FinovateEurope 2013 / True Office
Presenter Profile:
How they describe themselves: For centuries, humans have been hardwired to learn through stories and play. True Office is the first company to gamify regulatory compliance training, a multi-billion dollar market that until now has been largely ignored by technological innovation.
Designed for a global workforce, True Office creates data-rich compliance games that help companies reduce risk and save money, transforming mandatory compliance training into a fun, intelligible and quantifiable experience. True Office’s real-time testing, assessment and risk analytics translate into measurable ROI in the form of reduced legal and compliance risk.
How they describe their product/innovation: By playing the True Office | Thomson Reuters Anti Money Laundering desktop and mobile app, financial services employees are exposed to the regulatory risks they confront and learn how to comply with anti money laundering laws and company policies. The data generated from this app provides financial services institutions with compliance analytics that help identify and reduce instances of AML risk.
Bus. Dev. & Sales: Neha Gupta, [email protected]
Press: Lauren Prince-Wright, Account Manager Gong Communications, [email protected], +44(0)20 7935 4800, +44(0) 7794 988 752