A week ago we introduced you to half of the companies that will be demoing their technologies on stage for FinovateEurope 2014.
Today we’re providing the second half of our scheduled roster for February.
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A week ago we introduced you to half of the companies that will be demoing their technologies on stage for FinovateEurope 2014.
Today we’re providing the second half of our scheduled roster for February.
“Tootpay’s solution is based on an overlay chip for the customer’s mobile phone. The overlay chip is a stick-on solution that fits onto any standard SIM card of a GSM handset. A menu-based interface is deployed for simplicity and ease of use. It’s not internet or telco dependent and deploys with multiple authentication methods and end-to-end encryption to provide a high level of security for its mobile transactions. As such, barriers to mobile banking such as mobile phone handset incompatibility, dependency on telco service providers, non-existent mobile internet network coverage, fraud, and more are minimized.”
FinovateAsia is typically our most globally diverse show, and this year is no different. Two weeks from now, we will showcase 37 demos from companies spanning the globe that are innovating in everything from remittance to small business tools to back office solutions and much more.
Given that diversity, we thought it would be fun put together a map showing the geographic spread of the demoing companies that will take the stage (click the map to enlarge).
Here’s the breakdown of the number of companies from each region:
To refresh your memory, the list of the companies that we’ve hand-picked to show off their new technology at the Max Atria @ Singapore Expo on November 14, include:
To see live demos of the new technology, meet the entrepreneurs responsible, and network with others in the industry, get your ticket to FinovateAsia here. If you have questions about the show, check out who is attending or email [email protected].
At Finovate, we’ve seen how great innovation comes from companies of all ages. All we have to do is look at the Best of Show winners from FinovateAsia 2012. The founding dates of the winners ranged from 1858 (NAB, the parent company of UBank) to 2012 (SocietyOne).
We don’t know who will win Best of Show at FinovateAsia in Singapore this year, but looking at the launch date of the 37 companies taking the stage November 14, we found a 28-year spread.
Here they are in reverse chronological order with funding amounts, if disclosed:
To learn more about each of these companies, check them out here and come see their live demos in Singapore on November 14.
All numbers and funding information sourced from Crunchbase.com
You may have seen the list of FinovateAsia demoing companies we released a few weeks ago. Here are more details on the 32 companies demoing November 14 at the MAX Atria @ Singapore Expo. Get your ticket here to be part of the crowd.
Stay tuned for our Sneak Peek series next month featuring a behind-the-scenes look at each company and chance meet the innovators.