A new partnership announced last week between Alpine Data Labs and Pivotal is designed to help enterprises “attain business value from their investment in modern data platforms.” Specifically, Alpine Data Labs will use its collaborative platform for advanced analytics, Chorus, as a link between the Pivotal Big Data Suite and the Pivotal Cloud Foundry.
“With Chorus and Pivotal BDS,” Alpine Data’s Collin Cook wrote at the company blog, “you can easily build machine learning models that leverage data from any data source, expedite the process of building scoring engines around your models and quickly deploy them as micro services within the Pivotal Cloud Foundry.” Cook called the combined solution a way to reduce the friction that often develops between data scientists, IT professionals and business users.

Alpine Data cofounder and CPO Steven Hillion demonstrated Alpine Touchpoints at FinovateFall 2015 in New York.
Alpine Data specializes in technologies that help turn big data into predictive insights and analysis. The company’s Chorus solution is a comprehensive, advanced analytics platform for big data and Hadoop that has been deployed in a variety of verticals from financial services to healthcare. Version 6, launched in May, provides tools to annotate analytics assets (data, scripts, models), build and share machine learning and ETL workflows, deploy models, and leverage predictive applications like Alpine’s Touchpoints to make data more digestible for non-technical co-workers and customers.
The partnership between Alpine Data and Pivotal may be new, but the relationship between the two companies’ technologies goes back to a time before Alpine Data was founded as its own entity. Alpine’s Workflow Editor and analytics engine began as research projects in the open source, massively parallel data warehouse known as Pivotal Greenplum. “Customers running Chorus on top of Pivotal BDS will be able to get up and running very easily,” says Cook, “without having to deal with any big-data infrastructure hurdles.
Founded in 2011 and headquartered in San Francisco, California, Alpine Data demonstrated its Touchpoints technology at FinovateFall 2015. The company has raised more than $23 million in funding and includes among its investors Mission Ventures, Robert Bosch Venture Capital, Sierra Ventures, Stanford University, Sumitomo Corporation Equity Asia, and UMC Capital. Read our Finovate Debut profile of Alpine Data from earlier this year.