FinovateSpring 2015 / StockViews
Presenter Profile:
How they describe themselves: StockViews is a platform that harnesses the wisdom of crowds to give investors an edge in financial markets. We connect investors who are looking for stock ideas with independent analysts and small firms publishing equity research online. StockViews currently has over 500 analysts who actively issue ratings and publish research direct to our platform. Our ranking system measures the performance of every recommendation and provides a score for every piece of research. Investors use StockViews to cut through the noise and quickly identify the analysts and the research that are most likely to deliver alpha.
How they describe their product/innovation: The “StockViews Signal” aggregates the recommendations of our top-rated analysts into a unique and powerful buy or sell signal. Previous attempts to crowdsource market wisdom have failed because the result tends to mirror the conclusion already reached by the market (the market is itself a crowdsourcing mechanism). Instead of crowdsourcing opinion, we crowdsource alpha by aggregating only the opinions of those analysts who have demonstrated a consistent track record of beating the market.
Product distribution strategy: Direct to Business (B2B)
Bus. Dev., Press & Sales: Thomas Beevers, CEO & Co-Founder, [email protected]