This post is part of our live coverage of FinovateSpring 2014.
Second up this afternoon,
SaveUp debuted its iPhone app aimed at helping Millennials learn about and engage with their personal finances:
“SaveUp is the first rewards program for saving money and reducing debt with the opportunity to win life-changing prizes and merchant-funded rewards. SaveUp is the “gummy vitamin” of personal finance, generating unprecedented engagement with personal finance among Millennials.
Six months after signing up, the average user links 6 – 8 accounts, and of these 20% are daily active users and 60% monthly actives. SaveUp users are engaged to learn about new financial products, seek financial guidance from CFPs, access financial education, and make better financial decisions.
Personalization is based on data. SaveUp is a highly flexible, customizable platform that drives engagement and retention in different financial service verticals. SaveUp is premiering the iPhone app at FinovateSpring 2014.”
Presenting: Priya Haji (CEO & Co-Founder) and Sammy Shreibati (CTO & Co-Founder)
Product Launch: November 1, 2011
Metrics: The average user links 6 – 8 accounts, and of these 20% are daily actives and 60% are monthly active users.
Product distribution strategy: Direct to Consumer (B2C), through financial services channels including: banks, credit unions, digital wallet, prepaid, student loan, and employee wellness
HQ: San Francisco, CA
Founded: April 2011
Twitter: @playsaveup