Finovate Alumni News– June 18, 2012

  • Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for Finovate-F-Logo.jpgSimple sends out a wave of new beta invites, including one to Square’s co-founder.
  • The Financial Services Club explores how Fidor Bank is innovating in the traditional banking space.
  • Wall Street Journal looks at Doxo’s role in the bill payment space.
  • Barrons examines how SigFig’s portfolio managers work.
  • American Banker reports BankSimple Aims to Simplify Opening Online Accounts using Andera’s SDK.
  • The Wall Street Journal examines innovation in fintech.
  • Dwolla’s FiSync goes live.
  • Geezeo signs Missouri Credit Union.
This post will be updated throughout the day as news and developments emerge. You can also follow all the alumni news headlines on the Finovate Twitter account.

Out of the Inbox: Pitches Capital One Credit Card in Triggered Email Alert

imagePrecise, content-sensitive advertising is extremely powerful. It’s what made Google a giant. 

In financial services, the biggest advertising-driven success (after BankRate and Google), at least in terms of market cap, is Its revenue stream is entirely made up of targeted offers to customers who aggregate banking transactions on its site.

The company wisely uses email to deliver some of the advertising pitches. As we’ve discussed before, Mint is of the few financial companies directly monetizing triggered alerts.

We were impressed by the latest effort received Tuesday (see below). Having noticed that our Chase business card was used internationally, incurring a $14 transaction surcharge, they wisely pitched us a Capital One no-foreign-transaction-fee card.

Interestingly, we already have not one, but two of those Cap One cards (personal and biz) and they are both aggregated at Mint. So I’m not sure if this alert is more of a reminder to use our Cap One charge when traversing the world or that Mint doesn’t check current product usage when cross selling (or they don’t care). If Mint is only paid on performance (eg. by new accounts generated), then it doesn’t matter to Cap One that they are marketing to an existing customer.

Bottom line: The example demonstrates the marketing value of hosting the aggregated accounts.


Mint triggered alert (12 June 2012)
Note: The advertisement is two-fold. The banner with "apply now" is the most eye-catching, but also easier to ignore. There is also a text call to action above it, that looks more like alert copy. It says: "Stop paying extra to use your credit card overseas. Get a card that doesn’t charge foreign transaction fees."


Finovate Alumni News– June 14, 2012

  • Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for Finovate-F-Logo.jpgAlbany Times Union reports CSI’s globalVCard leads execs out of ID theft and into mobile payments.
  • $3.7 bil Patelco CU commits to ThreatMetrix’s malware defense software.
  • Backbase powering online banking platform for Absa Group, a subsidiary of Barclays.
  • American Banker reports Firethorn Mobile to power Burger King’s mobile app.
  • GlobalCollect offers BOKU as Mobile Payment Checkout to its Merchant Network.
  • Financial Services and Big-Data Executive Mary Anne Keegan joins BillGuard as CMO.
This post will be updated throughout the day as news and developments emerge. You can also follow all the alumni news headlines on the Finovate Twitter account.

Finovate Alumni News– June 13, 2012

  • Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for Finovate-F-Logo.jpgKashoo signs to its MVP program.
  • The WSJ looks at SecondMarket’s life after the Facebook IPO.
  • 2 Minute Finance gets a personalized demo from Cardlytics.
  • Virtual Piggy moves headquarters to Hermosa Beach.
  • Taulia and Cloud Trade join forces to ease invoice process for buyers and suppliers.
  • peerTransfer partners with Educational Computer Systems (ECSI) to broaden its reach.
This post will be updated throughout the day as news and developments emerge. You can also follow all the alumni news headlines on the Finovate Twitter account.

peerTransfer Partners with Educational Computer Systems (ECSI) to Broaden its Reach

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Last week tuition payment solutions platform, peerTransfer, announced that it partnered with Educational Computer Systems (ECSI), a service provider for the higher education industry.

The partnership will enable international students attending ECSI partner schools to process their tuition and other school-related payments using the peerTransfer platform. It will also integrate international payment options for students using ESCI’s tuition payment platform.

To learn more about peerTransfer, watch its FinovateSpring 2011 demo.

Apple Just Put a Mobile Wallet In 100+ Million iPhones: But Is This Passbook a Friend or Foe of Banks?

iPhone Passbook app If it wasn’t obvious already, Apple is becoming the operating system of your life. And since money touches much of what we do, it’s no surprise that the company is moving into the payments side.

Actually, Apple is already there. The most valuable company on the planet is already the biggest payments issuer, with 400 million payment-enable iTunes accounts.

Now, when iOS6 becomes available this fall, Apple will be the biggest mobile wallet provider as well, when 100+ million iPhones automatically getting one with the new OS upgrade.

The new baked-in wallet app is called Passbook, I presume because iWallet was taken, or Apple is saving it for something even bigger.

But regardless of the name, Passbook has broad implications in payments and commerce in general. One look at the UI (inset) shows what banks are up against. An app loaded with store cards! Just what a gazillion big-spending early adopters have been hoping for (congrats to Target and Starbucks for leading the way again).

The main reason iWallet Passbook is such a big deal, besides the Apple halo effect, is that it automatically opens your “virtual card” when you walk in the store. Yes, you read it correctly. Automatically. Opening. Mobile. Payment card. 

Starbucks "card" in Apple's PassbookFor example, when you walk into Starbucks its virtual store card, rendered in 2D bar code, will be triggered on your phone. You just swipe the lock-screen notification, enter a PIN (if necessary), scan your phone at the POS, drink your coffee and enjoy the perks (see below).

Is the POS experience dramatically better than using your Visa/MasterCard plastic? Not really during those 15 seconds of your life, but it’s not worse either. Shaving 2 seconds off transaction time is not what this is about. It’s the retailer value-adds that make it a huge winner.

Smart merchants will tack loyalty points/rewards/amenities (how about a free shot of vanilla in that latte?) on to Passbook-enabled purchases and you will soon be conditioned to pay with your phone. Really, just having your receipt stored safely away in the Passbook app could make the difference between using the store card vs. MC/Visa.

Because Apple wants to be platform, not a bank, they are making the tools available to developers to create apps that play nice with Passbook along with all the other iPhone utilities. So I see this as bank/issuer friendly, so far anyway, though not everyone will benefit.

While this is only speculation, I see a couple things likely to happen:

1. Proprietary single-brand (closed loop) payments make a comeback: With a direct connection to the front-screen of your iPhone as soon as you walk in the door, retailers can put together compelling in-store loyalty offers on the fly. For example, I can walk into Best Buy, and up pops my store loyalty card on the front of my iPhone. And they can dangle all kinds of bennies at me in real time, while encouraging me to pay with my Best Buy credentials rendered in a QR code on the screen (and later via NFC or a “cloud” connection).  

2. Banks and card issuers partner with retailers to become the preferred “Passbook card:” For stores that don’t want to bother with the payments piece, instead of presenting a store card with the customer walks in the door, they could present the preferred partner card. For example, Costco, which only takes American Express, could launch an AmEx Passbook card when customers walk in the door.

3. The beginning of the end for paper receipts: Users will have the comfort knowing their receipts are all accessible via iPhone (and in the iCloud). So they will opt out of paper receipts at the register.

4. Mobile offers/coupons just found a new home: If you want iPhone-wielding consumers to see your offer, Apple just created an instant place to store (and discover) deals. I’m not sure if this is good or bad for ad-supported banking, but it’s something to consider.

Bottom line: I could go on (for instance about Siri integration), but my head is about to explode with all the possibilities. Time will tell, but I think we just witnessed a watershed moment in mobile-enabled shopping and payments. 


Recommended reading:

  • Read the full analysis by Glenbrook’s Scott Loftesness here.
  • Fantastic stuff on on Quora too (HT to Brad Strothkamp for the link via Twitter).
  • The list of all the features via Techcrunch.

Finovate Alumni News– June 12, 2012

  • Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for Finovate-F-Logo.jpgClairmail receives Frost & Sullivan Customer Value Enhancement Award.
  • T8 Webware adds Des Moines Office.
  • Ixaris names Kenneth Bonnici CFO.
  • ValidSoft partners with SOCURE to bring security and ID theft protection to social networks.
  • Intuit launches Mobile Banking Purchase Rewards for iPhone and Android.
  • ID Analytics names Larry McIntosh as CEO.
  • TSYS Acquiring Solutions launches Value Added Resource (VAR) Partner Connect Program.
  • Tyfone signs 10-year partnership with PT Number One in Indonesia.
  • ThreatMetrix forms partnership with Imperva.
This post will be updated throughout the day as news and developments emerge. You can also follow all the alumni news headlines on the Finovate Twitter account.

Credit Sesame Scores $12 Million in Series C Funding

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Credit- and debt-monitoring service Credit Sesame, announced today that it raised $12 million in Series C funding from the following investors:

    • Globespan Capital Partners 
    • Menlo Ventures
    • Inventus Capital

The round brings Credit Sesame’s total funding to almost $20 million and is intended to help the company expand its customer base.

Credit Sesame has already seen a lot of growth since it launched in April of 2010: 

    • Oversees more than $22 billion in consumer debt
    • Finds $175 million a month in savings for users
    • Almost half frequent the site 2- 3 times per month   
    • Revenue growth has quadrupled quarter over quarter

To learn more about Credit Sesame, watch its FinovateFall 2011 demo.

Finovate Alumni News– June 11, 2012

  • Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for Finovate-F-Logo.jpgTagit wins coveted Emerging Enterprise Award 2012.
  • BlogTalkRadio talks to Kathryn Petralia, COO & Co-founder of Kabbage.
  • Offermatic alters business model, no longer pursuing card-linked offers.
  • Chicago Tribune looks at Future Advisor and Betterment as two inexpensive investing platforms.
  • BBC news reports Zopa has lent more than £200m since it started in 2005.
  • Credit Sesame Scores $12 Million in Series C Funding.
This post will be updated throughout the day as news and developments emerge. You can also follow all the alumni news headlines on the Finovate Twitter account.

Card-Linked Offers in the Wild: Bank of America, Capital One and Fifth Third

We are starting to see more card-linked offers (aka merchant-funded rewards) in the wild:

  • imageBank of America: Consultant and former bank exec Tom Noyes showed off his BofA offers, BankAmeriDeals powered by Cardlytics, on his FinVentures blog earlier this week.
  • Capital One: For the past four weeks, I’ve been receiving FreeMonee offers from Capital One (see screenshot below).
  • Fifth Third Bank: I don’t know how long it’s been there (the service was announced in late Feb), but today I noticed that Fifth Third has a link up on its homepage to Prewards, the edo Interactive-powered rewards programs.

Bottom line: Card-linked rewards are great for consumers and banks, and hopefully they will prove to be equally valuable for the merchants who pay for the whole thing. If so, it could usher in a whole new era of ad-supported banking (note 1). In the meantime, it makes for awesome Finovate demos (note 2).


Fifth Third homepage features Prewards under "Personal | Bank" navigation (8 June 2012)


Prewards landing page (link)


Capital One weekly email with five new offers (1 June 2012)
Note: Offers are typically good for 2 weeks after email received.



1. We wrote about merchant-funded rewards in our Online Banking Report (Feb. 2011, subscription).
2. We covered the the best new products at FinovateSpring 2012 in our most recent Online Banking Report (May 2012, subscription).

Holvi Reveals Beta Account Activity

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Earlier this week, we received an email from Finland-based group-account platform Holvi that listed recent developments:

    • New homepage
    • Have processed payments of more than 300,000 euros
    • The majority of requests for beta accounts (70%) come from outside of Finland (though Holvi currently takes only Finland-based users)
    • Most requests for accounts are from people wanting to use it to organize finances for activities and events
    • People wanting to use Holvi for business comprise the second highest number of requests for accounts. For example:
– Lille-lle is running her small T-shirt print business on Holvi
– Devaamo is a developer event that conducts its banking with Holvi
– Hermanni Turkki is running their band and selling their first album on Holvi

To learn more about Holvi, watch its FinovateEurope 2012 demo.

Planwise Lands $200K in Seed Funding

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San Francisco-based PFM Planwise announced a $200,000 round in seed funding today. Several angel investors participated in the round. 

The startup plans to use the funding to further expand its user base.


BetaKit covered the funding announcement and explained some of Planwise’s future goals:

    • Update the platform with more visualizations
    • Integrate with more banks
    • Add mobile apps 
    • Integrate with existing PFM tools to enable users to track their spending
To learn more about planwise, watch its FinovateFall 2011 demo.