FinovateSpring 2014 / True Link

Presenter Profile:

How they describe themselves: True Link believes seniors and their caregivers are the most underserved and exciting market for financial services in America and that the killer app to enter that market is fraud protection. By establishing trust with this demographic – the fastest-growing, wealthiest, and highest-spending group in the US – we can establish a diversified services company offering everything you need to prepare and protect yourself as you and your family age.

How they describe their product/innovation: Vulnerable seniors lose $100 billion a year to predatory marketing and fraud. It’s easy to trick someone with memory loss – for example, you can sell magazines just by sending a free issue then calling and saying that they are overdue to pay for a subscription. Some of our customers spend thousands of dollars a month on magazines they never wanted. We offer a family-managed safe form of payment. When Grandma is out shopping with friends it works like any other Visa card, but if someone is trying to take her money, we decline the charge and keep her safe.

Product Distribution Strategy: Direct to Consumer (B2C), through financial institutions


Bus. Dev.: Claire McDonnell, Operations, [email protected]
Press: James Tinsley, Communications, [email protected]

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