.

FinovateEurope 2015 is sponsored by The Bancorp, iBe, Financial Technology Partners, KPMG LLP, Life.SREDA.

FinovateEurope 2015 Sneak Peek: Part 7


FinovateEurope is less than a week away, and we’ve already surpassed last year’s record-breaking attendance. Soon, we’ll be sitting inOld Billingsgate Market Hall in London, enjoying tea while enjoying the first day of live demos at FinovateEurope.

Want to be a part of the largest FinovateEurope crowd ever? Get your ticket soon before it’s sold out.


In this final post of our Sneak Peek series, we’re featuring Aire, Akamai Technologies, LifePay, MoneyHub, mydesq, Onlinepay.comSedicii, and Taulia. You can see all the posts here:


Aire is an alternate credit score for people. Our mission is to help thin-file customers who qualify for essential financial products via this new score.


    • Rescore credit rejections to lend to 15%+ more customers
    • Improve overall cost of acquisition
    • Minimal change to existing risk profile

Why it’s great
Aire can help turn a No to a Yes.



Aneesh Varma, Co-founder
Varma is a serial entrepreneur with a prior startup in enterprise retail tech, he started off in consumer finance at JPMorgan. He’s an engineer with a background in predictive algorithms quantitative finance.



Jon Bundy, Co-founder
With 14 years across financial technology, Bundy has been building risk and data products with an additional expertise in fraud detection and AML as well. He was previously at RBS, Searchspace and Symbian.



Akamai Technologies is a leading provider of cloud security services, helping banks provide secure, high-performing user experiences on any device, anywhere.


    • Focus on the source of the request
    • Determine the extent to which that source has sent malicious requests in the past
    • Make predictions regarding how much that source can be trusted in the future

Why it’s great
The Akamai Client Reputation service provides financial institutions the ability to forecast intent and protect applications against web attacks.


Ory Segal, Director of Threat Research


Nick Coleman (pictured), Web Security Specialist




LifePay is an mPOS EMV chip-and-pin solution, allowing SMEs to accept payments by plastic cards via smartphones, and get LifePay Stand and overall sales analytics.


    • LifePay-mPOS chip & pin is a start-point of LifePay ecosystem
    • LifePay offers the LifePay Stand solution with a portable printer and cashbox as a next-gen cash register.
    • Merchant’s portal

Why it’s great
LifePay – inspiring Asia


MoneyHub puts the user at the center of their financial universe and helps them visualize their future. MoneyHub’s Ecosystem will empower people to connect, share data and collaborate with their financial advisers and institutions like never before.

Why it’s great
Your customers are already using MoneyHub, why not see how you can use it with them?



Toby Hughes, CEO MoneyHub
Hughes, Founder and CEO of MoneyHub, is an entrepreneur with more than 10 years of digital marketing and technological innovation experience in financial services.



Dave Tonge, CTO
Tonge, CTO at MoneyHub, has a strong technical skill-set and entrepreneurial instincts. Dave specializes in innovative business strategy and agile software architecture.



mydesq is an iPad-based workbench which combines products, clients, accounts and analytics providing wealth managers the information advantage to work smarter.


    • Work from anywhere, anytime
    • Simplify work
    • Increase Sales & Service

Why it’s great
It revolutionizes and simplifies the way wealth managers work.


Milan Vora, CEO & Founder

OnlinepayLogo2.jpg is a mobile wallet for students. Share, buy and top up!


    • Share your money with your friends
    • Make purchases directly from your mobile phone
    • Top up your gaming accounts  

Why it’s great is a mobile wallet, designed for fun and sharing money, convenient mobile shopping and top up of gaming and trading accounts.



Vladimir Kovalevskiy, Director
Kovalevskiy has in-depth experience in the payment and e-commerce fields in Russia and abroad, including projects related to mobile payments.



Anfisa Chernaya, Marketing Manager
Chernaya is working in marketing field for last 5 years.



Sedicii eliminates the exposure (storage and transmission) of private data required to authenticate.


    • Sedicii Payments Card Authentication
    • Sedicii Mobile Authentication
    • Sedicii Contact Centre Authentication

Why it’s great
It is innovative technology for more secure authentication and identity verification.



Rob Leslie, CEO
Leslie’s track record includes part of the original management team to establish/grow Dell Japan to $300M TO in 4 years. Leslie also co-founded PTS Japan, sold in 2000, having achieved $33M valuation in 5 years.



Richard Coady, Commercial Director
Coady has held senior positions with BT, WBT Systems, Prometric. He will work towards the implementation of the International Sales strategy for the Sedicii portfolio of authentication applications.



Taulia transforms supply chains, enabling organizations to create a healthy relationship between suppliers and buyers.


    • Sets up a SaaS network between a buyer and all its suppliers with eInvoicing
    • Uses network to offer all suppliers an opportunity to get paid early using third-party finance
    • Preserves buyer capital

Why it’s great
Taulia solves the buyer/supplier payment dilemma.



Matthew Stammers, European Marketing Director
Member of the European management team with responsibility for launching Taulia in Europe. Previously worked for Bottomline Technologies and Capita and holds a Henley MBA.


Christophe Juvanon, European Solutions Consulting Director
Key member of Taulia’s European team responsible for understanding customer’s requirements and solution fit. Previously employed by OpenText and DHL. Holds a post-grad degree from Napier University.


That concludes our Sneak Peek series. You can catch all 70+ companies as they demo live at FinovateEurope on February 10 and 11. Pick up your ticket here.

Questions? Check out our FAQ.

FinovateEurope 2015 Sneak Peek: Part 5


The 70+ presenters that will showcase their new tech on stage at FinovateEurope in two weeks are now unveiled. To take a closer look at the presenting companies, we’re continuing our Sneak Peek series. Today, we’re featuring Financial Media Solutions, Fiserv, Intelligent Environments, mBank & i3D, Pirean, and Telenor banka & Asseco SEE.

FEUAuditorumCropped.jpgDon’t miss our other Sneak Peeks, available here:


Financial Media Solutions’ MAPPS simplifies Videographics, making it possible to create financial content in digestible bite size video formats for broadcast to any device, including smartphones.


    • Makes Videographics easy
    • Empowers institutional users to convey financial concepts in concise video formats
    • Rapidly broadcasts dynamic content to any client device, including smartphones

Why it’s great
Communicating client content by video is the future. MAPPS resolves the challenge of how institutions better engage clients in financial concepts, even via their smartphone.


Ian Park, Owner Director & CEO

Christopher Thomas, Marketing Director


Fiserv is one of FORTUNE magazine’s World’s Most Admired Companies and will demonstrate next generation digital banking interactions.


    • Focuses on a truly integrated payments user experience
    • Allows customers to manage their spending habits and banking products
    • Visually stimulates consumers using augmented reality technology

Why it’s great
This innovation is geared towards the consumer and will allow greater control and transparency over their spending and banking habits.


Jonathan Atkinson, Market Development, Digital Channels and Payments
Atkinson is a Sales Executive in Digital Channels and Payments team at Fiserv, Inc., focused on new clients across EMEA, with previous experience in core banking and CRM.

David Abbott, Payments Lead, EMEA
Abbot has 25 years’ sales, business development experience in payments & eCommerce joined Fiserv’s payments business to support development activities in the EMEA region.


Intelligent Environments is an innovative provider of mobile and online solutions for financial service organisations.

Hopes to fight against cybercrime

Why it’s great
IntellEnvironmentPresenter.jpgNo firm is an island – we all have a shared interest in responding to the growing threat against cybercrime.


Clayton Locke, CTO
Clayton Locke is a keen sailor. He is hoping for calm waters come Finovate!


mBank, financial sector innovator & i3D, world-class provider of high-tech virtual reality solutions, developed an ultra-modern interactive digital bank branch.


    • Digital wall with unlimited touch points and innovative UI/UX
    • Proximity-motion-sensing and face recognition technologies for dynamic content adjustment
    • Integration with sales support systems

Why it’s great
mBankpresenter1.jpgmBank & i3D dare to challenge the traditional notion of physical bank branches with ultra-modern multi-touch screens, motion-sensing and face recognition technologies.


Jacek Iljin, Managing Director Sales & Processes, mBank 


Marcin Wiśniewski, Sales & Marketing Director, i3D


Pirean enables organisations to provide secure, people-focused access for employees, customers, and partners across on-premise and cloud-based applications.


    • Reduces lead-time to value for application access
    • Provides secure self-service capabilities for users
    • Introduces a single point of control and audit for all access management

Why it’s great
Pirean’s Access: One is an Identity and Access Management solution designed to provide a first class user experience anytime, anywhere.


Rob Macgregor, Pirean’s Principal Consultant and Access: One’s Product Manager

Rob Blowers, Pirean’s Development Team Lead


With Telenor banka & Asseco South Eastern Europe, banking goes mobile – changing customer experience and reshaping banking products & services to fit mobile, brought by Telenor banka in synergy with Telco, powered by Asseco SEE multichannel solutions.


    • Big data processing enabling relevant offer at relevant moment and place
    • Superb customer journey supported by straight-through processing and full automation
    • Utilization of synergy

Why it’s great
IT is a fully automated and personalized online handset loan enabled by Telenor banka and Telenor, powered by Asseco SEE.



Martin Navratil, Chairman of the Executive Committee at Telenor banka
Managing Director of Telenor banka responsible for the design and implementation of the bank’s strategy, having great experience in Telco and Finance sector.


Piotr Jeleński, Group President of the Management Board of Asseco SEE
Executive manager with experience in running and establishing new business in Poland, SEE region and Turkey. Managing international structure with over 1,400 people in 12 countries.


Marko Carevic, Marketing Director at Telenor Banka
Started his career in Telenor, initiated Telenor M&A initiative in financial services, currently responsible for entire customer value chain and go-to-market process.

We’ll feature six more companies later this week. To see them all demo live, get your ticket to FinovateEurope 2015.

Themes and Presenters at FinovateEurope 2015


With January coming to a close this week, European fintech followers have something to look forward to: an onslaught of new financial technology solutions at FinovateEurope.

The event will take place at Old Billingsgate Market Hall in London on February 10 & 11. Get your ticket to be a part of the action.

The themes we’ll see on stage at FinovateEurope next month align with the trends predicted by analysts for this year. Significant topics include mobile, lending, small business tools, and advisor solutions. Additionally, payments and personal finance maintain footholds and there’s a resurgence of interest in rewards and digital currencies.

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FinovateEurope allows you to meet the companies behind each theme during numerous networking sessions. Here is the full list of companies that will take the stage:

For more information on these companies, check out our company info page or view our Sneak Peek series below.

We anticipate a full crowd so be sure to guarantee your seat at the show. Once you get a ticket, we’ll see you in London!

Questions? Check out our FAQ page to get some answers.

FinovateEurope 2015 is sponsored by: The BancorpBe GroupFinancial Technology PartnersKPMG LLP and Life.SREDA.

FinovateEurope 2015 is partners with: Bank Innovators Council, BankersHub, bobsguide, Breaking Banks, Canadian Trade Commissioner Service, Celent, Datamonitor Financial, The Financial Services Club, Future Finance, Harrington Starr, Hotwire, Mapa Research, Mercator Advisory Group, and The Trading Mesh (formerly HFT Review).

FinovateEurope 2015 Sneak Peek: Part 3


We’ll be in London three weeks from today, where drinks will be served, networking will be in full force, and we’ll be wrapping up the first day of FinovateEurope 2015 (get your ticket here).


To help you prepare for the onslaught of 70+ live demos full of new technology, some of the presenters provided us a summary of what to expect from them on stage. This week, we’re featuring CoinJarEVRYFOBISSStrandsTrunomi, and VATBox:

Don’t miss previous posts:


CoinJar is a digital finance platform that gives customers a way to manage and spend both traditional and digital currencies when and how they want.


    • Store bitcoin without volatility 
    • End-to-end solutions to make bitcoin adoption easy 
    • Buy bitcoin reliably with a simple interface

Why it’s greatCoinJarPresenters.jpg
CoinJar provides end-to-end solutions to unlock Bitcoin’s potential.


Asher Tan, CEO and Co-Founder
Economic Analyst. Researcher. Bitcoiner.

Ryan Zhou, COO and Co-Founder
Rubyist. Student at University of Melbourne. Bitcoiner.


EVRY is the Nordics’ leading financial service provider and is presenting Spendific, a concept designed to make personal finance simple.


    • Automatically generates personalized budget based on previous spending
    • Gives users feedback on their finances in real-time
    • Motivates users to reach their goals

Why it’s great
In Spendific there are no complicated graphs or charts to tell you whether you’re on track with your finances. Just one number. No worries.



Anne Moa, Product developer
Moa has previously worked as a youth economist in a large Norwegian bank, with responsibility for the bank’s main channel of communication towards young people.


Magne Meldal, Business developer
Combining two decades of technology and marketing experience with an open mind, Meldal is passionate about bringing better financial services to consumers.


FOBISS is a first modern tool enabling retail banks to manage their entire cash supply chains with one button click.


    • Automates optimization and decision-making
    • Based on Artificial Intelligence technologies
    • Can be flexibly adapted to existing processes

Why it’s great
The industry’s first and only cash management system empowered by Artificial Intelligence and driving best decisions on time.



Mindaugas Leonavicius, Managing Director
Leonavicius has more than 10 years of experience in management consulting. Led multiple businesses through start-up phases from establishment to breakeven.


Andrius Ojeras, Global Sales Director
Ojeras is an IT Sales professional with more than 10 years of experience within multinational IT organizations.


Strands designs and creates next-generation digital banking experiences to help individuals and SMEs manage their finances.


    • Help SMEs analyze and forecast future financial needs
    • Empower SMEs to deliver targeted marketing campaigns on mobile devices
    • Help banks address the digital banking needs of business owners

Why it’s great
With Strands Loop, financial institutions can create a more seamless and personal banking experience and build better relationships with their SME clients



Dario Lombardi, General Manager, Strands Finance
Lombardi leads the Finance BU. He joined Strands in 2011 as Business Development Director and has been responsible for managing sales in EMEA. Prior to Strands, he worked for Bloomberg LP


Cesar Jimenez Richardson, Director, Business Development
Richardson joined Strands in 2014 and is managing Strands Finance in the Americas. Previously he founded and managed tech startup companies in travel and education tech arena and worked for Bloomberg LP


Trunomi offers an innovative technology platform that streamlines Know Your Customer and mobile verification using a revolutionary consent-based data sharing platform.


    • TruMobile securely connects customers with banks.
    • Monetises and personalises your customer’s data experience.
    • Streamlines verification KYC using a revolutionary consent-based data sharing platform.

Why it’s great
A customer-focused mobile solution that eliminates their most significant pain-points; making their account opening and data management experience simple, secure and easy.



Stuart Lacey, Founder & CEO
Lacey is an innovator, team-builder and thought leader. Sometimes mistaken for the Energizer Bunny – he is relentless in his drive to find better ways to learn, build, nurture and share great ideas.


Chia Brewin, Customer Development Executive
Brewin is a multi-tasking, Trunomian super-star. She attended University in the UK, helped run campaigns for major political parties then earned a black belt in the “Art of Customer Development”.


VATBox is the first, cloud-based automated solution for Foreign/Domestic VAT recovery, providing data-driven visibility and insights while maximizing VAT returns.


    • Eliminate human-error and resources with automated VAT technology
    • Gain complete visibility, compliance and control of VAT spend
    • Benefit from VAT recovery optimization, maximizing refunds

Why its great
VATBox’s Automated VAT recovery solution enables customers to have one global process that tracks and manages VAT spend with ease, and to maximize VAT refunds.



Isaac Saft, Co-Founder & CEO

    • 2012 – 2013 – President and Global Business Development, KCS Ltd
    • 2004 – 2012 – Founder and Chief Executive Officer, KCS Ltd
    • 1994 – 2003 – Commanding Officer, Israel Defense Forces


Stephen Coleclough, Advisory Board Member
Coleclough is a Tax Consultant in Mishcon de Reya’s Tax Group with over 30 years’ experience in tax and law. He was formerly a Partner and Global Leader of Indirect Taxes at pwc.

FinovateEurope will be held February 10 & 11 in London. Pick up your ticket today to save your seat at the hottest fintech event of the year.

Questions? Check out our FAQ for some answers.

FinovateEurope 2015 Sneak Peek: Part 1


2014 was an exciting year for fintech, and we estimate 2015 to be even bigger, with the ongoing battle for mobile wallet share, growth of alternative lending, and burgeoning VC funding.

At FinovateEurope, our first conference of 2015, we’re hosting more than 70 companies who will showcase their products centered on the newest trends, and some we’ve never seen before. 

For Finovate’s fifth time in London, we’re returning to the Old Billingsgate Market Hall on February 10 & 11. Register now and be the first to see the newest fintech of 2015.


In the weeks leading up to FinovateEurope, we’re giving you a taste of what will be on stage in our Sneak Peek series. Below are the first six companies in this installment.


ebankIT is an omnichannel banking software company that provides innovative solutions with centralized management, allowing banks to communicate faster, easier and more efficiently with their customers.


    • Seamless access to financial products and services
    • Allows banks to extend its customers’ network
    • For any device and wearable technology
Why it’s great
Omnichannel & Social banking provides a consistent experience across channels to provide customers with seamless access to financial products and services.



João Pinto, Board of Directors
Pinto is an administrator with nearly 20 years of solid experience in the financial sector, actively participating in the design and implementation of innovative Omnichannel Solutions.
Paulo Oliveira, Omnichannel Speacialist
Oliveira is a Project Manager, Omnichannel Specialist and Software Architect in ebankIT. He has been developing solutions in the financial sector for more than 15 years.


Jumio’s Netverify turns your customer’s computer/smartphone into an ID scanning terminal that captures customer data and verifies customer ID documents, increasing online account opening rates.


    • Reduces abandonment during digital account opening 
    • Creates fast & intuitive experiences for digital account opening 
    • Helps meet KYC & AML compliance requirements

Why it’s great
Jumio’s Netverify has been developed to meet the challenge of verifying identity in a connected-device environment, decreasing online account opening abandonment by up to 40%.



David Pope, European Marketing Director
Pope is a tech marketing specialist, having helped brands like 192business, Experian & Jumio balance the need for customer convenience with KYC compliance requirements.

John McIntosh, Sales Engineer EMEAJumioPresenter2.jpg
McIntosh is the EMEA Sales Engineer for Jumio and is responsible for all information about the Jumio Product and Technical Information.

SOFORT AG, based in Germany, offers Europe-wide,

SOFORTLogo.jpginnovative services for the secure purchase of goods and digital products on the internet.

SOFORT Banking Paycode is an efficient method for purchasing on an account, whether online or offline. The online link contains all relevant transfer information.

Why it’s great
SOFORT Banking Paycode – the faster, smarter and easier way to pay bills online


Christian Mangold, Managing Director Sales
At SOFORT, Mangold is in charge of the German market and the sales strategy. He has been on the SOFORT Management Board since late 2012.


TradeRiver Finance is a non-bank online funding solution which finances trade, both cross-border and in the U.K.


    • Online tool and finance for trade buyers
    • Pay global suppliers in cash and in local currency
    • Finance and execute local and cross-border transactions online  

Why it’s great
The TradeRiver platform provides a business funding and transaction execution solution which changes completely the nature and operation of cross-border trade finance.



Toby Lanyon, Chief Operating Officer


Mike Mumford, Business Development Executive

provides real-time, reference financial data via cloud-based APIs to fintech innovators Wealthfront, Betterment, Personal Capital, Motif Investing, Robinhood, Stocktwits, Yodlee & more.


    • New API offers trusted FactSet fundamental data, including company financials & estimates
    • Covers more than 75,000 publicly listed global companies
    • Easy integration into apps & websites

Why it’s great
The leading fintech innovators use Xignite market data APIs



Stephane Dubois, CEO & Founder
Dubois is a fintech revolutionary in the process of disrupting the financial services industry. He founded Xignite to pioneer market data in the cloud.


Yoyo is a mobile platform that seamlessly blends payments, loyalty, and discovery – done right.


    • Combines payment, loyalty and discovery
    • Yoyo ‘magic’ button on the till – we integrate into the epos software
    • Ability to link card to mobile and to give and receive social gifts

Why it’s great
Pay fast, get rewarded.



Michael Rolph, Co-founder and CCO
Rolph is ex Barclaycard, First Data and PayPal. He was formerly a Director at Anthemis Group and is currently a Mentor at Seedcamp and advisor to Azimo.

Check back later this week, when we’ll explore six more presenting companies. To learn about all of the presenting companies, check out our presenter page.

Space is limited; get your FinovateEurope ticket now to reserve your seat.