Sometimes, banks forget the importance of simplicity, especially when it comes to less-than-crucial, ancillary services such as a prepaid teen account. Sure, I’d love to have a reloadable card that my son could stow in his backpack for emergencies. But I’m not going to spend a half-hour looking for one, applying for a new account, and then trying remember where and how to access it (see note 1).
But if the process was painless and integrated with my online banking, I’d buy a half-dozen prepaid cards, one for each child, one to toss in the glove box of each car, and another for my briefcase (note 2).
It looks like PayPal is the first to step up to this challenge with its new student account (company blog post) which has been in beta testing since last November (beta site; note 3). The account is free of charge (note 4), and signup takes just 51 seconds.
Signup & funding
Current PayPal customers can sign up their kids for an account in under a minute. That includes clicking on the <> URL, completing the six-field app (see first screenshot), all the way to the approval screen confirmation (screenshot #2). And, half that time was simply logging in to my PayPal account. If I’d already been logged in, the total time to complete the application, process it, and receive approval would be just 23 seconds! That’s the fastest financial services application I’ve ever completed by a factor of 10 (note 5).
The account, which shows up as a link at the top of the parent’s PayPal account (screenshot #3) includes parental controls for all transaction types and comes with both an online account and a PayPal prepaid MasterCard debit card. Both will come in handy for today’s teens, who cannot easily shop online without credit or debit cards of their own.
Transferring funds to the account takes mere seconds, and parents can choose from one-time loads or periodic transfers so the card can be used to accumulate an allowance (screenshot #4). Transfers show up in real time, with green color-coding, after hitting enter (screenshot #5).
Overall grade: I give it an A+ for ease of use and an A+ for value, a winning combination. Nice work.
1. PayPal teen card application for current PayPal customers (12 Aug 2009)
2. Congratulations screen

3. Student account, and prepaid balance, shows up on the parent’s main account overview page
4. Funds transfer screen

5. The funds transfer is immediately displayed within the student account area
1. The final item is why the Visa Buxx card never worked for me. I bought one but could never remember how to access it or add more money.
2. Verient is doing some very cool things to help in this regard; we’ll profile them here soon.
3. Hat tip to Payments News for the link.
4. ING Direct’s system for creating a new savings sub-account is similar speedwise, but it’s not technically a new account.
5. The only major fees, besides PayPal merchant fees, are the $1 ATM withdrawal fee and a 2.5% foreign currency fee.
6. For more info on online account opening, refer to the latest issue of Online Banking Report: Improving Online Account Opening ROI.