Here is a monster infographic from our friends at Mindful Insights LLC, a boutique consulting firm in the digital finance space (previous post). You can click on the image for a larger version, or better yet, grab the PDF version here. We appreciate the opportunity to publish it.
Finovate Alumni Website Traffic in September
- Seeking Alpha and Cortera had the highest traffic in September with 2.1 and 2.0 million unique visitors, respectively. Cortera also had the highest increase in number of unique year-over-year visits with over 1.5 more visits in 2011 than in 2010.
- Kabbage had the highest percentage growth year-over-year, up 280x.
- Weemba saw the highest monthly growth percentage with more than 7.5 times the number of unique visitors in September compared to August.
- had the highest increase in number of unique year-over-year visitors, growing by 126,000.
- CheckFree had the highest percentage growth year-over-year, with over 7 times the number of visitors this year than last year.
- Intuit had a notable increase in number of unique, year-over-year visitors, increasing by 300,000 visits.
- Check Point had the highest month-over-month percent growth, with 41% more visitors in September than in August.

Finovate Alumni Website Traffic in August
- Seeking Alpha — the most-trafficked in August with 2.5 million unique visitors — also had the highest increase in number of unique month-over-month visits with 300,000 more visits in August than in July.
- saw the highest monthly growth percentage with more than 6.5 times the number of unique visitors in August compared to July.
- Betterment had the highest percentage growth year-over-year, up 88x.
- Cortera had the highest number of unique year-over-year visitors, growing by 1.5 million.
Finovate Alumni Website Traffic in July
- Seeking Alpha had the most traffic in July with more than 2 million unique visitors.
- eToro saw the highest monthly growth percentage with 3 times the number of unique visitors in July compared to June.
- Bundle had the highest increase in number of unique month-over-month visits, with 450,000 more visitors in July than in June.
- eRollover had the highest percent year-over-year traffic increase, with 260,000 more visitors from last July.
- PayPal had the highest number of U.S. visitors in July, with more than 30 million visitors.
- Jack Henry & Associates saw the highest monthly growth with twice as many visitors in July than June.
- Wipro Technologies had the highest year-over-year growth, with 3 times as many visitors this year compared to last year.
- FIS Global and Online Resources also doubled their traffic compared to last year.
PayPal and Cortera Take Charge in May’s Web Traffic
Each month we survey the Web-traffic performance of our alums, using data from Web-analytics company Compete to review the sites they operate.
Out of 255 alumni, 62 (24%) had more than 10,000 unique U.S. visitors in May 2011 (see tables below). Of the 62 reviewed, 25 (40%) had fewer visitors than in the previous month and 28 (45%) saw a decline year-over-year.
Private Companies
The 44 private companies are as follows:
Notable successes:
- Cortera saw the highest number of unique U.S. visitors in May, with almost 2 million hits.
- HelloWallet experienced the greatest month-over-month growth, with more than four times as many visitors.
- Betterment saw its traffic increase an impressive 38 times from May of last year.
Private Finovate Alumni With More Than 10,000 Unique Visitors in May 2011
Source: retrieved June 29, 2011
Public Companies
The 18 public companies are as follows:
Notable successes:
- PayPal experienced the highest number of U.S. visitors in May, with over 32 million visitors.
- TransUnion Interactive saw the highest month-over-month growth with more than two times the number of visitors in May than in April.
- Sybase 365 experienced the highest year-over-year growth, with its traffic up almost 80% from last year.
Public Finovate Alumni With More Than 10,000 Unique Visitors in May 2011
Source: retrieved June 29, 2011
1. We reviewed 255 unique sites. Data was unavailable or irrelevant for 201 sites because:
- They had been acquired.
- They were no longer available online.
- They were not covered by Compete for various reasons (including some that were not U.S. domestic companies).
- The number of unique visits was too small to be considered accurate.
- They were subdomains of larger websites.
2. Numbers have been rounded to three significant digits.
3. The charts include companies that did not have measurable traffic in May 2011, indicated by “N/A.”
4. Compete draws its information from the online activity of a panel of more than 2 million U.S. Internet users. It is only an estimate of traffic, and may undercount at-work usage.
Sneak Peek at Mercantile Bank’s Powered-by-PayPal Mobile P2P Payments
Mercantile Bank of Michigan is riding the wave of free publicity from being first to market (probably) with iPhone-based P2P payments powered by PayPal. That’s a triple play in both alliteration and PR value. See the teaser ad on the bank’s website below (first screenshot).
The new service, a joint effort from PayPal and S1, is expected to go live in early 2010. It will allow customers to send money directly from their iPhone to any other individual on the worldwide PayPal network. All the sender must know is the recipient’s mobile phone number or email address. According to the five-question FAQ on the landing page (see second screenshot), the service will be available to all MercMobile customers and will be free of charge.
Mercantile Bank has become one of the most innovative banks we follow. Congratulations to CIO John Schulte and his team for leading the industry on several fronts and providing great material for Netbanker (previous posts here; note 1).
For more on the P2P payments market, see our latest Online Banking Report, published earlier this week, Making the Case for Person-to-Person Payments.
Mercantile Bank’s powered-by-PayPal mobile P2P app (7 Dec. 2009):
Mercantile Bank of Michigan homepage (8 Dec. 2009):
Note: MercMobile P2P Payment teaser in lower left and home-based remote-deposit capture on the top banner.
P2P payments landing page (link)
1. Mercantile even earns its very own category at Netbanker: <>.