Founder Interview: Laura Mather of Silver Tail Systems

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To kick off June, we interviewed Laura Mather, Co-Founder and Chief Strategy Officer of Silver Tail Systems, a web session intelligence company that won Best of Show at FinovateStartup 2009 and Finovate 2009
Mather has worked for the NSA, eBay, and was recently ranked number 16 of the most 100 creative people in business by Fast Company.
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Finovate: What sparked the idea for Silver Tail Systems?
Mather: When I was Director of Fraud Prevention at eBay, the criminals were creative and tenacious – a challenging combination. My team was always reacting to the criminals instead of getting ahead of them. That was difficult for me since attacks often meant that eBay customers sent thousands of dollars to criminals and I felt like that was my fault. It was clear that eBay (and I assumed other organizations) needed a different set of tools to fight these criminals.
Finovate: What has been the most surprising thing you’ve encountered since launching Silver Tail Systems?
Mather: The importance of corporate culture. In previous positions it was clear how corporate culture influenced my job satisfaction, but since starting Silver Tail it has been very clear that incorporating culture into all aspects of the business helps our team stay focused on the mission of the company.
Finovate: How have you seen the security industry changing and how is that affecting your strategy?
Mather: When we started Silver Tail (2008), it was generally understood that security was “dead”. Enterprises were not investing in security and security officers had very little impact within organizations.
Since then we have seen a reversal of this trend. Security is now an extremely hot area. This is great since there are many places in both our government and our industry that are vulnerable to attacks. Making cyber security a focus will help our country better fend off attacks from our adversaries: whether they are politically or financially motivated.
Finovate: Fast Company just named you one of the most creative people in business. How has your experience in the security industry inspired the creativity you bring to Silver Tail Systems? 
Mather: Security is like a chess game. It isn’t sufficient to understand the next move. You have to understand the three to five moves that follow. If you make a change to make something more “secure”, sometimes that change will move the criminals into a new behavior which is more harmful than the behavior you are preventing. Understanding how the criminals think and how they respond to impediments is key to being able to make good decisions about how to protect websites.
Finovate: What’s the biggest hurdle Silver Tail Systems has overcome?
Mather: Our biggest hurdle was Series A venture funding.  In 2008 venture capitalists were saying two things: security is dead and enterprise sales is dead. We were proposing a business that provided both. In addition, my co-founder and I had no start-up experience. It took us a long time to find people who believed enough in what we are doing to put their money behind us.
Finovate: What has been the most fun thing about being the founder of Silver Tail Systems?
Mather: I have the greatest job in the world. I get to protect some of the largest brands (and therefore hundreds of millions of consumers) from fraud and other attacks. How cool is that? We embrace that in our company as well. Our conference rooms are named “Hall of Justice” and “Bat Cave”. Our servers have names like “Ironman” and “Hulk”. We definitely get to enjoy what we do.
Finovate: What is the story behind the name Silver Tail Systems?
Mather: My co-founder and I liked the bird of prey analogy for a security company. We originally called the company “Kestrel” (which is a type of hawk) and we owned An overenthusiastic trademark attorney told us we could never use Kestrel because we would have trademark issues, so we gave it up – which we now regret. When we decided not to use Kestrel, we wanted another type of bird of prey. “Red Tail” did have trademark issues, so we brainstormed alternatives. We came up with Blue Tail, Steel Tail, Iron Tail, etc. We couldn’t decide which we liked so I sent the list to friends in China, India, London, and Australia to see if any of them had negative connotations. It turns out “Blue Tail” is not a very nice thing in Chinese. My friends who were helping me avoid the “Nova” situation also informally voted and they all like Silver Tail. Thus the company was named.  
One thing for budding entrepreneurs – budget a lot of time for naming your company. With trademark issues it is extremely challenging to find a name for a company now and that was an activity for which we budgeted very little time, but spent a lot of time!
To learn more about Silver Tail Systems, watch its FinovateSpring 2012 demo. Stay tuned for another interview next month.

Finovate Alumni News– June 4, 2012

  • Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for Finovate-F-Logo.jpgO’Reilly Radar takes an in-depth look at FutureAdvisor, interviews CEO Bo Lu.
  • Business Insider recommends Mint & BillGuard as worthy personal finance apps to help you control your finances.
  • Strands Finance, selected as tech partner of PostFinance, a Swiss FI & payment transactions provider.
  • HIT Consultant features Diversinet CEO on Newest Podcast.
  • Security Service FCU selects Tyfone to deliver next gen mobile services.
  • PaySimple named to JMP Securities Hot 100 Software Companies 2012.
  • Austin’s asks: Can Bazaarvoice IPO be catalyst for new wave of startups?
  • Altoona’s Hearld-Index profiles T8 Webare.
  • Barron’s looks at SigFig as A Take-Charge Portfolio Manager.
  • InComm & Absolute Software form partnership.
  • The Examiner looks at how Virtual Piggy is protecting kids online & interviews Founder & CEO, Dr. Jo Webber.
  • Check out the latest founder interview: Laura Mather of Silver Tail Systems.
This post will be updated throughout the day as news and developments emerge. You can also follow all the alumni news headlines on the Finovate Twitter account.

Mobile Monday: Intuit Launches 17th iPhone App, MoneyDue

Note: Since I didn’t get my Feature Friday post finished last week, it’s now been transformed into Mobile Monday.


imageWhile most banks still have a single mobile app, the big players will eventually have a portfolio of apps for their various product lines, business units, and disparate customer segments (note 1).

While technically not a financial institution, Intuit shows why multiple apps are needed. With the launch of MoneyDue (see below), the company now has at least 17 apps available for the iPhone.

Tax-related (7)
Earned Income Tax Credit calculator
Intuit Tax Online Accountant
MyTaxRefund by TurboTax
TaxCaster by TurboTax
TurboTax 2011 Tax Preparation
TurboTax Card Mobile
TurboTax SnapTax

Payments (2)
Intuit GoPayment Credit Card Terminal
MoneyDue (ebilling for small service providers; see below)

Small biz (5)
Online Payroll
QuickBooks Mobile
Small Business Blog
Snap Payroll California Free Mobile Paycheck Calculator
Weave (project management)

Consumer (3)
Quicken Essentials for Mac
Intuit Health Debit Card


MoneyDue: Ebilling app for hourly-based professional services

Intuit's MoneyDue iphone appFor almost 30 years, Intuit has been a key financial services innovator. So I’m always interested in the new services coming out of its R&D area.

Here’s one that seems like a winner, a mobile small biz ebilling app specifically targeted to those that bill their time by the hour (or appointment).

The app integrates with the iPhone calendar and contacts to seamlessly turn appointments into ebills in a 3-step process (see screenshots below):

  1. Select an existing appointment from iPhone calendar
  2. Select the corresponding person to bill from the iPhone contact list
  3. Enter the billing amount and send

It would be especially useful for one-person shops such as lawn care, home improvement, cleaning services, tutors, etc. The main downside is that the appointment and contacts must already be loaded into those iPhone functions. You cannot create a new bill directly from the MoneyDue app if it hasn’t already been scheduled on your calendar (note 2). 

The app hit the app store on May 30 and has been a top-150 finance app since for the past few days.


Intuit’s MoneyDue iPhone app (2 June 2012)

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1. See our mobile apps forecast here (April 2010, subscription)
2. The iPhone automatically syncs with your desktop calendar (eg. Google’s Gmail calendar) so you needn’t set up the appointment on your mobile phone.

Finovate Alumni News– June 1, 2012

  • Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for Finovate-F-Logo.jpgGoogle Director, Russ Laraway, named SVP of Merchant Sales at FreeMonee.
  • American Banker describes the effect of Plastyc’s Kindle Fire app on underbanked consumers.
  • Business Insider points out how SimpleTution & Cartera Commerce are hacking the financial system.
  • IP Commerce launches app development challenge for next-gen POS app.
  • Bank Technology News compares how Plastyc and Mitek use tech to serve the underbanked.
  • American Banker takes an in-depth look at SimpleTuition’s SmarterBank.
  • Dwolla builds payment fees comparison tool.
  • Cachet Financial Solutions and eDOC Innovations partner to provide mobile deposit to Credit Unions.
This post will be updated throughout the day as news and developments emerge. You can also follow all the alumni news headlines on the Finovate Twitter account.

First Arkansas Homepage Goes All In with Social Media

image I don’t know how long First Arkansas Bank & Trust has had a big Facebook-like image dominating its homepage (see below), but it’s timely given all the attention the social network has received of late. Despite a little blip with the IPO, Facebook is one of most significant brands on the planet. So associating your financial brand with it is a good move.

FAB&T is using the homepage to create awareness of its four social network outlets:

  • Facebook | Like
  • Twitter | Follow
  • YouTube | Watch
  • Blog | Read

The huge Socialize With Us image is eye-catching and would garner a fair number of clicks, except for one problem. The entire center graphic, including the social media icons, are not clickable. The only way to get to the sites is to click on their icons in the upper right corner of the homepage (note 1). This is a strange design decision.  

Bottom line: While I like the approach of exposing all the trendy social media icons, I’m not sure FAB&T should be sending people to all four. The bank’s Facebook page is good, with a modern design, frequent updates, and 755 fans (see second screenshot). So, it makes sense to encourage users to visit and like it.

However, the other social media sites are a little anemic. The blog hasn’t been updated since the end of 2011; there has only been one tweet in the past 2 months; and the YouTube channel has limited content.

Like most financial institutions, FAB&T would probably be better served by focusing on Facebook (note 2) and letting the other sites go, or at least stop referring customers to them from the homepage. 


First Arkansas Bank homepage (31 May 2012)

First Arkansas Bank homepage (31 May 2012)

First Arkansas Bank Facebook page (link)

FAB&T Facebook page  

First Arkansas Bank Twitter page (link)
Note: The bank had one tweet in May, zero in April and a couple in March.


First Arkansas Bank Blog (link)
Note: The last post was almost six months ago. And the site is hosted on the Google’s free blogging platform, Blogger, which doesn’t really do much to help with the brand image.



image 1. And those all require users to click through a "third-party warning" before redirecting the user to the social network sites. That further gums up the user experience.
2. See our Online Banking Report "Banking in Facebook" published in Feb. 2012 (subscription).

Prosper Takes On Lending Club’s PRIME Service with Premier


Last week, Prosper began testing Prosper Premier, a new service positioned to compete with Lending Club’s PRIME.

The new service is aimed at investors who are interested in P2P investing but do not want to spend time researching which loans to invest in. These passive investors are invited to fill out a form (see image below) to gauge their risk level and desired asset allocation.


Investors who take part in Premier will benefit from having their funds invested automatically based on risk and reinvestment preferences and will have priority access to a dedicated Investor Services Manager.

The service requires a minimum investment of $25,000 and a 0.8% one-time fee for the account set up. These requirements are exactly the same for Lending Club’s PRIME service.

Prosper and Lending Club both presented at FinovateStartup 2009.

Bazaarvoice Acquires PowerReviews for $151 Million

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Earlier this week, social data company Bazaarvoice announced it is acquiring PowerReviews for $151 million. The settlement states that $31 million of the sum will be paid in cash and the remainder in stock.

The companies, who both offer social commerce products, will combine their technology, content, and data. PowerReviews, with its more self-service product, will help Bazaarvoice break into the small and medium-sized market.

The deal is expected to be finalized by the end of July.

To learn more about Bazaarvoice, watch its FinovateSpring, 2012 demo (coming soon).

Finovate Alumni News– May 31, 2012

  • Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for Finovate-F-Logo.jpgDCisions reflects on its FinovateSpring experience.
  • American Banker looks at TIO Networks as a Silicon Valley Tech company serving the underbanked.
  • CorFire and edo Interactive to connect purchase data and targeted offers via mobile.
  • Silver Tail Systems positioned in the Leaders Quadrant of the Magic Quadrant for Web Fraud Detection.
  • Bazaarvoice acquires PowerReviews for $151 million.
  • doxo adds mobile bill Pay, launches Android app.
  • Prosper takes on Lending Club’s PRIME service with Premier.
This post will be updated throughout the day as news and developments emerge. You can also follow all the alumni news headlines on the Finovate Twitter account.

Announcing the First FinovateAsia Ever this November


We are very excited to formally announce that the inaugural FinovateAsia conference will take place in Singapore this November 6th.

As a leading global financial center, the largest port in the world, and a growing hub for entrepreneurs, Singapore is the ideal place for Finovate’s first Asian conference.

The conference will showcase the best new fintech ideas from across Asia via our signature demo-only format to an audience of senior financial executives, influential press, leading entrepreneurs and deep-pocketed investors. 

If you’d like to apply to demo your company’s latest fintech innovation at the event, please email us at for more details.

If you’d like to guarantee your seat to this event, tickets are now available at the low pre-sale price of S$595 on the FinovateAsia website.

I’ll be in Singapore next week (June 5-8) to meet with potential partners, sponsors and presenters. If you’re interested in meeting up to hear more about FinovateAsia, please drop me a note directly at

Thanks and we hope to see you in Singapore in November!

FinovateAsia 2012 is sponsored by: The Bancorp Inc. & Citi Ventures

FinovateAsia 2012 is partners with: BankInnovation, BankerStuff, Celent, Finance on Windows &

Announcing the First FinovateAsia Ever this November in Singapore


We are very excited to formally announce that the inaugural FinovateAsia conference will take place in Singapore this November 6th.

As a leading global financial center, the largest port in the world, and a growing hub for entrepreneurs, Singapore is the ideal place for Finovate’s first Asian conference.

The conference will showcase the best new fintech ideas from across Asia via our signature demo-only format to an audience of senior financial executives, influential press, leading entrepreneurs and deep-pocketed investors. 

If you’d like to apply to demo your company’s latest fintech innovation at the event, please email us at for more details.

If you’d like to guarantee your seat to this event, tickets are now available at the low pre-sale price of S$595 on the FinovateAsia website.

I’ll be in Singapore next week (June 5-8) to meet with potential partners, sponsors and presenters. If you’re interested in meeting up to hear more about FinovateAsia, please drop me a note directly at

Thanks and we hope to see you in Singapore in November!

FinovateAsia 2012 is sponsored by: The Bancorp Inc. & Citi Ventures

FinovateAsia 2012 is partners with: BankInnovation, BankerStuff, Celent, Finance on Windows &

doxo Adds Mobile Bill Pay, Launches Android App

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Online filing cabinet, doxo, recently announced its biggest development since it presented at FinovateSpring 2011. The Seattle-based startup is rolling out a new mobile bill payment solution, along with a new app for Android users. 

The new solution, doxoPAY, allows Android and Apple users to receive and pay their bills from select providers on one platform with a single username and password. The largest providers include:

    • AT&TThumbnail image for doxoAndroid.png
    • Puget Sound Energy
    • Sound Community Bank
    • Sprint

Users can pay any of doxo’s providers by simply viewing their bill and selecting Pay.

To learn more about doxo, watch its FinovateSpring 2011 demo.

Finovate Alumni News– May 30, 2012

  • Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for Finovate-F-Logo.jpgTradeshift to Offer Taulia’s Dynamic Discounting.
  • Startup Beat interviews CoverHound CEO, Basil Enan.
  • Acculynk and National Payments Corporation of India Announce Internet PIN Debit Partnership.
  • miiCard Launches Twitter Trust Campaign By Verifying Real Identities.
  • PaySimple Named Red Herring Americas Top 100 Winner.
  • Financial Post discusses Kashoo’s mobile distribution strategy.
  • High Beam Research reports on DoughMain’s financial education pointers.
  • TechCrunch reports BOKU Scales Up, Will Power Carrier Billing For In-App Payments In The T-Mobile Mall.
  • CU Times reports MoneyDesktop Adds 17 Credit Unions as PFM Users.
  • Check Point Introduces New Security Acceleration Module with Advanced SecurityCore Technology for High Performance in Low Latency Environments.
  • CNN Money Launches New Investing Home Page with StockTwits Trending Tickers.
  • Advocate’s Studio recommends Enloop for when you need a fast business plan.
This post will be updated throughout the day as news and developments emerge. You can also follow all the alumni news headlines on the Finovate Twitter account.