FinovateSpring 2014 / EyeVerify

Presenter Profile:

How they describe themselves: The core capability of verifying the identity of a user accessing a system cuts across a wide range of customers. Biometric authentication has traditionally been limited to government and ultra-high security marketplaces. EyeVerify is now bringing eye vein biometrics to the commercial and consumer markets in a manner that is secure, scalable, and convenient. We are targeting the following market segments: MDM and BYOD, Mobile Banking and Payment Platforms, Security Software Providers, Mobile Device OEM’s, Multi Factor User Authentication, and Single Sign On.

How they describe their product/innovation: EyeVerify is the exclusive provider of Eyeprint Verification, a highly accurate and secure biometric for mobile devices. Eyeprint Verification delivers a password-free mobile experience and secure authentication at a glance. This patented solution uses existing cameras on smartphones to image and pattern match the blood vessels in the whites of the eye.

Product Distribution Strategy: Direct to Business (B2B), through financial institutions, through other fintech companies and platforms, licensed


Bus. Dev. & Sales: Chris Barnett, EVP Global Sales & Marketing, [email protected]
Press: Denise Myers, Director of Marketing, [email protected]

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