Zenmonics and Diebold Team Up to Demo mobileBanker with Enhanced In-Lobby Terminal

Zenmonics and Diebold Team Up to Demo mobileBanker with Enhanced In-Lobby Terminal

This post is part of our live coverage of FinovateFall 2014.

With the first afternoon session on the first day of FinovateFall 2014 about to begin, here are Zenmonics & Diebold. Together they are launching mobileBANKER with Enhanced In-Lobby Terminal.

“The solution pioneers a self-service terminal platform for financial institutions that combines advanced teller transactions with a tablet-based application for effective guided sales, cross selling, servicing, and account opening features.”
Presenting: David Dye (VP Sales, Zenmonics), Shelly Ewing (Director, New Business & Solution Incubation, Diebold)
Product Launch: September 2014
Metrics: Zenmonics is a privately held company; Diebold is a public company with 7,000 employees serving 600 locations
Product distribution strategy: Direct to Business (B2B), through other fintech companies and advice centers
HQ: Charlotte, NC (Zenmonics), Canton, OH (Diebold)
Founded: 2007 (Zenmonics), 1859 (Diebold)

Digital Mailer’s My Virtual StrongBox Provides Secure Storage and Access Anytime, Anywhere

Digital Mailer’s My Virtual StrongBox Provides Secure Storage and Access Anytime, Anywhere

This post is part of our live coverage of FinovateFall 2014.

Our next presenter is Digital Mailer with My Virtual StrongBox

“My Virtual StrongBox was created by a team of technology innovators with more than 175 combined years of finance industry experience. This product combines the peace of mind of a safe deposit box with the convenience of online storage services. More importantly, your customers can trust that their files will be backed up and safe from prying eyes.”
Presenting: Ron Daly (CEO) & Samantha Thrift (Sales Associate)
Product Launch: May 2012
Metrics: Available to 1.4M customers and members, available at 16 financial institutions nationwide with over $20B in assets
Product distribution strategy: Through financial institutions, through other fintech companies and platforms, licensed
HQ: Herndon, VA
Founded: May 2012
Twitter: @MyVirtualStrong

iQuantifi Unveils New Analytic and Predictive Budget Tools to its Virtual Financial Advisor Solution

iQuantifi Unveils New Analytic and Predictive Budget Tools to its Virtual Financial Advisor Solution
iQuantifi Logo DePalma d4

This post is part of our live coverage of FinovateFall 2014.

Moving into the second half of our morning session, here is the team from iQuantifi, demoing the “Cashfinder” and “What if” features of its virtual financial advisor solution.

“iQuantifi is introducing two new features to make it even easier for users to create their own financial plan and achieve their goals. When a user does not have enough money to fund all their goals, our “Cashfinder” analyzes their budget and recommends which expenses a user can reduce to cover the monthly shortage. Our “What If” feature allows users to adjust their goals to see the immediate impact on their financial plan. By comparing two different paths to goal achievement, a user can determine which plan best fits their lifestyle.
Presenting: Tom White (CEO & Founder) & Karen White (CPO & Co-Founder)
Product Launch: September 2014
Metrics: Raised $1.1M to date; 7 employees; over 25% of site traffic converted to users
Product distribution strategy: Direct to Consumer (B2C), through financial institutions, through other fintech companies and platforms
HQ: Nashville, TN
Founded: June 2011
Website: iquantifi.com
Twitter: @iquantifi

eMoney Advisor Brings Unparalleled Interactivity to Online Wealth Planning

eMoney Advisor Brings Unparalleled Interactivity to Online Wealth Planning

This post is part of our live coverage of FinovateFall 2014

Our next presenter is eMoney Advisor, demoing EMX.

“Smarter, faster, friendly, and easier to use, EMX is the next generation of the eMoney Advisor experience. While we’ve always led the pack in financial planning, we’ve stepped up our game, creating a platform for an unparalleled interactive experience for advisors and their clients, improving efficiency with new integrations and better connections. And with robust analytics and a more intuitive interface, EMX empowers our advisors to maximize the potential of their book of business. Learning from over 14 years of experience and feedback from more than 20,000 advisors, with EMX, we’ve built the ultimate wealth-management solution that will redefine success in an advisor’s business.”
Presenting: Kyle Wharton (Business Development) & Chad Porche (Development)
Product Launch: October 2014
Metrics: eMoney aggregates more than $1T in client assets over 878,243 accounts, managed by a network of more than 20,000 financial services professionals across the country.
Product distribution strategy: Direct to Business (B2B), through financial institutions, licensed
HQ: Conshohocken, PA
Founded: 2000
Twitter: @emoneyadvisor

Social Media Management Specialist Gremln Launches New Mobile Platform

Social Media Management Specialist Gremln Launches New Mobile Platform

This post is part of our live coverage of FinovateFall 2014.

Continuing in our second session of the morning, here is GREMLN, showcasing the latest enhancements to its social media management platform for the financial services industry.

“GREMLN is demonstrating its latest social media compliance features. Pre-approved Content Libraries enable firms to provide great content to their teams that can circumvent the message approval process. LinkedIn Lead Prospecting enables financial advisors and other employees to find new clients via LinkedIn. And finally, GREMLN is launching a new mobile platform that enables marketing and compliance departments to stay engaged in social media and handle approval processes right from their phone or tablet.”
Presenting: Ryan Bell (CEO) & TJ Tavares (Sr. Sales Executive)
Product Launch: January 2013 (showing new features)
Metrics: 12 employees; 165, 000 users
Product distribution strategy: Direct to Business (B2B)
HQ: Saint Louis, MO
Founded: February 2009
Website: gremln.com
Twitter: @GREMLN

True Potential’s ImpulseSave Leverages Micropayments to Boost Investment Savings

True Potential’s ImpulseSave Leverages Micropayments to Boost Investment Savings

This post is part of our live coverage of FinovateFall 2014.

All the way from the United Kingdom, here’s wealth management and financial advisory innovator, True Potential.

“ImpulseSave is our most significant innovation to date. This first-of-its-kind technology, unique to True Potential, allows clients to make micro payments into their investments whenever and wherever they choose. With the touch of a button, clients can top up any investment vehicle that isn’t housed within a bank. They can add as little as 1 pound or as much as need to keep their investments on track or to reach their financial goals faster. Until now, if people had 20 pounds or less to spare, they would be unlikely to invest it due to the effort it would take to do so. But now, it’s fast and easy and we are demonstrating how, using our technology, it all adds up for a better future.
Presenting: Daniel Harrison (Sr. Partner) & Paul Outterside (Head of Mobile Applications)
Product Launch: March 2014
Metrics: For complete information about the True Potential Group of Companies, please read our latest “True Colours’ 2013 Annual Report at tpllp.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/True-Colours-Annual-Report.pdf.
Product distribution strategy: Direct to Consumer (B2C), Direct to Business (B2B)
HQ: Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
Founded: March 2007
Website: tpllp.com
Twitter: @TruePotential_

MasterCard Showcases its Pay with Rewards Solution to Enable Redeeming Points at Point of Sale

MasterCard Showcases its Pay with Rewards Solution to Enable Redeeming Points at Point of Sale

This post is part of our live coverage of FinovateFall 2014.

MasterCard is our next presenting company, introducing MasterCard Pay with Rewards.

MasterCard Pay with Rewards is an innovative solution that gives cardholders the freedom to redeem rewards points at the point of sale, either online or in stores. Cardholders configure Pay with Rewards on their existing card to redeem points at millions of eligible locations worldwide. While providing the ultimate in flexibility for consumers, this also serves as a cost-effective way to execute POS rewards programs for issues. The Pay with Rewards solution provides ubiquity and scale by leveraging the existing MasterCard network, without modification to POS systems or card processes.”
Presenting: Kyle Clark (VP Product Development) & Chris Guiney (VP Product Development)

Product Launch: September 2014
Metrics: Please reference our 10-K on the Investor Relations page on Mastercard.com. As of December 31, 2013, we have approximately 8,200 employees.
Product distribution strategy: Direct to Business (B2B), through financial institutions
HQ: Purchase, NY
Founded: 1966
Twitter: @MasterCardNews

Patch of Land Presents its Real-Time Peer-to-Real Estate Lending Marketplace

Patch of Land Presents its Real-Time Peer-to-Real Estate Lending Marketplace

This post is part of our live coverage of FinovateFall 2014.

Our next presenter is Patch of Land, demoing its Peer-to-Real-Estate (P2RE) lending marketplace.

“We are developing a real-time system that pulls data from multiple sources including major credit reporting agencies. This disparate collection of data will be scientifically conglomerated into proprietary information models and risk analysis summaries and extend automatic terms to existing borrowers for new projects. This information will be used by our underwriters along with a proprietary scoring system for increased efficiency in decision making on lending. Electronic documents can immediately be made available to the borrower for signing and funds wired automatically.”
Presenting: Brian Fritton (CTO & Co-Founder) & AdaPia d’Errico (CMO)
Product Launch: October 2013
Metrics: 10 employees; 2,500 investors; 279 loans in the pipeline (212% QonQ growth); average loan size $240,000; YTD 24 loans from 6 states totaling $5.2M, all funded by investors online
Product distribution strategy: Direct to Consumer 9B2C)
HQ: Los Angeles, CA
Founded: February 2013
Twitter: @PatchOfLand

blooom Provides Investors with a New Way to Build Your 401(k)

blooom Provides Investors with a New Way to Build Your 401(k)

This post is part of our live coverage of FinovateFall 2014.

Making its way to the stage is the team from blooom. Blooom has developed a revolutionary way to open 401k investors’ eyes and outsource the management of their 401k – regardless of where it is held.

“The blooom app collects basic user data (name, email, age) and asks the user to select where their 401(k) is currently held. Once selected, the user’s credentials are entered and blooom goes to work to analyze their current investment allocation across 25,000+ different funds to generate a comparative analysis without a bunch of financial mumbo jumbo. Blooom displays how their 401(k) should be allocated and gives the user some latitude to adjust the recommended allocation. In a few more steps, the user can then hire blooom to make these changes and, more importantly, rebalance and adjust the allocation for the user going forward. It is a new and intelligent way to get help with your 401(k) … all for just $10 per month.”
Presenting: Chris Costello (Co-Founder & CFP) & Randy AufDerHeide (CTO & Co-Founder)
Product Launch: September 2014
Metrics: $200,000 in funding from founders; 6 employees, 30 clients
Product distribution strategy: Direct to Consumer (B2C), Direct to Business (B2B), through financial institutions
HQ: Overland Park, Kansas
Founded: February 2013
Website: blooom.com
Twitter: @blooominc

Top Image Systems Showcases its Omni-Channel Approach with GlassCapture and MobiFLOW

Top Image Systems Showcases its Omni-Channel Approach with GlassCapture and MobiFLOW

This post is part of our live coverage of FinovateFall 2014.

Starting off FinovateFall 2014 with a bang is Top Image Systems, demoing Glass Capture and MobiFLOW.

“We’re demonstrating an integrated part of omni-channel approach to capturing the necessary information in the enrollment and account-opening process. Showcasing the flexible and extensible Mobile SDK and Webservices APIs in MobiFLOW on the server, the demo shows a sample bank application that a retail or commercial banking officer might use on a tablet while wearing Google Glass to capture information from documents typically used in the account-opening process. While showing only a few examples, we are also discussing how Google Glass leverages the same technology in TIS’ in-market mobile phone and tablet solutions, allowing a user to easily switch between these devices for the best user experience.”
Presenting: Jim Charanis (Director, Mobile & Banking Solutions) & Avi Mileguir (EVP & General Manager, Americas)
Product Launch: June 2013
Metrics: In 2013 we had annual revenue of $29M and 200 employees, and in February 2014 we raised $15M in a secondary offering following our IPO in the mid-90s.
Product distribution strategy: Direct to Business (B2B), through financial institutions, through other fintech companies and platforms, licensed.
HQ: Tel Aviv, Israel
Founded: March 1991
Twitter: @TopImageSystems

FinDEVr San Francisco 2014: Builders Get Ready

FinDEVr San Francisco 2014: Builders Get Ready

If you’re one of the lucky ones who will be able to tell the grandkids that you were at the very first FinDEVr, then congratulations! We couldn’t be happier to have you onboard for what promises to be a historic opportunity for developers looking to make connections or add key final pieces to their own fintech projects.

We are expecting a diverse crowd on September 30 and October 1. Not only will decision-making CEOs and app-building developers be on hand for this inaugural, two-day event, but just about everybody in between, as well (see below).

Strategy Officers and Founders. Solutions Engineers and Presidents…from the boardroom to the back office, FinDEVr has more than just something for everyone. By combining presentations and demos, workshops and high-quality networking, we are leveraging our seven years of experience in hosting great conferences to bring the fintech community its newest “must attend” event of the year.
So whether you are a “plug and play” programmer or a “gray goose,” click here to pick up your tickets and save your spot at this historic opportunity for fintech developers and members of the “Adminisphere” alike. 
And once you’ve scored your ticket, be sure to join the FinDEVr community on Bizzabo. See you in San Francisco!

FinovateFall 2014: Ready, Steady, Go!

FinovateFall 2014: Ready, Steady, Go!

It’s rehearsal day here at FinovateFall 2014 – just 24 hours before the lights go up and the first of 70 live demos of the latest in fintech innovation begins.

Monday is a day of preparation for everyone: for the innovators practicing their pitches and triple-checking their laptops, smartphones, and tablets; for the ballroom technical crew and the Finovate team tending to last minute details …

But Monday is a day of preparation for attendees, as well. And to help make sure you’ve got everything you need in order to make the most out of your FinovateFall experience, here’s a last minute rundown of the whats, whens, and whys of the event – whether you are joining us in New York here at the Hilton Midtown or following the show via Twitter or the Finovate Live Blog.
Registration begins at 8am, with the first demo starting at 9am. We are expecting a full house, so be sure to arrive early.
Below is quick guide to the demos on Tuesday and Wednesday.
Twitter & Live Blog
They say if you can make it here, you can make it anywhere. But for those who weren’t able to make it to New York this time around, there are a couple of ways you still can take in every minute of FinovateFall.
Our Live Blog at Finovate.com will cover every demo, every presenter, every company over the two days of FinovateFall. You can also follow the show by way of our Twitter feed @Finovate. Just use the hashtag #Finovate and join in the conversation.
Bizzabo App
And last but not least, if you’re here in town for FinovateFall 2014, please be sure to join the community on Bizzabo. Available on iOS, Android, and via the web, Bizzabo is a great way to see, meet, and connect with your fellow attendees as well as learn more about the companies demoing at the event.