Virtual Piggy’s Platform Now Supports Subscription Payments

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Virtual Piggy, whose technology enables children to safely make purchases online, announced last week that it now supports subscription payments.

With the new subscription model, Virtual Piggy supports users who want to pay subscription fees on a regular basis (usually monthly). Parents can even set the monthly payments to come out of their kids’ online allowance.

Fanlala, an online pop culture destination for tweens and teens, will be one of the first companies to implement Virtual Piggy’s subscription model. Users will be able to pay for subscription music and gaming services through Virtual Piggy’s online payment platform.

To learn more about Virutal Piggy, watch its FinovateSpring 2012 demo.

Finovate Alumni News– June 25, 2012

  • Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for Finovate-F-Logo.jpgNetbanker highlights Simple’s Safe to Spend balance feature.
  • Money Week discusses non-traditional banking methods such as Zopa and Wonga.
  • Radware and Check Point Software Technologies form partnership.
  • miiCard wins “Technology Innovation in Financial Services” at the 2012 Digital Technology Awards.
  • partners with Zillow to give users home valuation reports.
  • Monitise seeks Bankers for possible LSE switch.
  • Mobile Payments Today reports Dwolla is out to change the way money moves.
  • wins Stevie Award for customer service.
  • Russian NOMOS-BANK launches Figlo Platform for its premium banking customers.
This post will be updated throughout the day as news and developments emerge. You can also follow all the alumni news headlines on the Finovate Twitter account.

BancBox Launches Payment Platform to Public

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Earlier this week, payment services platform, BancBox launched its new platform. While still in private beta, BancBox signed up 6 customers, including:

    • Giftly
    • ReadyForZero
    • CFTPay

In fact, it uses its own payments platform to process its payments.

TechCrunch reports on the startup’s future plans:

“In a few months, BancBox will roll out a prepaid debit card option in partnership with Discover, which will allow a mobile app to create a debit card on the fly. The virtual debit card can be then be scanned via QR code at checkout. (Customers can still swipe its plastic counterpart at more traditional merchants, however.)”

Here’s the pricing structure:


To learn more about BancBox, watch its FinovateSpring 2012 demo.

Finovate Alumni News– June 22, 2012

  • Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for Finovate-F-Logo.jpgBusiness Insider reports on Expensify’s growth.
  • Financial Post covers FutureAdvisor.
  • Commerce Bank partners with Affinity Solutions & Affinion loyalty group.
  • eArticles names eToro the leading broker in Australian forex trading.
  • WSJ Live reports LearnVest plans to use web tech & phone consults to help users develop financial plans.
  • Mobile Apps Showdown profiles Personal Capital.
  • Volly selects ProfitStars for online payments.
  • Monitise chosen to launch new mobile banking service for Co-operative Bank.
  • Business Insider names Mint and Personal Capital 2 finance apps you can’t live without.
  • BancBox launches payment platform to public.
This post will be updated throughout the day as news and developments emerge. You can also follow all the alumni news headlines on the Finovate Twitter account.

Feature Friday: Bank Balance Forecast

imageAs Simple begins the 6-month process of converting its 100,000-person wait list into paying customers, I expect much attention will be given to its flagship UI innovation, a forecast of your “free cash” after accounting for upcoming transaction. Simple has trademarked the feature as the Safe-to-Spend balance (screenshot below).

We’ve discussed it a number of times in our Online Banking Report (subscription), but we haven’t explored it in Netbanker. Here’s why balance forecasting is so important:

  • Intuitive UI: Hundreds of millions of people worldwide log in to their bank accounts at least weekly. Why? To see their balance and to make a mental calculation of whether things are on track. Whether they consciously think it or not, they are making their own calculation of what’s left in the account to spend. And given how horrible the average person is at making complex math calculations in their head, it makes so much sense to put that number right in from of them at all times.
  • Advocacy: Doesn’t everyone want to believe that the place where they entrust their live savings is looking out for their best interests? But events of the past five years have seriously eroded consumer confidence in financial institutions, especially large banks. Providing a new tool that really helps consumer understand their financial position, and reduce the chances of overdrafting, could go a long way in restoring confidence that the bank is not the enemy.
  • Gateway to advanced PFM services: Doing important calculations on the consumer’s behalf is what PFM is all about. So showing that you have the wherewithal to make this important calculation, can be the entry point for delivering more advanced PFM services, hopefully at a profitable monthly fee (note 1).
  • Great competitive weapon: Want to compete with Bank Simple? Want to show you are ahead of the curve. This is a perfect, tangible feature/benefit.

Bottom line: This is not the easiest feature to add. Maybe one of the hardest. And you should expect to spend quite a bit of time explaining it to employees and customers. But it absolutely will be part of every online banking system and third-party PFM service (see also, HelloWallet’s “left to spend below).

Simple makes it impossible to miss your “Safe-to-Spend” balance (22 June 2012)

Bank Simple "Safe to Spend" balance

HelloWallet’s mobile app has a “Left to Spend” balance for both in total and for the specific budget category (22 June 2012)



1. We are putting the finishing touches on an update of our PFM report (May 2010, subscription). You’ll see an announcement here next week.

Grab your ticket to FinovateFall 2012 by Friday 6/22 to save $200!


I love the weeks around the summer solstice. The long days that seem to go on forever. Farmers’ markets in full glory. Occasionally seeing the sun (hey, we live in Seattle). And sorting through a massive stack of applications about cool new fintech innovations for FinovateFall.

Each year the quality and number of applications grows, making our job harder and the show better. This year, as we return to NYC for the 6th time, we’re incredibly excited about the innovations we’re seeing. You don’t want to miss what these companies have to show!

In addition, this September’s FinovateFall in New York City promises to be an unrivaled gathering of the leading entrepreneurs, executives, analysts and investors in the financial technology space. Tickets are selling fast so please lock in your spot soon. If you grab your ticket by this Friday June 22nd, you’ll save $200 via the very early-bird ticket price.

We hope to see you this fall! And until then, enjoy the summer days!

FinovateFall 2012 is sponsored by: The Bancorp Inc., the law firm of Hudson Cook & Tier One Partners

FinovateFall 2012 is partners with: American Bankers Association, BankInnovation, BankerStuff, Benzinga, California Bankers Association, Celent, Filene, Finance on Windows &

Grab your ticket to FinovateFall 2012 by Friday 6/22 to save $200!


I love the weeks around the summer solstice. The long days that seem to go on forever. Farmers’ markets in full glory. Occasionally seeing the sun (hey, we live in Seattle). And sorting through a massive stack of applications about cool new fintech innovations for FinovateFall.

Each year the quality and number of applications grows, making our job harder and the show better. This year, as we return to NYC for the 6th time, we’re incredibly excited about the innovations we’re seeing. You don’t want to miss what these companies have to show!

In addition, this September’s FinovateFall in New York City promises to be an unrivaled gathering of the leading entrepreneurs, executives, analysts and investors in the financial technology space. Tickets are selling fast so please lock in your spot soon. If you grab your ticket by this Friday June 22nd, you’ll save $200 via the very early-bird ticket price.

We hope to see you this fall! And until then, enjoy the summer days!

FinovateFall 2012 is sponsored by: The Bancorp Inc., the law firm of Hudson Cook & Tier One Partners

FinovateFall 2012 is partners with: American Bankers Association, BankInnovation, BankerStuff, Benzinga, California Bankers Association, Celent, Filene, Finance on Windows &

Finovate Alumni News– June 20, 2012

  • Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for Finovate-F-Logo.jpg2 Minute Finance interviews TIO Networks at FinovateSpring.
  • 2 Minute Finance interviews Flint Mobile at FinovateSpring.
  • Check Point provides FXCM with integrated network protection.
  • IND Group’s technology initiates the world’s first Facebook money transfer.
  • Kashoo named most promising startup at 2012 BCTIA Technology Impact Awards.
  • DCisions awarded an Australian patent for business method.
  • SmartyPig, Social Money’s goal-based savings product, increases its interest rate to 1% APY.
  • TechCrunch reports PayPal rolls out a touch-friendly website redesign.
  • US News lists Buxfer, YouNeedABudget, Pennyminder, Yodlee, Geezeo, Mint as personal finance tools you should use.
This post will be updated throughout the day as news and developments emerge. You can also follow all the alumni news headlines on the Finovate Twitter account.

The End of Non-Automated-Teller Deposits


This month marked a turning point in my relationship with our business bank. Except for the odd check in a foreign currency, we’ve stopped using the teller to deposit checks.

We could use mobile remote capture, but since we walk or drive by a branch most days, it’s easier (and probably faster) to just stop by and make the deposit. But we no longer go inside to the teller line. All the Chase branches in our neighborhood have image-capture ATMs, they are rarely busy and are open 24/7.

We can feed in our usual stack of 6 or 7 checks in a minute or two, saving 4 or 5 minutes from doing it with a teller. And we walk away with a picture of the checks deposited, something you don’t get from the teller or your mobile phone. True, printed copies are redundant with the online images, but the paper records are reassuring for us and our bookkeeper.


Bottom line: I know that ATMs are enormously expensive to purchase, maintain and stock with fresh $20s. But it looks like their image-capture capability, combined with mobile remote deposit and check-image storage in online banking, has finally created a package that substantially reduces the need for the tellers they were named after.

Nutmeg Receives $5.3 Million in Funding from Pentech, Tim Draper, and Others

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Online investment management tool, Nutmeg, announced today that it has received $5.3 million (£3.4 million). 

Investors include:

    • Pentech
    • Daniel Aegerter (Swiss chairman of Armada Investment Group)
    • Tim Draper (an early investor in Skype in Europe and other notable startups)
    • Klaus Hommels (on Spotify’s board)

The startup will use the funds to help prepare for its UK launch later this summer.

To learn more about Nutmeg, watch its FinovateEurope 2012 demo.

Finovate Alumni News– June 19, 2012

  • Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for Finovate-F-Logo.jpgThis is Money Blog compares Zopa with RateSetter and Funding Circle.
  • Geosho brings location-based visualization to Tradeshift.
  • TechCrunch lists reasons why its okay to trust FutureAdvisor to manage your money.
  • Credit Union Journal reports Star One CU Launches Tyfone’s Mobile Banking.
  • American Banker reports Andera’s oFlows supports paperless account opening.
  • Kony and Wipro form partnership to speed up mobile app development.
This post will be updated throughout the day as news and developments emerge. You can also follow all the alumni news headlines on the Finovate Twitter account.

Kony and Wipro Form Partnership to Speed up Mobile App Development

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Last week mobile application management company, Kony Solutions, partnered with Wipro Technologies, a global technologies and outsourcing company. The partnership will enable Wipro to help developers in the U.S., U.K., Australia, and the Middle East build applications faster.

The joint solution will focus on mobile solutions for: 

    • Financial services
    • Healthcare and life sciencesThumbnail image for Thumbnail image for WiproLogo.jpg
    • Automotive
    • Retail
    • Utilities
    • Transportation

The two expect application development and rollout will accelerate by 40 to 70%.

To learn more about Kony Solutions or Wipro, watch Kony’s FinovateFall 2011 demo and Wipro’s FinovateEurope 2012 demo.