Bank of America iPhone Mobile Banking App Criticized in Early-User Reviews

image The good news: Of the 135 free applications in the new iTunes App Store, Bank of America’s is a solid number 20, three spots ahead of PayPal, according to rankings within iTunes this morning.

The bad news: The first batch of reviewers hated the app. Their main complaint: It’s not really a native app, just a front door to the bank’s existing mobile site.

The reviews: On a 5-star scale with one star the lowest choice, the app has only a 1.5-star rating (see note 1). Of the 81 reviews, only 19 rated it above one star. Throwing out the five 5-star ratings which are probably from people associated with the product, that leaves only 14 above the bottom rating, an abysmal score by any standard. Following is the breakdown:

Stars Number of Votes                            My Comments
*****             5 I’m skeptical of the objectivity of these reviews
  ****              0 Other than the suspect 5-star fans above, no one was willing to go 4 stars
   ***               6 Only six legit users were even OK with the app
    **             8 Most of these were critical in their comments
     *                62 one star is the lowest choice on the review form

Source: Online Banking Report review of iTunes data, 11AM PST, 11 July 2008

What’s innovative?
1. I was astounded to see 81 reviews in the App Store already. It just opened this morning! It should be noted that you don’t have to actually download the app to post a review. So if and when you post an app here, be prepared for criticism. Even more important, this demonstrates the impact the user voice will have going forward (see note 2).

2. Early adopters, especially techies, can be brutally honest, especially with large corporate efforts deemed lame. But even though the overall grade was very poor, a number of reviewers pointed out that the automatic ATM locator was a significant improvement.

3. BofA needs to upgrade this app ASAP. Some of the criticisms about font size and design can be fixed relatively easily.

Despite the harsh criticism from the first batch of reviewers, I think BofA did the right thing strategically. It’s too bad they didn’t have something a little flashier, but the bank will get far more mileage by being the first bank in the App Store that it will lose by disappointing the mobile early adopters. It’s unlikely they will lose any business from the negative reviews. They are mostly in the “you should have done better” category, not the “BofA sucks” variety.

You have only one chance to be first, and BofA took it. No one else will ever be able to say they were the first bank in the iPhone (who’s going to be the first credit union?). But the bank better get cracking on version 2.0! (see note 3)

1. The only other app from a financial services company was Paypal, which mustered a meager 2-star rating. But it elicited only one-sixth the number of reviewers, just 13. Because you don’t have to actually download the app to post a review, BofA may be getting slammed by people just reading the reviews and jumping on the bandwagon with me-too critiques.

2. See our latest Online Banking Report for more on the growing importance of user reviews. We’ve also published reports on Mobile Banking and Mobile Payments.

3. This post marks the end of iPhone week at Netbanker. We’ll get back to our regularly scheduled programming next week.

Bank of America and PayPal are Only Financial Brands in Apple’s App Store at Launch

Bank of America once again proved its mobile mettle as the only financial institution to have a native app available at the launch of Apple’s new App Store (note 1). PayPal also launched an app on Day 1 (see screenshot below). Both are free.

Bank of America iPhone 2.0 App in Apple App Store in iTunes (10 July 2008)

Bank of America iPhone native app in iTunes App Store (10 July 2008)

Apple launched the store today within iTunes (see note 1). There are 552 apps at launch according to Pinch Media, Here’s the price breakdown:

  • Free – 135
  • $0.99 – 85
  • $1.99 to $3.99 – 110*
  • $4.99 – 62
  • $5.99 to $8.99 – 35*
  • $9.99 – 82
  • more than $10 – 40*

The new Finance category in the App Store has 23 entries at launch. Most are small utilities for calculating tips or splitting the dinner check. Only two recognizable brands are available, PayPal (lower left) and Bank of America, which by design or omission, is listed not with its name but as simply “mobile banking.”

Finance listings in Apple App Store in iTune 7.7 (10 July 2008)

23 Finance apps in Apple's App Store (10 July 2008)


PayPal App (10 July 2008)

PayPal app in iTunes Apple App Store (10 July 2008)


*Interpolated from graph, plus or minus 3%

1. To view the App Store, download iTunes v. 7.7. Some users including myself (Windows bug?) have reported not being able to see it even after updating iTunes. I was able to access through this link published by TechCrunch.

New Online Banking Report: New Models for Lead Generation

imageOur parent publication, Online Banking Report, has published a new report: New Models for Lead Generation: How auctions, community recommendations, product placements, and specialized search provide alternatives to Google AdWords.

Not only is this the longest report title in our history, it’s the first time we’ve looked specifically at lead gen sites (click on the Table of Contents right, to download the abstract).

obr_bestofwebThe report was inspired by MoneyAisle, an auction-based retail deposit market, that debuted June 9. Although a few kinks need to be worked out, we are impressed by its work and are awarding it the second OBR Best of the Web this year (see note 1 and Credit Karma below).

But auctions were not the only new lead-gen model we looked at. Others included:

The report, which includes a 10-year forecast for auction and personal finance community involvement, is available as part of an annual Online Banking Report subscription or it can be purchased individually for $495 here.

Next month: New security technologies your customers are going to love, or not.

Screenshot: Credit Karma offer page: Countrywide’s high-yield savings offer is rated positively by 53% of Credit Karma users and earns a composite score of 63% which also factors in clickthrough rates and exclusivity, see box in upper right (9 July 2008)


. The first winner in 2008 was SmartyPig (here). Best of the Web awards are given for new products/features that “raise the bar” for online banking. It is neither an endorsement of the company, nor the product itself. See previous coverage here.

USAA and Provident Bank Post iPhone Web Apps in Apple’s Directory

USAA iPhone mobile banking app (July 2008) It took almost six months, but Bank of America finally has company in Apple’s iPhone Web App Directory (see note 1).

USAA posted its iPhone-optimized Web app on July 2 (here). USAA’s browser-based app can be used by anyone with online access to their USAA accounts
(see note 2).

The resolution in the screenshot (right) is not great, but you can see the bank is using large iPhone-like icons to navigate to the main functions:

  • Balance/transaction inquiry
  • Funds transfer
  • Bill payment
  • Stock trading
  • Order auto insurance cards

Provident Bank added its mShift-powered solution to the Apple directory June 11. Users are able to perform all typical online banking functions: balance/transaction inquiry,image transfer funds, and pay bills. Its pedestrian format (see below) is clearly built to work across many different mobile devices. The small links would be harder to navigate on an iPhone compared to USAA’s icons.

See previous iPhone banking coverage here.

1. BofA was first in the United States. Germany’s Postbank was the first bank in the world in the app directory, beating BofA by a few weeks last fall.

2. These are mobile browser-based solutions optimized for the iPhone. They are NOT native apps running on the iPhone OS, soon to be featured in Apple’s App Store (see previous post).

FirstAgain Targets Online Users with Excellent Credit

image I had a great conversation today with the founders of FirstAgain, a startup online lender from the same folks that brought us PeopleFirst Finance ten years ago.

People First invented “blank check” auto lending, earning it  one of the first OBR Best of the Web winners (1998 article reprinted here). The company was purchased by Capital One in 2001.

FirstAgain made its first loan in late 2006 and officially launched its unsecured AnythingLoan in July 2007. But the company is just gearing up to start lending in higher volumes after a $30 million venture investment from Arsenal Capital Partners in January. Merrill Lynch provides the warehouse line.

Founders Gary Miller and Dave Zeller outlined their vision of simplifying online lending for customers that pose minimal repayment risk, the FICO 740+ crowd. Having watched them create a new segment in auto lending a decade ago, I expect they will succeed. The company has already originated more than $100 million in unsecured loans.

FirstAgain homepage 8 July 2008

What’s Innovative?
We’ve added FirstAgain to our watch list and will report back on its innovations in more detail. But here are two small things that demonstrate its creative approach:

1. The little green tree icon on the homepage (see above) highlights the company policy to plant one tree for every loan originated. While that isn’t exactly an earth-shattering benefit, it helps differentiate the company from fly-by-night website operators who’d never think about giving something back to the world.

2. This is the best featurette I’ve seen in a while: “real” online signatures. Users “sign” their loan docs by moving their mouse to draw their signature online.  The company also offers a typing option, so users type their name on the keyboard and it’s rendered on-screen with a standard script font.

FirstAgain "real" online signature on loan doc (July 2008)

I imagine FirstAgain is not the first to do this, but I’ve never seen it before. While this new doodad isn’t quite enough to warrant another Best of the Web, it’s still pretty cool, at least if you are an Internet banking geek.

Finovate Startup Demo Videos Now Available Online

finovatestartup_logo Full-length videos from the 40 presenters
(see note 1) at FinovateStartup are now available  at our conference website (see VaultStreet example below). They are free of charge.

The no-Powerpoint, five-minute demos are hosted on our servers, so you should be able to access them from work. Both QuickTime and Windows Media formats are available. Choose QuickTime if you’d like to watch it in a bigger screen. 


Finovate 2008

clip_image002Our second annual Finovate Conference will be held in just three months: Oct. 14 in New York City. We are finalizing the presenter lineup now, and it’s shaping up to be a winner with a great cross-section of newer companies mixed in with established names launching new products this fall. You can save $200 by registering before the end of July.

1. There are demos posted from 37 presenters. Two of the presenters, Guardian Analytics and Wonga, displayed confidential screenshots during their demo so they have elected not to show them online. And, unfortunately, Buxfer had a server problem during their demo, so we were not able to capture it on video.

Who Has the Holiday Spirit?

image With consumer confidence diving, the banking industry reeling, and even Starbucks closing 600 stores, what we need is a national holiday! Well, happy Fourth of July to U.S. readers, and happy Friday to everyone else.

What are the big banks doing to celebrate the holiday online? Not much it seems. We are 25 hours away from the birthday, and of the 30 largest banks, only ING Direct and WaMu (in the Seattle area at least) are showing the red, white and blue.

Anyone else know of a financial institution with an Independence Day theme on its homepage? Drop it in the comments. Enjoy!

ING Direct’s homepage features a fireworks animation (2 July 2008)

ING Direct homepage with july 4th theme (2 July 2008)

WaMu trumpets its July 4 Seattle fireworks sponsorship (2 July 2008)

WaMu homepage (Seattle cookie) 2 July 2008

Beehive Credit Union Uses Blogging Platform to Create Custom Websites for Each Branch

image Salt Lake City's Beehive Credit Union is launching eight microsites, one for each of its eight branches. The sites are based on a blogging template and are nearly identical.

As you can see in the screenshot below, the only differences are:

  • Branch name and photo across the top
  • Branch name inserted into various headlines and copy throughout the site
  • Contact Us page lists only the specific branch

URLs are based on the main site, with the branch/city name in place of the "www":

What it means
The Beehive sites illustrate two trends: 

  • Developing a full Web presence from a blogging template
  • Creating custom websites for geographic areas or individual branches

While I like what Beehive is doing, I hope they take it to the next level and create a more customized experience by letting branch employees add content themselves or at least control some aspects of the microsites.

The CU is working with Listpipe for content creation. Thanks to Jeffry Pilcher for the find.

Beehive South Jordon site (1 July 2008)

Beehive Credit Union South Jordan site

Beehive Taylorsville site (1 July 2008)

Beehive Credit Union Salt Lake City Taylorsville site July 2008

Small Business Networks from American Express, Capital One, Advanta, Bank of America, QuickBooks, and HSBC

Earlier this week, Visa launched its Facebook Business Network. While the first to use Facebook, several other major financial institutions have opened small biz networks on the Web in the past six months:

  • image Advanta’s Ideablob launched last September at DEMOfall (previous post here). It’s a unique website with monthly contests awarding $10,000 to the best idea, as voted on by users. It’s an intriguing concept with decent traction, almost 30,000 unique visitors last month according to Compete (see chart below). (Full disclosure: I just realized I’m wearing an Ideablob t-shirt; schwag can still pay off!)
  • image American Express’s OpenForum: As the name suggests, it’s a business forum and resource directory, not unlike Bank of America’s (see below). American Express has added posts from several prominent bloggers such as John Battelle’s Searchblog and Anita Campbell’s Small Biz Trends to keep the site fresh. The site has 5,400 members and monthly traffic of about 11,000 unique visitors, up threefold from a year ago.  
  • image Bank of America’s Small Business Online Community, a general forum and resource directory, launched in October 2007 (see original post here). It’s primarily a forum, with some additional articles on the side. Total membership is just under 15,000.
  • image Capital One’s Slingshot, launched in February, is primarily a business directory. But it does aim for community involvement with user-submitted business reviews and comments on certain topics.
  • image HSBC’s (UK) Business Network: Another forum-and-blog site similar to AmEx’s OpenForum. So far it appears lightly used, with just six blog entries this year and 270 member profiles.
  • image Intuit’s Quickbooks Group: Although not a financial institution, the Quickbooks site is a good example of an active community with more content, including ten blogs, and as much traffic as the others combined (not including BofA which is unknown) with nearly 90,000 unique visitors, almost double the number a year ago.

 Unique website visitors in May 2008 (source: Compete)


Quicken Loans Shows Customer Focus with Call Center Wait-Time on Homepage

Every time I visit Quicken Loans, I find something else to like about this lender's online efforts (previous coverage here). Here's the two latest from today's homepage:

  • News flash on homepage announcing today's rate action at the Fed, complete with brief mortgage sales pitch (middle of page). This screenshot was taken at 3:30 PM Pacific Standard Time, about four hours after the Fed decision was announced.
  • Call center wait times posted. Each time I've checked (today and last week), it said "Wait time is less than 10 seconds." (upper right corner … see also closeup below). The 800-number is part of the header across every page.

Quicken Loans home page with Fed rate news 25 June 2005

Close up of call center area in upper right:

Quicken Loans wait time estimate posted 25 June 2008

Visa Launches Business Network on Facebook

image After seeing the little blurb buried deep in today’s Wall Street Journal
(p. B-9), I checked out the press release, and then headed to Facebook to see Visa’s new app aimed at small businesses. To gain that all-important viral effect, Visa is giving away $2 million in Facebook advertising credits, $100 to the first 20,000 businesses that join its new The Visa Business Network on Facebook (see note 1).

Visa’s Facebook page advertising the network looks good (see screenshot below). It’s very “corporate,” but I prefer that over lame attempts to look hip. It’s dominated by a large video at the top explaining the program, plus three more along the bottom explaining other aspects. 

Visa Business Network (promotional) page on Facebook (24 June 2008)

Visa Business Network on Facebook page 24 June 2008

Selecting the Join this Network button takes you to a page where you are encouraged to add the Visa Business Network app to your Facebook profile. After adding the app, you must complete a short form to identify your business to the network and upload a picture if desired.

Visa Business Network app signup 24 June 2008

It only takes a few minutes, and your company is visible to anyone searching the Visa Business Network. It doesn’t appear that Visa’s network is searchable through the regular Facebook search. If and when that happens, the network would gain considerably more value.

Here’s how my Visa Business Network page looked after uploading a graphic:

Online Banking Report page on Visa Business Network 24 June 2008

The application also features a Business Resource section with the usual collection of business tools (from Google), articles and videos plus an Ask the Expert section. 

While the idea of a general business network within a larger network seems a bit superfluous, Facebook isn’t exactly known to be particularly accommodating to business needs. Maybe this will work. Certainly, if Visa attracts the 20,000 businesses it’s earmarked advertising credits for, it will have a head start on others wanting to do the same thing.

However, we wonder how much effort the card giant will devote to the service. It doesn’t seem to align that closely to its core card-processing business. But if its goal is to merely improve brand recognition with small business owners, it could be a valuable effort. Clearly Visa has the deep pockets to fund it for the long term. Who knows, maybe some lucky Business Network member will appear in a Visa Super Bowl ad some day. 

1. The $100 advertising credit was handled flawlessly. A few minutes after joining the network, I received an email to my main email account explaining how to redeem the credit.

Lending Club Files S-1, Prepares to Get Back into the P2P Game

image No one said it was easy being a startup, especially a “Web 2.0 lender” in the middle of major credit turmoil. Lending Club, which had to shut down the retail lending portion of its service in April, is preparing to put the second P back into its P2P loan service (see note 1).

A big part of that process is filing with the SEC so the company can sell retail securities backed by its loans. For lenders, it won’t be much of a change. The securities will be backed by the individual loans, just as if it were a standard loan. And at least initially, the securities cannot be resold. However, in the filing, Lending Club says it is planning on creating a secondary market for the securities through its platform. 

Lending Club posted an update on its website announcing the filing.

Lending Club discloses $500,000 monthly burn rate
Luckily for the company’s followers, and competitors, the S-1 filed Friday (20 June) sheds light on what would usually be known only to its investors and creditors, the privately held company’s inner finances. The company disclosed that during the fiscal year ending March 31, 2008, it experienced:

  • negative cash flow of $6 million
  • total net loss of $7 million on revenues of $450,000; the revenue total includes $200,000 in interest on deposit balances   

Lending Club itself is a significant lender on the platform
Another interesting disclosure: More than half the loans originated through the Lending Club platform have been funded by the company and its creditors/investors, even before it had to stop taking new retail loan commitments April 7.  That’s an interesting dynamic for a so-called person-to-person lender. Because Lending Club sets the market clearing rates, its funding did not compete directly with the retail lenders, i.e., Lending Club stepped in to help fund deals that retail lenders had not fully funded. However, had the company not put so much money into the system, borrower rates could have floated higher, potentially increasing lender yields (note 2).

As of June 10, 2008, only $6.4 million of the loans made through the platform have been to “retail lenders.” Later in the S1, Lending Club discloses that it has funded $7 million of the $15 million loaned through the platform as of March 31, and then $1.6 million of the $3 million loaned after March 31. That leaves Lending Club holding $8.6 million of the $18 million loaned through the platform.

The lending was financed primarily through loans from Silicon Valley Bank ($3 mil), Gold Hill Venture Lending ($5 mil). Also, through March 31, company insiders and investors had lent about $0.5 million.  

Other stats from the S-1
Other numbers (as of 31 March, 2008, unless indicated otherwise):

  • $1.8 million spent on marketing, of which $270,000 was advertising
  • $1.8 million spent on engineering
  • 23 full-time employees
  • Average loan amount per borrower is $9,100
  • Number of loans = 1,669 worth $15.2 million (through 10 June 2008)
  • 150,000 website visitors in March
  • Average amount lent per loan per lender = $75
  • 50% of loan volume has been through LendingMatch that automates the process
  • $8.9 million had been outstanding for more than 45 days and had been subject to at least one billing cycle; of that amount, 98.3% was current, 0.88% was 15- 30 days late and 0.87% was more than 30 days delinquent. No loans had gone into default which is 120+ days delinquent
  • On p. 48 is a detailed table of home ownership. job tenure, annual gross income and debt-to-income ratio by Lending Club credit grade

Loan purpose:

  • 50% refinancing high-interest credit card debt
  • 35% financing one-time events such as weddings, home improvements or medical
  • 15% small business financing

1. For more info on person-to-person lending see our Online Banking Report #148/149

2. I say POTENTIALLY increased yields. That would depend on whether the borrowers accepted loans at higher rates. And higher rates would lead to lower volumes, so even though interest margins would be higher, there could be substantially fewer deals. And that also increases the risk of adverse selection with only higher-risk borrowers accepting the higher rates.